安卓APP | ios版本
安卓APP | ios版本


  • 卖家[上传人]:huang****ling
  • 文档编号:127038679
  • 上传时间:2020-03-30
  • 文档格式:PDF
  • 文档大小:33.01KB
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    • 1、完形填空 二 完形填空 共15 小题 每小题1 分 满分15 分 阅读短文 掌握其大意 然后从A B C D 中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 Ray had a wonderful family and lived very happily He hadfour grandchildren and they all came to see him 11theirholidays One day Ray was preparing to welcome them asusual cleaning the house and cooking delicious food 12hewas working he lost his favorite watch which was a13fromhis deceased 已故的 wife Ray loved the watch very much and he was very sad When his grandchildren arrived they 14him theywould find the watch One granddaugh

      2、ter asked Grandpa where did you see the watch last15it went missing Ray replied Maybe in the barn 谷仓 The children searched there for more than two hour 16 Could not find it One of his grandsons wanted to search the barn 17 and Ray asked why he was going there The little boy didn t explain but asked 18 not to follow him A moment later he rushed back to his grandfather I found it he shouted pay was 19 and asked how he made it The little boy replied I stood in the barn 20 making any noise and tried

      3、 my best to keep silent After a few 21 I heard the sound of tick tick At last I 22 the watch from the hay 干草 After hearing his words Ray hugged The little boy and 23him very much The story tells us if we 24 calm 冷静的 we can fired a solution This shows the power of 25 11 A betweenB duringC amongD past 12 A UnlessB OverC WhileD Still 13 A reportB giftC letterD message 14 A suggested B doubtedC expectedD promised 15 A afterB beforeC untilD since 16 A and B so C orD but 17 A everB againC alreadyD alw

      4、ays 18 A otherB anotherC the other D the others 19 A angryB boredC unhappyD surprised 20 A without B by C aboutD except 21 A weeksB daysC hoursD minutes 22 A looked up B tuned up C picked up D made up 23 A acceptedB thankedC savedD protected 24 A stop B sendC stayD seem 25 A habit B decisionC silence D sup0estion 11 B 12 C 13 B 14 D15 B 16 D 17 B 18 D 19 D 20 A 21 D22 C 23 B 24 C 25 C 2018 二 完形填空 阅读短文 掌握其大意 然后从A B C D 中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 One day a hunter went hunting with his dog He saw a rabbit run

      5、ning out of a bush not far in front and 11 raised his gun to shoot The rabbit was hurt It ran away 12 The hunter waved to the dog to 13 it The well trained dog rushed like an arrow running very fast and full of 14 The rabbit ran so desperately 拼命地 that it 15 not to have been hurt at all However the dog was surprisingly left behind Gradually 逐渐地 the dog was losing sight of 看不见 the rabbit At last when the dog 16 empty handed the hunter was angry and blamed 责备 it How 17 Unable to catch an injured r

      6、abbit No supper for you Feeling sad the dog tried to explain for 18 Though I didn t catch it I had done my best When the rabbit got home all the other rabbits were surprised at its 19 They were dying to ask How did you 20 to run away when the dog almost caught you it s unbelievable The dog would only be blamed for not catching me at most 21 all it did was to do its best The situation is completely different 22 me I would surely lose my life 23 I was caught I had to go all out 竭尽全力 We can learn a

      7、 lesson for our daily life from the story Have we ever examined ourselves and asked 24 we did our best or went all out when we looked for a n 25 for our failure 11 A slowly B quickly C easily D strangely 12 A in order B in need C in fear D in surprise 13 A bark at B look at C look after D run after 14 A knowledge B kindness C humor D confidence 15 A seemed B became C tasted D sounded 16 A followed B left C returned D waited 17 A careless B useless C homeless D harmless 18 A itself B it C himself

      8、 D him 19 A sadness B luck C worry D patience 20 A succeed B fail C manage D suggest 21 A but B or C yet D so 22 A from B for C as D of 23 A though B unless C until D if 24 A whether B that C what D where 25 A respect B hope C excuse D effect 答案 11 B 12 C 13 D 14 D 15 A 16 C 17 B 18 A 19 B 20 C 21 D 22 B 23 D 24 A 25 C 解析 分析 本文介绍了有一天 猎人带着他的狗去打猎 猎人让他的狗去追一只受伤的兔子 但狗却没有追到 这个故事告诉我们 在遇到问题时 只是尽力和竭尽所能所得到的结果是截然不同的 11 题详解 句意 他看见一只兔子从不远处的灌木丛里跑出来的时候 迅速举起枪射击 A slowly 缓慢地 B quickly 快速地 C easily 容易地 D strangel

      9、y 奇怪地 结合上下文可推断 猎人看到一只兔子从前 面不远处的一个灌木丛中跑了出来 他应该是 快速地 举起枪射击 故选 B 12 题详解 句意 它恐惧地跑开了 A in order 按顺序 B in need 在危难中 C in fear 害怕地 D in surprise 惊讶 地 兔子受伤了 因此它 惊慌失措地 逃跑了 故答案为 C 13 题详解 句意 猎人向狗挥手追赶它 A bark at 吠叫 B look at 看 C look after 照顾 D run after 追赶 结 合下文的句子The well trained dog rushed like an arrow running very fast 这只训练有素的狗像箭一样 奔跑 跑得很快 可推断 猎人挥手让狗去 追赶 兔子 故选 D 14 题详解 句意 训练有素的狗像箭一样奔跑 跑得很快 充满信心 A knowledge 知识 B kindness 友善 C humor 幽默 D confidence 信心 结合上下文的描述可知 训练有素的狗像箭一样冲了出去 跑 得很快 满怀 自信 故所缺的词是confidenc

      10、e 故选 D 15 题详解 句意 兔子拼命奔跑 似乎一点也没有受伤 A seemed 好像 B became 变得 C tasted 尝起来 D sounded 听起来 结合句意可知 兔子跑得太拼命了 就 好像 根本没有受伤一样 故选 A 16 题详解 句意 最后 当那只狗空手而归时 猎人生气了 责怪它 A followed 跟随 B left 离开 C returned 回来 D waited 等待 结合句意可知 只有当狗回来的时候 猎人看到狗是空手的 所以才会生气 故选 C 17 题详解 句意 真没用 抓不到受伤的兔子 不要给你吃晚饭 A careless 粗心的 B useless无用的 C homeless 无家可归的 D hopeless 没有希望的 结合上下文可推断 猎人很生气 狗连一只受伤的兔子都捉 不住 责备狗太 没用 了 故选 B 18 题详解 句意 狗感觉很难过 试图给自己解释说 虽然我没有捉住它 我已经尽了最大的努力 A itself 它自己 B it 它 C himself 他自己 D him 他 根据句子Though I didn t catch it I h


    信息化课堂中的合作学习结业作业七年级语文 发车时刻表 长途客运 入党志愿书填写模板精品 庆祝建党101周年多体裁诗歌朗诵素材汇编10篇唯一微庆祝 智能家居系统本科论文 心得感悟 雁楠中学 20230513224122 2022 公安主题党日 部编版四年级第三单元综合性学习课件 机关事务中心2022年全面依法治区工作总结及来年工作安排 入党积极分子自我推荐 世界水日ppt 关于构建更高水平的全民健身公共服务体系的意见 空气单元分析 哈里德课件 2022年乡村振兴驻村工作计划 空气教材分析 五年级下册科学教材分析 退役军人事务局季度工作总结 集装箱房合同 2021年财务报表 2022年继续教育公需课 2022年公需课 2022年日历每月一张 名词性从句在写作中的应用 局域网技术与局域网组建 施工网格 薪资体系 运维实施方案 硫酸安全技术 柔韧训练 既有居住建筑节能改造技术规程 建筑工地疫情防控 大型工程技术风险 磷酸二氢钾 2022年小学三年级语文下册教学总结例文 少儿美术-小花 2022年环保倡议书模板六篇 2022年监理辞职报告精选 2022年畅想未来记叙文精品 企业信息化建设与管理课程实验指导书范本 草房子读后感-第1篇 小数乘整数教学PPT课件人教版五年级数学上册 2022年教师个人工作计划范本-工作计划 国学小名士经典诵读电视大赛观后感诵读经典传承美德 医疗质量管理制度 2 2022年小学体育教师学期工作总结
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