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    • 1、2019-2020学年山西省大同市第一中学高一3月网上考试英语试题第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 60 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 45 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。ANursing is a popular choice for students who desire a practical and professional degree that will allow them to help people. Here are some best colleges for a degree in nursing.Simmons CollegeSimmons College is a private womens college founded in Boston in 1899.Nursing is a topranking major at the college as well as the most popular. The average nursing graduate from Simmons ma

      2、kes $58,000 in their early career.Villanova UniversityVillanova is a private research university located in Philadelphia. Nursing is a popular major, and students are offered an online degree as well. The average nursing graduate from Villanova makes$63,000 in their early career.University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA)The UCLA School of Nursing is known for its excellent education provided by some leaders in the medical field. The fouryear programs allow students to focus on medical issues th

      3、rough classroom learning and clinical training. Completion of the BS.(理学士) degree in nursing prepares students for the National Council Licensing Examination or continuation of the masters or doctoraldegrees at UCLA.A nursing degree from UCLA leads to positions in various hospitals, clinics and medical institutions, with the midcareer salary averaging $86,000.Fairfield UniversityFounded in 1942, Fairfield University is a liberal arts university rooted in the Jesuit, Catholic tradition. The Schoo

      4、l of Nursing offers established programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The B.S. programs equip students with skills and ethics (道德规范) to prepare them for the medical field. At most 10 students are taught in a class using the latest medical technology to providea strong theorybased knowledge. Graduates of Fairfield find numerous employment opportunities within the field and earn an average starting salary of $62,000 and midcareer salary of $83,000.1. Where should Mary go for a de

      5、gree in nursing if she is busy looking after children at home?A. Simmons College.B. Villanova University.C. The UCLA School of Nursing.D. Fairfield University.2. What do we know about the UCLA School of Nursing?A. Its university fee is the highest.B. It is devoted to the B.S. degree alone.C. It provides theoretical and practical learning.D. Its nursing students are only in demand in hospitals.3. What is special about Fairfield University?A. It is the most promising university of all.B. It provid

      6、es numerous employment opportunities.C. It focuses on programs at the graduate levels.D. It has smallsized classes for nursing students.BHenrietta Swan Leavitt was born on July 4, 1869, in Massachusetts. Little is known about her private life. As a college student, she studied a number of subjects and fell in love with astronomy.Leavitt never married and was considered a serious woman with little time to waste on unimportant aspects of life. Her coworkers described her as pleasant and friendly,

      7、and much focused on the importance of the work she was doing. She began to lose her hearing as a young woman due to a condition that only worsened with time.In 1893, she began working at Harvard College Observatory under the direction of astronomerE.C. Pickering. He directed a group of women, who were called “computers”These “computers” conducted important astronomy research by studying photographic plates (照相底片) of the sky and cataloging ( 编 目 录 ) characteristics of stars. The women were not al

      8、lowed to operate telescopes, which limited their ability to conduct their own research. They lived at a time when womenscontributions were undervalued or ignored.Henrietta Leavitt continued her research until just before her death, always thinking of herself as an astronomer, despite her start as a nameless “computer” in Pickerings department. While Leavittwas not officially recognized during her life for her work, Harlow Shapley, the astronomer who was the Harvard College Observatory director,

      9、did recognize her worth and made her head of Stellar Photometry in 1921.At that time Leavitt was suffering from cancer, and she died at the same year. This prevented her from being recognized as a Nobel Prize owner for her contributions. After her death, her name was placed on a lunar crater (月球陨石坑), and asteroid (小行星) 5383 Leavitt carries her name. At least one book has been published about her and her name is usually mentioned as part of the history of astronomical contributions.4. What can we learn about Leavitt?A. She was hard to get along with.B. She suffered from cancer in childhood.C. She never regarded herself as an astronomer.D. She became interested in astronomy at college.5. Why were the women regarded as “computers”?A. They devoted themselves to science.B. They were looked down upon by others.C. They used to serve as working computers.D. Th


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