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    • 1、高中英语写作24个常见话题一、话题词汇1acknowledge vt.答谢;承认2address vt.写上地址;发表演说;称呼;n.地址3aggressive adj.好斗的;侵略性的4aid n&vt.援助;救护;辅助器具5apologize vi.道歉6apology n道歉;歉意7assist vt.帮助,协助8assistance n帮助,援助,支持9ban n禁令;vt.禁止;取缔10beg vt.请求;祈求;乞讨11breakup n关系破裂12caution n警告,谨慎,小心13civilisationn文明14command n&vt.命令15communicate v交际;传达(感情、信息等)16conversation n对话17custom n风俗;习惯18demand vt.要求19departure n离开,出发20dialvt.&vi.拨(电话号码)21effect n影响22embarrassing adj.令人尴尬的;难堪的23excuse vt.原谅;宽恕;n.借口;辩解24expression n表达;词句;表情25forbid vt.禁止,不许

      2、26formal adj.正式的;正规的27gossip n闲话28greet vt.问候;向致敬29greeting n祝贺;问候30hurt vt.伤害31ignore v忽略;不理睬32interrupt v打断;打扰;中断;阻断33introduction n介绍;引进34invite vt.邀请35noble adj.高贵的;崇高的;贵族的36offer n&vt.提供;建议37pardon n原谅,宽恕,对不起38part vi.分离;分开39personally adv.就个人而言40plain n平原;adj.清楚的;易懂的;简朴的;朴素的41private adj.私人的;个人的;私有的;不公开的;秘密的42promise n&v答应,允诺43reason vi.评理,劝说;n.理由,原因44reasonable adj.合乎情理的45regard n问候,致意46reject vt.拒绝47rejection n拒绝48respects n敬意49rumor n传言50shameful adj.可耻的51spread vt.传播52simple adj.简单的;朴素

      3、的;淳朴的53slight adj.轻微的;少量的54suggest vt.建议,提议55suggestion n建议56thankful adj.感谢的,感激的57warn vt.警告58. administration管理,行政部门59.authority权威,权利,当局,官方60.government政府61.media媒体62.news新闻63.civilian平民,老百姓64.custom习惯,习俗65.religion宗教66.reputation名声67.security平安,安全,保护措施68.contribute贡献69.advocate提倡,主张70.declare宣布,宣称71.elect选举72.permit许可,允许73.strike敲,罢工74.employ雇佣75.insure给保险76.vote投票77.corrupt(使)腐败78.nationwide全国性的79.private私人的80.social社会的81.political政治的82.official官方的83.religious宗教的84.moral道德的85.chief主要的,首席的86.

      4、secure安心的,牢固的87.average平均的二、话题词组/短语disadvantaged groups弱势群体spare no efforts to do sth.不遗余力做某事volunteer to do sth.自愿做某事be responsible for对负责take it for granted认为是理所当然make a difference to对有影响owe sth.to sb.将某事归功于某人satisfymeet the needs(of)满足需求since reform and opening-up自改革开放以来arise fromresult from由引起risegrow steadily; the steady growth(of)稳步增长take an active part in the social practice积极参加社会实践make contributions to the society为社会作贡献adjust oneself to the new life调整自己适应新生活with the rapid developmentgrow

      5、th of economy随着经济的快速发展三、话题佳句/句式经典句式:1不定式作目的状语To avoid such conflicts,we should be kind to one another,which is essential to enjoying a harmonious life.为了避免这样的冲突,我们应该彼此友好,这是享有和谐生活的必要条件。2It isn.to do sth.It is also a virtue to forgive and forget,especially in such a competitive and stressful society.原谅和宽恕也是一种美德,尤其是在这样一个充满竞争和压力的社会。3The majority ofn.作主语The majority of students believe that interest will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills,which may put them in

      6、a favorable position in the future job market.大部分学生相信,兴趣会使他们有更多机会发展人际交往能力,而这对他们未来找工作是非常有好处的。4not.until.I didnt realize the importance of cooperating with others until I was chosen monitor of my class in my senior middle school.直到上高中时我被选为班长,我才意识到与他人合作的重要性。佳句分享:1.Being blind, she never sat around feeling sorry for herself. 虽然双眼失明,她却没有闲坐在那里,自怨自艾。2.My goal/aim is to be able to be admitted to Tsinghua University.我的目标就是能够被清华大学录取。3.We should find proper ways to deal with this problem.我们应该找到合适的方法来处理这个问题

      7、。4. We consider it rude for the disabled to be made fun of by others.我们认为取笑残疾人是一种很粗鲁的行为。5. He has devoted his life to helping the disabled.他一生都献身于帮助残疾人。6.The main reason why students cheat in examinations is that social environment is becoming worse. 学生作弊的主要原因是社会环境日益败坏。7.Only by living up to the three requirements, can we expect Taiwan to take on a new look. 唯有符合此三点要求,我们才期望台湾有新面貌。8.There is no denying that the qualities of our living have been improved.不可否认,我们的生活质量已经提高了。9.The progress of the soc

      8、iety is based on harmony.社会的进步是以和谐为基础的。10. In addition, we should not neglect that everyone wants a friendly and peaceful society.此外,我们不应忽视每个个都想要一个温馨祥和的社会。11.There is no doubt that honesty still plays a very important role in public morality.毫无疑问,诚实在公共道德方面依然起着重要作用。四、连句成篇1. 自改革开放以来,随着经济的快速发展和稳步增长,社会要求我们有更多的社会责任感。2. 我们要调整自己以适应社会的发展。3. 另外,我们应该不遗余力地为社会做贡献,满足社会发展的需求。4. 除了保护我们的生存环境外,我还应尽力帮助弱势群体。5. 人们普遍认为,只有对自己和社会负责,才能让我们的生活更美好。(only倒装句)Since reform and opening-up, with the rapid development and the steady growth of economy, society has required more responsibility of us. We should adjust ourselves to the development of society.Furthermore, we shouldspare no effort tomake contributions to the society to satisfy/ meet the needs of development.Aside fromprotecting our living environment, disadvantaged groups also need our help.It is commonly believed that only ifwe are responsible for ourselves as well as societycan wemake our lives better.


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