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2019-2020广东学考英语冲A学业水平考试模拟测试卷3 含解析

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    • 1、高中学业水平考试模拟测试卷(三)(时间:90分钟满分:100分).情景交际(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下列简短对话,从A、B、C、D中选出最佳答案,将对话补全。1Oh,you sounded just like a native. I still have trouble expressing myself.AWell,not quite BI dont careCYes,youre rightDIm glad you like itA句意为:你的发音像本地人。还不是很好,我在表达意思上还有些问题。Well,not quite“还不是很好”;I dont care“我不在乎”;Yes,youre right “是的,你是对的”;Im glad you like it“我很高兴你喜欢它”。根据句意选A。2Bob claimed to have seen a UFO last night. I dont believe a word of that.AGood for him! BDont mention it.COh,come on!DI cant agree more.C句

      2、意为:Bob说他昨天晚上看见UFO了。算了吧!我不相信这样的话。Good for him“配得上他”;Dont mention it“没关系”;Oh,come on“加油;算了吧”;I cant agree more“我非常同意”。根据句意可知C正确。3May I open the window to let in some fresh air? !ACome on BTake careCGo aheadDHold onC句意为:我可以打开窗户让新鲜空气进来吗?可以。go ahead意为“干吧,做吧,继续吧”,表示准许或鼓励某人做某事,符合语境。come on“快点”,表示催促的语气;take care“当心,小心”;hold on“稍等”。4The music is too loud.Could you please turn down the radio a bit? ASorry,I didnt know you were reading.BDont trouble.I like music.CDont you think the music is beautiful?DOh,i

      3、ts an honor for me to do so.A考查情景交际。句意为:音乐太响了,你能把收音机调低一点吗?对不起,我不知道你在看书。第一句是给对方提意见,A项回答符合要求,故选A。5David didnt invite us to his wedding party. ?I dont care.After all,we dont get along quite well with him.AHow come BSo whatCWhat forDWhat if B考查情景交际。句意为:戴维德没有邀请我们参加他的婚礼。那又怎么样?我不在乎。毕竟我们和他相处的并不好。How come“怎么会”;So what“那又怎么样”;What for“为什么”;What if“如果会怎样”。由语境知选B。.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。AAs a young man,Al was a skilled artist.He had a wife and two fine sons.One night,his oldest

      4、son developed a stomachache.Thinking it was only some common illness,neither Al nor his wife took the condition very seriously.But the illness became acute,and the boy died suddenly that night.Knowing the death could have been prevented if he had only realized the seriousness of the situation,Als emotional health was weakened under the effect of his guilt.To make matters worse,his wife left him a short time later,leaving him alone with his sixyearold younger son.The hurt and pain of the two situ

      5、ations were more than Al could handle,and he became an alcoholic (酒鬼)As the alcoholism progressed,Al began to lose everything he hadhis home,his land,his art objects,everything.Eventually Al died alone in a San Francisco motel room.When I heard of Als death,I thought he was a loser because he ended his life with nothing material to show for it.As time went by,I began to change my judgment.You see,I knew Als now adult son,Ernie.He is one of the kindest,most caring,most loving men I have ever know

      6、n.I watched Ernie with his children and saw the free flow of love between them.I knew that kindness and caring had to come from somewhere.One day,Ernie told me,“From my earliest memories as a child until I left home at 18,my dad came into my room every night,gave me a kiss and said,I love you,son.”Tears came to my eyes as I realized what a fool I had been to judge Al as a failure.He had not left any material possessions behind.But he left love to his son,who became one of the finest,most giving

      7、men I have ever known.6The underlined word in Paragraph 1 can best be replaced by“ ”Aserious BlightCcommonDbetterA词义猜测题。由第一段“.and the boy died suddenly that night.”可知,这个男孩当时是病得很严重的,才会突然死亡。7How many children did Al ever have?AOne. BTwo.CThree.DNone.B细节理解题。由第一段“He had a wife and two fine sons.”可知,阿尔有两个儿子。8Why did Al feel guilty about his sons death?AHe became an alcoholic.BHis sons illness became acute.CHis wife left him a short time later.DThe death could have been prevented.D由第二段第一句可知,阿尔儿子的死本来可以

      8、被阻止的,因此阿尔感到内疚,故选D。9What did the author think of Ernie?AAn unloving man. BA strange man.CA good man.DA funny man.C细节理解题。最后一段“.who became one of the finest,most giving men I have ever known.”可知,作者认为恩尼是他所认识的人当中最好的人。故选C。10Whats the best title of the passage?AErnie and His FatherBAn Alcoholics DeathCLove Is the Best GiftDHow to Be a Good ManC标题归纳题。由最后一段可知阿尔死后虽然没留下什么值得炫耀的财产,但用爱培养了一个好儿子,爱是最好的礼物,故选C。BI remember one Thanksgiving when our family had no money and no food,and someone came knocking on our do

      9、or.A man was standing there with a huge box of food,a giant turkey and even some pans to cook it in.I couldnt believe it.My dad demanded,“Who are you?Where are you from?”The man announced,“Im here because a friend of yours knows youre in need and that you wouldnt accept direct help,so Ive brought this for you.Have a great Thanksgiving.” My father said,“No,no,we cant accept this.” The stranger replied,“You dont have a choice,” closed the door and left.Obviously that experience had a deep impact on my life.It deeply affected the way that I acted.I promised myself that someday I would do well enough financially so that I could do the sam

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