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牛津版 高中英语 电子课本 模块十 M10U1

  • 卖家[上传人]:ha****a
  • 文档编号:112028727
  • 上传时间:2019-11-04
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    • 1、Teach a man to fishIn 1985,there was little rainfall in Ethiopia,which led to poor harvests and the death of many of the countrys cattle.The gravity of tha situation shocked Bob Geldof,an Irish musician,so he organized a charity concert called Live Aid to raise money for the victims of hunger in Ethiopia.The concert took place on 13 July 1985 in two places-London and Philadelphia-and included the biggest stars of the time.Geldof intended the concert to raise money for hunger relief and to make t

      2、he public more aware of the problem.In the end,$100 million was raised, which was uesd to buy food and to provide help with development projects in Ethiopia.The concert also made the headliness around the world,and put great pressure on politicians and statesmen to do something about the problem of world hunger. Live Aid was in 1985,but for many people in the developing world,disease and poverty are still a serious problem.According to the United Nations,ten million people die every year of star

      3、vation or problems related to having a poor diet.In fact,hunger is the worlds number one health risk,killing more people than any disease. In wrestling with the dilemma of worldwide hunger,the United Nations set up an agency called the World Food Programme(WFP)in 1963.The WFP has organized a number of programmes,including the Food-for-Live programme,whichsends emergency food aid to countries during times of trouble;the Food-for-Growth programme,which targets people most at risk,such as babies,pr

      4、egnant women and old people;and the Food-for-Work programme,which helps people without jobs support themselves by giving them work and paying them in food aid.Through programmes like these,the WEP has helped more than one billion people since it was set up.This is beyond doubt an amazing achievement,but is it enough? Today,some developing countries in Africa,Asia and South America stand at a crossroads.While they are seeing great development,they are still poorer than many countries in other par

      5、ts of the world,and there is a danger that they coud fall further behind developed countries.They need help,but the sad truth is that merely sending loaves of bread is not enouth,It is only a short-term solution to a long-term problem.There is a saying that goes,Give aman a fish,and you feed him for a day.Teach aman to fish,and you feed him for the rest of his life.In order to find a permanent solution to this long-term problem,countries ned to develop so that they can either grow the food they

      6、need,or have enough money to buy this on the world market. What developing countries really need to do is to stop poverty by fighting the causes of it.One way to help a country develop is to improve its infrastructure.The infrastructure of a country is what makes everything run well,and it includes things like transport,irrigation,electricity,telephones and schools.These things provide a framework for new jobs to be created,allowing people to help themselves so that they no longer need to depend

      7、 on others. Anther way to help a country is through the development of private enterprise along with job training in order to address the problem of unemployment.For example,in Afghanistan,housewives and widows have been taught to sew clothing,which they can sell for extra income.In eastern Nigeria,young people are being trained to use computer technology to develop their problem-solving and communication skills,and to find new occupationa in the field of technology.In South Africa,a community p

      8、rogramme is programme providing training and help for pople without jobs or homes,so that thy can learn to make worka of art to sell to tourists.Although this is a bit different from conventional businesses,the programme is growing fast,and many people have been quite successful in it. Finally,we must remember that the future of a country lies in the hands of its children.This is why education and training for young people is so important. There are hundreds of success stories from all over the

      9、developing world,showing that a lot is being done to fight poverty,yet we cannot pretend that the fight is over.Poverty is still killing pople.However,these small victories are a good start towards a better future,as they are not the result of giving a man a single fish so that he can eat for a day.They are the result of teaching a man to fish so that he can fill his belly for a lifetime. A gift for the futureIn the next several decades,the worlds population will increase to about nine billion people.This should set alarm bella ringing,since the bare fact is that in order for everone to survive,serious adjustments need to bbe made in worldwide development.This development needs to be different from past development,which polluted the environment and wasted natural resources.One possible solution to this problem now being discussed is sustainable development.Sustainable development focuses on preserving the environment and natural resour

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