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    • 1、,人文社科学院 11传媒 孟静 唐洋 杨瑞瑞,King Lear William Shakespeare,3,Contents,the introduction of Shakespeare Writing background Plot Summary main idea The cause of tragedy character analysis famous aphorism,4,William Shakespeare (26 April 1564 (baptised) 23 April 1616)was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the worlds pre-eminent dramatist.He is often called Englands national poet and the “Bard of Avon“.His extant works,including some collaborati

      2、ons, consist of about 38 plays,154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and a few other verses, the authorship of some of which is uncertain. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.,the introduction of Shakespeare,the introduction of Shakespeare,5,major works and magnum opus,four tragedies :Hamlet Othello Macbeth King Lear Four Comedies :The Merchant of Venice A Midsummer Nights Dream As You Like It Twelfth Ni

      3、ght or What You Will historical play: The Sonnets :,Beyond books,6,The four tragedies,Aeschylus Sophocles Euripides Shakespeare,Writing background,7,political:At the beginning of the 17th century, queen Elizabeth I and James I regime alternation, the British social contradictions intensifies, social vices increasingly exposed. Politics :Capitalist economy rapid development. culture:The Renaissance emphasis on humanism. society:Regular script of capitalism development of self-interest and hedonis

      4、m trend intensified, the society where profit-worship became mercenary and posed a threat to the survival of social evils. personage:During this period, Shakespeares thoughts and artistic maturity, humanism ideal violent collision with social reality. He deplored the ideal difficult to achieve, the creation by the early praised humanism ideal into to expose and criticize the social darkness.,8,Plot Summary,WHO?,李尔王 King Lear,女儿,高纳里尔Goneril,里根 Regan,考狄利娅 Cordelia,葛罗斯特伯爵(大臣)Gloucester,儿子,爱德伽(嫡) Ed

      5、gar,爱德蒙(庶) Edmund,臣子,肯特伯爵 The Earl of Kent,弄人 The Fool,小丑,Plot Summary,9,WHAT? 1:Regular script domineering old king Lear old and frail, decided to take between three daughters, he expressed according to the girls love to allocate an income per person. His two oldest daughter use sweet words, of the fathers heart, and his little daughter said the fitting No king Lear satisfactory, his little daughter put between the two big daughter, daughter to, not a penny was later to marry the king of France

      6、. 2:Detained gloucestershire earls younger son, on the other hand, because of their discontent is illegitimate child was born, so plan a conspiracy, and makes the suspicion between gloucester earl and his eldest son and loathed .,Plot Summary,10,1:After the regular script in between two daughters, while two eldest daughter to show the real features. Lear was driven out of the house, and his entourage gloucestershire met with poor Tom in the wind and rain, also is in gloucester Edmund intrigue an

      7、d expelling son Ed. Lear thinks this is his daughter misunderstanding, should be punished with two daughters. When he was blaming yourself , came to comfort him by the hand of a saint. The saint is cordelia.,HOW?,HOW?,Plot summary,11,HOW? 2: Regular script in the end, the youngest daughter of the military defeat, she was caught up and Lear, killed to Lear the assassin little girl, but she was dead. Edgar found Edmund and fight with him, finally killed Edmund Edgar. Goneril and Regan also died in

      8、 the scramble to be jealous. Lear too sad, finally also collapse and die.,2019/10/3,stage photo of king Lear,main idea,13,Regular script with love negative Selfish Philosophy and reset faith in human nature. The tragedy of Shakespeare depicted the two families, compared to one another, reflected in the parallel advance, full yrevealed the cold reality of the social atmosphere has been declining, extreme individualism has eroded and poison the relationship between the normal family, Human relatio

      9、ns apart. Shakespeare in revealing reality and evil of human nature at the same time, and affirmation of the humanitarian of kindness and goodness of human nature, humanitarianism thought. Regular script humanist very consternation in front of their evocation of the devil, they start to their theories were revised and perfected. They began to emphasize love and goodness. Ed yoga and cordelia is the embodiment of love, Li Ershou cordelia and quietly die, rost know Ed Koch of all experience after the die with a smile, they die very serene, because they finally found a mans, what kind of person is a great and good.,Cause of tragedy,14,Song typeface in the 20th century, “king Lear“ is generally regarded as Shakespeares greatest tragedies. Because in addition to most of the end of the main characters die, the key is in in the face of an ugly side of human nature, and this is the era ith an ugly side of human nature led to a ser


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