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九年级英语上册初三 完形填空 02(含答案)

  • 卖家[上传人]:英****
  • 文档编号:117890550
  • 上传时间:2019-12-11
  • 文档格式:DOCX
  • 文档大小:19.33KB
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    • 1、九年级上册 完形填空 02一、语法选择(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从115各题选项中选出最佳答案。Ones attitude is always important. If you are lazy and weak, you will never taste any success. But if you are hardworking, success and happiness will be more likely to come to you.I love eating persimmons(柿子). But you cant get them until autumn. If you try them before the right time, they probably 1_bad. In Grade 9, because of my poor grades, my parents were worried that I wouldnt be able to get into _ 2 _excellent h

      2、igh school. They pushed me to study hard, but I didnt really understand 3 they were so anxious. Summer came. and I studied even 4 . The hot weather made me 5 sleepy and I couldnt focus on my textbooks. But every time I wanted to stop 6 , Mom would shout, Hey you! Think about your future, if you dont work hard, youll regret it! I had to sit back down again and return to my textbooks 7 were full of words. But all I 8 about was playing with my friends and eating persimmons.My mom would say to me, 9

      3、 a serious look on her face, you 10 get any fruit in autumn unless a persimmon tree grow in summer! Only by hard work can you get the good result of your work.”Although I didnt understand it at that time, I gradually came to see the truth of her words. A few months later, I 11 got into the key high school. It was autumn.Walking in my new school, I could see quite a few persimmon trees. It was 12 a red fruit that it looked as if it was on fire. Suddenly, I realized that working hard may be bitter

      4、 but 13 fruit is sweet. My mom was right, if a persimmon tree doesnt grow during summer, it cant bear fruit in autumn. I smiled. I had grown through the summer 14 now it was autumn. The fruits of my labors could 15 _by me now!1.A. taste B. tasted C. taste D. have tasted2.A.a B. an C. the D./3. A. what B. if C why D. that4. A harder B. hardly C. hard D .more hardly5. A. feeling B. to feel C. felt D. feel6. A to work B working C work D. worked7. A whose B where C what D. which8. A think B thought

      5、C thinking D. to think9 A. with B. to C. about D.in10. A. mustn t B. neednt C. wont D. shouldnt11. A. success B. succeed C. successful D. successfully12. A. very B. such C. so D. too13. A. his B. her C. its D. their14Abut B. however C. or D. and15. A. be enjoyed B. enjoy C. enjoying D. enjoyed【答案与解析】15 CBCAD610BDBAC1115DBCDA短文大意:本文以吃柿子设喻,夹叙夹议,指出如果个人努力,成功和幸福会降临到自己身上,说明态度的重要性;反之,如果懒惰软弱,则永远不会成功。1 句意如果你在正确的时间之前吃,它们可能会很不难吃。考查动词形式。本文时态是一般现在时,they 是复教人称,动词需用原形;故选C2,句意:我的父母担心我不能进入一个优秀高中。考查词辨析题。school是单数

      6、名词,形容词excellent 以元音音素开头,需用不定冠词an修怖;根据句意语墳,可知选B。3,句意 他们督促我更加努力学习,但我不明白他们为什么如此焦虑。考查宾语从句引导词。A what表事物 B. how表方式状态;C. why表原因;D that无实义。本句表示不知道原因,根据语境,可选C。4, A 根据语境 even修饰比较级。5,D 句意:炎热的天气使我昏昏欲睡。考查动词形式辦析题。make使让,使役动词;make sb do sth让某人做某事,固定表达;根据句意语境,可知选D。6 句意:但每次我想停止工作,妈妈会大喊考查动词形式。stop to do停下来去做某事(另一件事),stop doing停止做某事(正在做的事)。本句是指停止学习,根据句意语境,可选B。7,D 定语从句先行词指物,故用which引导。8, B 句意:但我想的只是和朋友们一起玩,吃柿子。用一般过去时9,A 带,具有10,C unless 引导条件状语从句。主将从现。故用一般将来时。11,D 修饰动词用副词。12,B so。that such。that such后面用名词。13,C 它的。根据语境指

      7、辛勤劳动。14,句意:我整个夏天都在成长,现在是秋天了。考查至连词题。A and和而且,表并列;B. however然而, 表转折,or 或者表选择 D.so所以,表结果。此处两句是并列结构,需用and连接; 根据句意语墳,可如选A。15,句意。我可以享受我的劳动果实。考查情态动词的被动语态。The fruit是动词enjoy的受动者,需用被动语态。could是情态动词,需用be+done结构;根据句意语境 选A二、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Young people are often unhappy when they are with their parents. They 16 that their parents dont understand them. They often think their parents are too strict with them, and they are never given a 17 hand.Parents often find it 18

      8、to win their childrens trust and they seem to forget how they themselves felt when they were young. For example, young people like to do things without much thinking. Its probably one of their ways to 19 that they have grown up and they can deal with any difficult things. Older people worry more easily. Most of them plan things ahead and dont like their plans to be 20 .Young people often make their parents angry by clothes they want, the music they enjoy and something else. 21 , they dont want to cause any trouble. They just feel that 22 this way, they can be cut off from the old peoples world and want to make a new culture of their own. And 23 their parents dont like their music, clothes or their manner of speech, the young people will feel very happy.If you plan to control your 24 , youd better win your parents over and try to get them to understand you. If your parents see th

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