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unit 14 Package Design for studentsbo.ppt

  • 卖家[上传人]:笑****
  • 文档编号:114885504
  • 上传时间:2019-11-12
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    • 1、Integrated Skills of English 4 Teaching plan in this term Unit 14 package design Unit 3 Time to stop Excuses for Lateness Unit 10 The Dream of an Hour Unit 1 I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud Unit 2 Mr. Boggiss Secret Unit 4 Hummingbird Winter Unit 5 The power of a Good Name Course goals and requirements Oral work: You are expected to take an active part in the activities in and out of class, e.g., retelling work, critical comment on the ideas conveyed in the passage, free group discussion, etc. Writ

      2、ten work: You are expected to write brief summaries of each passage in part two, to write critical comment on the ideas convey in each passage Language work: You are expected to finish the exercises alone or in group, to finish the Extended exercises in Ss book and workbook on time. TEM-4 work: You are expected to do more TEM-4 test papers. Course assessment Course assessment = process assessment (20%) + mid-term exam (20%) + final exam (60%) Unit One Package Design Unit topics Talking about the

      3、 relationship between appearance and content Describing objects, animals and people. Talking about the use of small objects in life. Task 1 Directions: group together and have a discussion of how to describe the appearances of objects, things and people Topic Appearance of objects, animals or human beings Material/ texture shape size color Expressions of size colossal, huge, vast, enormous, gigantic, immense, stout, chubby, plump, bulky, roly-poly, titan, mammoth, elephantine, small, miniature,

      4、diminutive, midget, tiny, teeny-weeny Expressions of shape crooked(弯曲的), oval, undulating(波浪 形的), angular, square, round, rectangle, hooked, humped(有肉峰的), pointed, oblong, linear, symmetrical, truncated(截平的,平头的), bowlegged (弓形腿的), snub-nosed(塌鼻的), hunchbacked, curved, bulging(突出的), five feet long, two feet high and four feet wide, a space six by ten feet Expressions of material/texture wood, paper, plastic, fabric, silk, rayon (人造丝),batik (蜡染印花布), nylon, wool, onionskin (薄的半透明 纸), cotton, tissue

      5、, parchment(羊皮 纸), , silky, velvety, smooth, coarse, grainy, gritty, rough Prepositional phrases of appearances like velvet, in yellow, on the crooked path, With plastic, towards obesity, along with a snub-nose 狮 子鼻 Figurative language (The con-man was) as smooth as silk, (His ego was) colossal, a midget in the land of titans, crooked (smile), serpentine-like (thinking), shaped like an hourglass, (He ate) like a horse, (ran) like a snail Task 2 Directions: group together and discuss “Why and whe

      6、n do people use similes and metaphors?” Task 3Practice Directions: Describe objects, animals and people with the expressions or phrases learned in this section. Listening UFO, alien and you UFO, alien and you Task 4Listen to the recording and answer the following questions. Describe one of the aliens referred to in the recording. What did the fairy-like alien reportedly say about the appearance of the human being? What does one of the UFOs mentioned in the recording look like? Where do aliens an

      7、d UFOs come from according to some people? Listening script Have you ever seen a UFO or an alien? Many people around the world claim they have. What did they see? Some people have said they saw a spinning silver disc in the sky and a pointed-eared, cat-eyed alien. Others claim seeing a one-eyed, colossal creature with an elongated head walking out of an oval-shaped disk. Still others report seeing a midget-sized, green man with velvet skin floating around an orb of bright white light. One person

      8、 even reported having a conversation with a fairy-like alien. The alien kept repeating, “Dont be alarmed. Dont panic. You look as strange to me as I do to you. Your head is so tiny, your body so bulky. Your legs so long and thin and they look so weak, your skin so pink and hairy and you have bulging eyes.“ One UFO reportedly landed in American Samoa, near a tiny fishing village tucked between the blue ocean and steep cliffs. The village natives believe the area where it landed is a holy place an

      9、d that the alien visitors must have known this. Magical red stones are found there, and they claim that these stones contain spiritual energies which have aided mental and physical healing for generations. The natives long ago built a huge stone circle at the site and a Snake Mound, a snake-like sculpture five feet high and fifty feet wide. The form begins with an open mouth and, after going through seven major curves, ends 1,300 feet later with a tightly coiled tail. The UFO landed, they said, in front of the open mouth of the snake-like sculpture. Are these people who are reporting UFO and alien sightings having visions? Is this a case of mass hysteria or delusion? Or have they in fact seen beings from outer space and alien spacecraft? Some people believe they are real and come not from other worlds in our universe but from unseen, other dimensions of reality. Science cannot explain it. Indeed, science

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