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With the reflection of education of classroom of English of new concept guidance

  • 卖家[上传人]:豆浆
  • 文档编号:11741639
  • 上传时间:2017-10-14
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  • 文档大小:30.50KB
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    • 1、精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询With the reflection of education of classroom of English of new concept guidanceSummary: English serves as a language, have agile, changeful characteristic, can use oneself has learned knowledge undertakes to same language condition much azimuth, much angle, much lateral thinks, find pattern of English language change from inside its symmetrical, harmonious, forthright, harmonious form. Scientific study method is the bridge that leads to a success. The teachers successf

      2、ul education should understand a student above all, the condition that analyses a student reachs his to study the law, let a student master accurate study method as early as possible, accomplish meeting study, the rhythm that masters English of academic be used to and the interest sex that learn English and success feel, successive, promote the English of oneself quality. Keyword: New tax of high school English changes professional guidanceOne, activate circumstances, arouse learn affectionCircu

      3、mstances of 1. activate problem“Thinking is begun by the problem from beginning to end, had the problem that need solves, ability arouses the 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询enthusiasm of thinking. “ the essence of education process offers the problem, analysis problem, course that solves a problem namely. High school student had had certain lexical base, when undertaking reading text education, the teacher can use the method of thick lines, still give a student the power of study, allow a student “ u

      4、nripe ask unripe answer “ in order to finish the understanding of pair of education content. Him query answers him student, make the students enthusiasm and autonomy got be developinged adequately on one hand, study strength is very full; On the other hand, this kind of method let a student understand full text not only, and hear training is perforative also go in reading education, trained a student integratedly hear of literacy. Circumstances of 2. activate researchActivate research circumstan

      5、ces, let a student experience the whole process that own make a thorough inquiry, practice drills, can obtain pair of specific words conditions to arrive from sensibility rational complete understanding. If be on the basis that understood whole implied meaning, the teacher can let a student consult the data related the article, consult next the article writes 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询an essay, still can use article theme, let a student keep the place that writes his to once had been visited, bu

      6、siness that he once had experienced. Through be being participated in personally, the student had farther knowledge to text content not only, its created potential to also get fostering. Through circumstances education is being implemented in education of high school English, english study manner of the student produced change, study interest of the student got rising, main body action of the student got be developinged adequately, can accomplish basically “ happy learn “ , “ can learn “ . The a

      7、rticle undertook to the application of education of the circumstances in education of high school English a few discuss, expect to be able to be opposite practice of education of high school English benefits somewhat, in order to achieve the goal of cast a brick to attract jade-offer a few commonplace remarks by way of introduction so that others may come up with valuable opinions. 2, aggrandizement spoken language trains, abound language functionThe language content of same meaning should handl

      8、e a 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询variety of different language functions in intercourse activity, make the language conveys rich and colorful, if pedagogic command is OK,express with a certain number of sentence pattern. Most teacher thinks these language functions want to appear in teaching material only, the student can review naturally from which, this kind thinks student nature turns into language input the process that the language recruits is a kind of biasedding idea. Pedagogic help, set an

      9、example reach guiding is the assurance that the student will change inside language function, accordingly, want to make the student absorbs function of how many language, the teacher must be in activity of intercourse of each other of teachers and students input function of how many language frequent ground, purposefully. Accidence education should be united in wedlock with photograph of activity of intercourse of classroom of teachers and students, the implication that accidence education explains a term one by one by the teacher before the change and all sorts of usage, lift a few example or the interpret of English-Chinese each other that have a sentence next, often the life that the content of these sentences breaks away from a student and 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询experience, the content to these sentences carries the student not to have interest, feel dry. This kind of passive language is inputted, receiving heterodyne is the circumstance in expect. If b

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