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What compose about high school English is politic

  • 卖家[上传人]:豆浆
  • 文档编号:11741471
  • 上传时间:2017-10-16
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    • 1、精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询What compose about high school English is politicIn English study, writing is “ listen, say, read “ comprehensive report, whether can examinee apply the English knowledge that already mastered and skill to have thought communication attainable in writing reflect adequately, writing can mirror examinee to use English capacity integratedly most, in examination questions of English of the university entrance exam so the composition is occupied notch the cost is higher, amo

      2、unt to 30 minutes, this explains examinee wants to obtain good result on English, must compose this to close too. Regard English as the teacher, I think to should help a student raise English to write a standard through the following strategy. It is standards of grading of composition of careful research the university entrance exam. Examinee wants to get tall cent in writing, must understand what kind of article ability gets tall cent above all, so, should combine model essay to tell as the tea

      3、cher what giving is content point, what is more advanced vocabulary and more complex structure, what is significant join part etc, the literary works that makes a student different to class 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询tries to analyse, mutual view and emulate, mutual analysis. 2 it is to do good foundation work. Well-known, want to raise writing level, had wanted good vocabulary, sentence pattern to close basically above all. Did not master certain vocabulary, writing cans not move a step, “One ca

      4、nt make bricks without straw “ the view is this truth. Dictate can make student control word and phrase spelling, this method is operated simple and effectively, easily. The insists actually to ask the student records certain amount everyday word that joins a student, the person that lie between histology of period of time to be born to undertake dictate or close nevertheless next repeats dictate, till pass a barrier till. Han Yiying practices can be being helped the student consolidates and use

      5、 teaching material every unit important phrase, but install an interpreter to practice a problem as far as possible with the students interest, hobby or hep thing for jumping-off place, in order to inspire student move ideas, knowledge of active actively hunting, experience the joy of study ceaselessly. 3 it is to pay attention to accumulate over a long period. Compose ability rising is not the thing that accomplish in one move, accumulate over a long period just has 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询qu

      6、alitative flight. When because this teacher is in,giving lessons, organize education with English as far as possible, directive student undertakes length with respect to text content sentence short write, short sentence what detailed writes is oral practice with ability to write, the key of similarities and differences of the structural change of commonly used verb in helping student adroitness master English, simple sentence and a sentence of two or more clauses is in, and be in what text knowl

      7、edge nods explain, in reviewing, set new scene for the student, let them extend imaginary space, thinking of disperse the internal heat with sudorifics, of the student apply ability integratedly to be able to be in teacher in teaching, rise. 4 it is to master necessary writing strategy. Be familiar with writing skill, hold an article stylistic, ensure tense, voice is correct, the point is whole. Careful careful is inscribed, make clear the article is stylistic, next establish and the format with

      8、 stylistic corresponding photograph and tense. Stylistic have a variety of, be like announcement, note, diary, epistolary etc. After stylistic establish, consider tense again. English writing is very strict to the requirement of 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询tense, different and stylistic corresponding and different tense. “Present tense condition “ use at introducing commonly “ character, place, study, hobby, life “ composition. “Preterit “ use at commonly “ composition seeing a picture, diary “ .

      9、“In the future tense “ use at commonly “ announcement, invitation letter “ . Expressive means as far as possible diversification. The composition standards of grading previously only the more or less will review attributive talk stand or fall by the mistake in the language, and new standard is from many sided antonym character undertakes measuring. Be like a vocabulary structure of whether rich, sentence pattern whether whether diversification, tie-in use a kind of classical poetry consisting chiefly of seven-character lines interspersed with shorter or longer ones. A content complete, expression is proper but the written expression with insipid language may get tall cent in the past, but can pass a test,examination,etc. only by new standard. Accordingly, the language that should urge rich, diversification is conveyed, such ability add color for the article, the person that conduce to writing gains tall cent. 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询Writing should be acco

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