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英语复试二十问 备用

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  • 上传时间:2021-04-25
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    • 1、虽然是给大家提供英语口语复试的参考资料,但也想把自己之前准备的中文自我介绍呈现给大家看看,希望能给大家一点小启示,如何去寻求自我介绍的亮点。我当时报考的是新传专业,所以我的自我介绍就以新闻四力的角度切入的,个人觉得这是一个会让老师眼前一亮的角度,如果有报考新传专业的小伙伴可以看看哈。各位老师好,非常荣幸能够参加本次复试。我叫XXX,来自重庆,本科就读于西南财经大学。作为一名新传学子,以下我将分别从新闻四力:脚力、眼力、脑力、笔力,四个方面作自我介绍。首先,脚力即深入实际的能力。大二暑假曾作为中国家庭金融调查与研究中心文字记者,走访湖南、江西等五省十余个城市,在杂志时风集上发表7篇人物专访和城市纪实,并以执行主编身份协助出版内刊万水千山总是晴。其次,眼力即对社会的观察力和判断力。我大二便与同学参与了校园公众号【XXX】的运营,在其中记录我们对世界的观察与思考。其中,个人原创文章累计阅读量破十万。再者,脑力即学习能力。本科期间曾连续6学期获得学业奖学金,专业综合排名10%。在校期间曾获优秀学生干部、三好学生、优秀毕业生等荣誉称号。最后,笔力即写作能力。曾任校报记者团编委会主任、新闻宣传中心

      2、新闻部部长。在西南财大报上发表文章十余篇;曾获校级征文一二等奖,其中勇做新时代的筑梦者 新思想的践行者荣获成都市新闻奖。未来,若能有幸进入复旦大学学习,我希望:首先,巩固理论框架,通过广泛阅读专著和期刊文献了解前沿研究理论。其次,加入课题组协助科研工作,并在导师指导下开展研究。最后,通过三年的系统学习,在进一步明确研究方向后,我希望能继续读博深造。当下,新闻与传播正经历百年未有大变局,我希望不仅作为一名见证者,更能成为有所作为的参与者。感谢各位老师的耐心聆听。英语口语首先,面对老师提问的时候不要紧张,万一没听清问题,可以用下面这句话请求老师复述一遍Sorry,I didnt catch,could you please repeat the question?1. 英文自我介绍Good afternoon, professors. It is my honor to be here. My name is XXX,born in Chongqing.In the year of 2015,I entered Southwestern University of Finance and

      3、Economics,majoring in Marketing. During those 4 yearsstudy,I worked hard and gained scholarship for many times.The reason why I chose interdisciplinary are based on my interest and ability. Firstly, as for me, it is my interest that helps me make this seemingly irrational decision. In terms of journalism, interdisciplinary is a major trend. And I do think economics is not an obstacle, but a complementary advantage, to my pursuit of journalism, not only for different modes of thinking, but also f

      4、or quantitative methods which can be combined with qualitative analysis.Secondly, in terms of ability, I joined the Press corps in the freshman year, laying a certain foundation for postgraduate study. But I know the limitations of my knowledge, thus I want to obtain a higher education to equip myself with knowledge.下午好,教授们。 很荣幸来到这里。 我的名字叫XXX,出生于重庆。2015年,我进入了西南财经大学,主修市场营销。 在那四年的学习中,我努力学习并获得了很多次奖学金。我选择跨学科的原因是基于我的兴趣和能力。(这主要是针对跨考的同学)首先,对我而言,正是我的兴趣帮助我做出了看似“非理性”的决定(这个决定就是跨考)。 就新闻而言,跨学科是一个主要趋势。 我确实认为,

      5、经济学对我攻读新闻学而言不是障碍,而是一种补充优势,不仅因为本科所学能为我学习新闻学提供更多元的思维方式,而且还可以提供与定性分析相结合的定量方法。其次,在能力方面,我在大一那年加入校报记者团,为研究生学习打下了一定的基础。 但是我知道我过往所学的局限性,因此我想读研深造。2.为何考研Why did you choose to take the postgraduate entrance exam/communication? (为什么考研/为什么选择传播学)Thanks for the question. It is mainly based on my interest and ability. Firstly, as for me, it is my interest that helps me make this seemingly irrational decisioninterdisciplinary learning. In terms of journalism, interdisciplinary is a major trend. And I do think ec

      6、onomics is not an obstacle, but a complementary advantage, to my pursuit of journalism, not only for different modes of thinking, but also for quantitative methods which can be combined with qualitative analysis.Secondly, in terms of ability, I joined the Press corps in the freshman year, laying a certain foundation for postgraduate study. Admittedly, I understand that there is a gap between me and undergraduates in Journalism or Communication, but I will turn this pressure into motivation.3.考学硕

      7、Why did you choose academic/professional master degree?(为什么学硕)Thanks for the question. It is said that the academic master requires the effort to theoretical research, while the professional master is more about putting into practice. Based on my personal preference and future career plan, I chose the academic one, because I want to achieve a doctoral degree in the future and make my own contribution to the development of journalism.But for Sichuan Academy of social sciences,with strong academic

      8、 atmosphere,I think professional master can also help me achieve this goal .如果是考专硕的话,可以强调一下实践性。以及联系一下自己过去相关的实习经历。4. 选学校Why did you choose this university?(为什么选复旦)Thanks for the question. Fudan Journalism School is not only the pioneer but the innovator of journalism in China, which makes me yearn for it. First of all, Fudan University is one of the earliest introducers of communication in China and has a profound historical heritage. Secondly, Fudan Universitys innovative academic atmosphere is

      9、what I yearn for and it can inspire me to make continuous progress.I think it is a suitable platform for me to improve myself. 为什么选择四川省社会科学院Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences was established in June 1978 and it is the leader in the study of philosophical and social sciences in the province.During my undergraduate period, I have shown some interest in development journalism and tried to pursue further study in this field. As I know, this is the predominant part in your school. And, you have so many excellent teachers and I want to be guided by them in theory and practice.Another special consideration is that this college is close to my hometown Chongqing.I find that my parents are getting older day by day,so I want to accompany them as much as possible.5. 为何跨考Why do you choose interdisciplinary?(为什么选择跨专业)一是兴趣,即我喜欢。表达自己对该专业的热情和对科研学术的热情。二是能力,即我能够。联系本科所学以及相关的实习经

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