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新视野大学英语第三版第一册第七单元Section A课件

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    • 1、,1,When honesty disappears,Unit 7 Section A,FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS AIR FORCE ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY,No legacy is so rich as honesty. William Shakespeare,If you tell the truth you dont have to remember anything. Mark Twain,1,7,UNIT,Hoping for the better,Section A,1,7,UNIT,When honesty disappears,To apply the phrases and patterns,Objectives,To discuss some social phenomenon about dishonesty,To further understand the text,To master the paragraph writing skill,Hoping for the be

      2、tter,Contents,Warming-up activities,Text study,Language application,Summary,Warming-up activities,Lead-in,Pre-reading activities,Cultural background,When honesty disappears,Section A,1. What does each picture depict?,Lead-in,Short Answer Questions,Tips,Lead-in,Some good virtues are vanishing; Honesty is not valued as much as before; Honesty disappears; Peoples morality is declining.,2. What are the common problems these pictures expose?,Short Answer Questions,1. What would you do if you dont wan

      3、t to go to a friends party which youve been invited to?,2. What would you do if the cashier at the supermarket forgets to charge you for one item?,Work individually. What would you do in the following situations? And whats your reason?,Work and Talk,Pre-reading activities,1. What would you do if you dont want to go to a friends party which youve been invited to?,Definitely decline the invitation; Create an excuse; Not appear rude.,Tips,Work and Talk,Pre-reading activities,2. What would you do if

      4、 the cashier at the supermarket forgets to charge you for one item?,Point out his or her mistake; Tell the cashier that one item has not been charged; I wouldnt feel comfortable to gain this petty advantage.,Tips,Work and Talk,Pre-reading activities,You must study to be frank with the world. _ is the child of honesty and courage. Say just what you mean to do on every occasion. If a friend asks a _, you should grant it if it is reasonable; if not, tell him plainly why you cannot. You would wrong

      5、him and wrong yourself by _ of any kind.,Pre-reading activities,Listen to a short passage concerning honesty and fill in the missing information.,Compound Dictation,Frankness,favor,equivocation,Never do a wrong thing to make a friend or keep one. The man who requires you to do so is dearly _. Deal kindly but firmly with all your classmates. You will find it the _ which wears best. Above all, do not appear to others what you are not.,Pre-reading activities,purchased at a sacrifice,policy,Listen t

      6、o a short passage concerning honesty and fill in the missing information.,Compound Dictation,If you have any fault to find with any one, tell him, not others, of what you complain. There is no more dangerous experiment than that of _ to do one thing before a mans face and another behind his back. We should say and do nothing to the _ of any one. It is not only a matter of _, but also the path of peace and honor.,Pre-reading activities,injury,Listen to a short passage concerning honesty and fill

      7、in the missing information.,Compound Dictation,undertaking,principle,Short answer questions:,Cultural background,1. How much do you know about Abraham Lincoln?,2. Whats Lincoln best known for?,3. What do American people think of the president?,Tips,Tips,Abraham Lincoln,Tips,Tips,Cultural background,How much do you know about Abraham Lincoln?,The 16th President of the United States ; Lead the country through the American Civil War; Preserve the Union ; End slavery.,Abraham Lincoln,Tips,Cultural b

      8、ackground,2. Whats Lincoln best known for?,Issuing The Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th amendment to the American constitution; Abolishing the slavery system.,Abraham Lincoln,Tips,Cultural background,3. What do American people think of the president?,One of the greatest American presidents; Have unique appeal for his fellow countrymen.,Abraham Lincoln,Main idea It seems that honesty is _. (Para.1),crowd,a rapidly vanishing value,Main Ideas of Part ,Main idea A clerk used the office postage

      9、 meter to pay the postage of his own; Travelers stole towels from a major hotel chain.,Main idea Some websites attract students with low price and promise them success.,Main Ideas of the Parts,Main idea buying term papers.,A clerk: Using the companys money to pay for his own Christmas cards.,Politicians: Demanding bribes.,Problem Corruption and dishonesty at all layers of society,Structure of the Text,Main idea we have higher incomes, but lower morals.,Functional Patterns,Language appreciation,Language focus,Language appreciation,Language focus,Language appreciation,Language focus,Language appreciation,Tips,Tips,Tips,1. In some universities, students are asked to sign an Honesty Declaration in the exam. Do you think this is an effective way to prevent cheating? Why or why not?,2. Sometimes people tell white lies to avoid hurting others

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