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  • 文档编号:107205923
  • 上传时间:2019-10-18
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    • 1、3. Berthas Secret BattleTwins Bertha and Fiona were twin sisters. They looked exactly the same. There was only one way to tell them apart. Bertha dyed her hair red and Fiona dyed her hair blonde. The twins lived together in a cottage. On Friday evenings they set off for work at the Town Hall. A sign outside the Town Hall said, Grand Wrestling Competition The referee stepped under the top rope and into the ring. Ladies and gentlemen. Silence please for tonights star fight. The doors of the dressi

      2、ng room swung open. And here she is, “cried the referee. “The darling of the ring. Fairplay Fiona! A cheer went up from the crowd.Fiona,dressed in pink,came into the hall.Her blonde hair streamed behind her. With one leap she jumped over the top rope and landed in the ring. She waved to the crowd and blew them kisses. The crowd stood and clapped. They wanted Fiona to win. The referee spoke again. And her opponent for tonight is. The dressing room doors smashed open. One door came off its hinges.

      3、 Her terrible twin sister. Big Bertha the Bone Cruncher! Bertha, dressed in black, came into the hall.Her red hair streamed behind her.She shook her.She took a flying leap into the ring.She shook her fist.The crowd booed.They wanted Bertha to lose. The referee turned to check his watch. Bertha grabbed Fiona and threw her against the ropes. The crowd yelled at the referee. Bertha raced back to her corner.The referee turned round. I havent done anything wrong. Shouted Bertha. The fight had begun.

      4、Fiona bounced back with a flying drop kick. The crowd stood up,cheering. Bertha pickd up Fiona and spun her above her head. The crowd booed. So it went for five rounds. And the winner is-Fairplay Fiona. The crowd cheered Fina.They booed Bertha. That night Bertha and Fiona sat at home drinking cocoa. I thought the fight went very well. Hum,said Bertha. Youre not upset about the flying tail spin? No. The drop kick in round two? Then why are you in such a bad mood? Bertha began to cry. Whats the ma

      5、tter?asked Fiona. Couldnt we change?said Bertha. You could beFearsome Fiona.I could beBig-Hearted Bertha. Dont be silly said Fiona.Besides,you are good at being bad. You could teach me how to be good,said Bertha,And I could teach you how to be bad. No!said Fiona.What would my fans think? Bertha fights back Next Friday morning,after breakfast,the twins went into the front room. They put the table and chairs in a pile at one end of the roon.They moved the television,the goldfish bowl and their boo

      6、ks into the kitchen. When the room was completely clear,Fiona said,Ready? Ready, said Bertha. Then the twins began to fight.Bertha threw Fiona across the room.Fiona did a perfect cartwheel and landed lightly on her feet. The twins always practised for the fight on Friday night.Both twins were very skilled at wrestling. They worked hard to make sure they could do their moves without hurting each other. When they had finished practising they had to tidy the cottage and have lunch.The twins liked c

      7、ooking but they hated housework.They tossed a coin to see who should tidy up. Heads.said Bertha. Tails.said Fiona.I win. So Bertha had to move all the things from the kitchen back into the front room.Then she had to put the table and chairs back in the middle of the room.Meanwhile,Fiona cooked lunch. After lunch Bertha slipped quietly into the bathroom and locked the door. Bertha rinsed her hair with her sisters blonde hair colour.She looked in the mirror and smiled. Her hair was now blonde hair

      8、 colour.She looked in the mirror and smiled.Her hair was now blonde, just like Fionas.She poured the rest of the blonde hair colour down the sink.Then she filled the bottle with some of her red hair colour. Fiona tapped on the door. Hurry up in there, replied Bertha. I must colour my hair before I go jogging, said Fiona. Bertha came out of the bathroom.She had a towel wrapped around her head. I feel much better,said Bertha.Ive left the bathroom tidy. Look at the time,said Fiona,I shall be late.

      9、Flona dashed into the bathroom.She splashed on her hair colour. She was in such a hurry that she did not look in the mirror. Have a lovely run,said Bertha. Fiona jogged down the road. She ran through the park. Fiona saw a little kitten sitting on a wall. Hello, little kitty. She stretched out to stroke the kitten.The kitten ran up a tree. A policeman was passing by. I saw you frighten that kitten.What an unkind thing to do. I only tried to stroke it, mumbled. Fiona. She jogged on towards the playgroud,Some children were playing on the swings. Would you like a push?she called. The children took one look at Fiona.They jumped off the swings and ran away.


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