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    • 1、Unit 5,Grammar,The Attributive Clause,Underline the attributive clauses:,Dont forget the things that once you owned. Treasure the things that you cant get. Dont give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.,曾经拥有的,不要忘记。不能得到的, 更要珍惜。属于自己的,不要放弃。 已经失去的,留作回忆。,The Attributive clause,语法讲解 定语从句(the attributive clause), 被定语从句限定的词是_ ,引导定语从句的词叫做 _ 或 _。, 关系代词和关系副词有三大作用,即连接(连接定语从句和主句)、替代(替代前面的 先行词)、成分(在定语从句中要充当一定的句子成分)。,在复合句中,充当_ 用的从句是定语从句,“先行词”,“关系代词”,“关系副词”,形容词,Revision1 relati

      2、ve pronoun,who,whom,which,that,whose,relative adverb,when,where,why,time,place,reason,时间状语,地点状语,原因状语,考点一:that 和 which,以下情况,引导词用that,不用which。 1.先行词为不定代词 everything,little, much,all,anything,nothing, none, few时,5. 先行词前有形容词最高级、序数词修饰时,先行词被 all, any , every, little, much, no, some, the only,the very, the last 修饰时,,2.先行词同时指人和指物时,,3. 在以which / who 为疑问词的特殊疑问句中,4.在there is / here is / it is 句型中,1. This is all _ I know about the matter. A. that B. what C. who D. whether 2. Is there anything else _ you req

      3、uire? A. which B. that C. who D. what 3. The last place _ we visited was the Great Wall. A. which B. that C. where D. it,Exercise:,先行词为everything,little, much,all,anything,nothing, none, few等词时, 关系代词用,that,4. He talked happily about the men and books _ interested him greatly in the school. A. which B. that C. it D. whom 5. There is no dictionary _ you can find. A. that B. which C. where D. in that,6. Is oxygen the only gas _ helps fire burn? A. it B. / C. which D. that,7. Which was the hotel _ w

      4、as recommended to you? A. where B. which C. that D. it,先行词为人和物的组合,先行词被all, little, much, every, no, 等修饰时,先行词被序数词或最高级修饰,先行词前有序数词(the first),形容词最高级(the best), the last, the very, the only 等时。,若主句中有疑问代词 who 或者 which,为了避免重复, 关系代词不要再用 who, which,而用 that。,考点二:以下情况只能用which引导定语从句。,1.引导非限制性定语从句时, 其先行词可是一个词,也可是整个主句或主句的某一部分。,3.句子中同时有两个定语从句,其中一个已经用了 that 引导时,2. 先行词是物,紧接在介词后面时,考点三:关系代词 as 的用法, the same as 表示同一类人或物; the same that 指同一个人或物,1.直接引导定语从句: 作用相当于which,He was late, as / which is often the case.,2.与suc

      5、h 连用, 引起定语从句,There are no such writers as you mention.,It gave him such a shock that his face turned white.,3.与same 连用, 引起定语从句,如此 以至于,This is the same pen _I lost yesterday. A. as B. that C.the one D. A&B,D,比较: .the same pen as I lost. . the same pen that I lost.,表示这支笔与我不见的那支很像,不一定就是,则表示这支笔就是我不见的那支,Eg:,4. as 与 which 的区别 as 在从句中作主语时,后面常接行为动词的被动语态,如 be known, be said, be reported 等 如从句中行为动词是主动语态,一般要用which作主语。 1) She has been late again, _ was expected. 2) Tom has made great progress, _ made us hap

      6、py.,as,which,1. _ was natural, he married Jenny. A. Which B. That C. This D. As 2. Such signs _ we use in the experiment _Greek letters. A. as, are B. as, is C. that, are D. that, is,Exercise,3. She is very good at dance, _ everybody knows. A. that B. where C. who D. as 4. _ has been said above, grammar is a set of dead rules. A. Which B. What C. That D. As 5. We do the same work _ they do. A. which B. as C. than D. like,考点四:什么情况下 whose和of which不能互换?,1. 先行词是人时,只能用whose, 不能用of which,Its the first

      7、 time the boy _ father is an engineer has paid a visit to our school.,2. of 不具有所属关系时,不能用whose,She would like to read the novel of which a great number of people have heard.,whose,考点五:什么情况下用 who 不用 that?,先行词是人称代词时,如: He, who just heard the news of his fathers death, burst into tears.,1. Ill never forget the days _ we worked together. 2. Ill never forget the days _ we spent together. 3. I went to the place _ I worked ten years ago.,when /in which,which,where/ in which,几种易混的情况,及物动词,4. I went to the

      8、 place _ I visited ten years ago. 5. This is the reason _ he was late. 6. This is the reason _ he gave.,which,why/ for which,that/which,及物动词,及物动词,定语从句三步: 第一找出先行词 第二看先行词在定语从句中的 语法功能(做主语、宾语或状 语) 第三选择合适的关系词,专题专练,1. Do you think such a place _ you speak of is worth visiting? He promised to come to see me on purpose on Sunday, _ I doubt very much. There is a lake near our schoolyard, _ depth is out of your expectation. -Do you have anything in mind _ youd like for supper? - Well, anything is Ok for m

      9、e. 5. The house in _ he used to live has turned into a library.,as,which,whose,that,which,= the lakes,6. Students in our school, most of _ are from the south of China, enjoy rice very much. 7. Can you think of a situation _ this idiom is used? 8. _ is often the case, teachers in our school usually return to school on Sunday evenings. 9. Which is the road _ leads to the village _ you were born? 10. The newcomer is from Jiangxi, _ I can tell from his accent.,whom,where,As,that,where,which,= in which,1). a. I saw some trees, and the leaves of _


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