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    • 1、2023年四川省自贡市中考英语真题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1 Whats your favorite _? Apples. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.AfruitBdrinkCjob2 Whats your plan for the coming Dragon Boat Festival? Most of us _ ready to make zongzi.AisBareChave3 Would you like to eat some fried chicken? No, thanks. I think it _ delicious but is unhealthy.AsoundsBfeelsCtastes4_ do you help at the old peoples home?Once a week. We should care about the old more.AHow longBHow oftenCHow soon5Why didnt you pick up my phone at seven ocl

      2、ock last night?I _ the dishes in the kitchen at that time so I didnt hear it.Awas doingBdidChad done6Ms. White, I am sad that I didnt pass the test.Keep trying. Success _ hard work.Adepends onBgives awayCleads to7 Could I _ the book for two more days? Sorry, you cant. You must follow our rules. AborrowBlendCkeep8Mike, we are told not _ the phone while crossing the street.I am sorry. I wont do it again.AansweringBto answerCanswer9I want to know _ you got to Zigong yesterday.By high-speed train.Aw

      3、hereBhowCwhen10 Im sorry to trouble you, Mr. Smith. _.AI hope notBDont say thatCThats all right二、完形填空Every year on May 20th, its World Bee Day. Its a day to thank bees. 11 bees, we wouldnt have any food! When bees fly from plant to plant, they 12 pollen (花粉). The pollen makes new plants grow.Its also a day to learn more about their 13 . Losing natural homes, getting sick and higher temperatures are making the number of bees drop. 14 , people are now making a plan to save bees. It makes robot bee

      4、s to help 15 and look after the queen bee. This will get the queen bee to lay more eggs and make more bees.11AWithoutBAboutCFor12AhelpBcarryCmake13AhabitsBinterestsCproblems14ALuckilyBProbablyCSecretly15AwashBfeedCuseIf you see a group of kids riding bikes on a city street, and theres one adult with them, also on a bike, this is a bike bus.Its not a real bus, but one group of 16 together does what the bus does. Take the following bike bus as an example.Devin Olson is a dad in the US. He organize

      5、s a bike bus for local schools. It drops off students at 2 primary schools. “We 17 at 8 a.m. to play soccer and eat breakfast,” Olson says. Then we check our 18 and start our ride. Its nothing but laughing.”The group makes about 8 stops along the way to 19 children. “We want kids to enjoy going to school. They can ride with their parents, brothers or sisters. And they can 20 with students in different grades,” says Olson.Recently, pictures and videos of bike buses got lots of attention 21 they w

      6、ere posted online. “What a simple idea it is! How 22 it is to get started,” says one Weibo user.Now, many parents agree with the idea. And more 23 are giving up cars for a ride. This helps fight climate change, 24 exercise and reduce school drop-off traffic. And it also makes the children 25 than before.16AwalkersBridersCdrivers17AstopBsleepCmeet18AbikesBbagsCboxes19Alook afterBcheer upCpick up20AstandBagreeCtalk21AwhenBbeforeCuntil22AeasyBboringCstrange23AschoolsBfamiliesCcommunities24AbelieveB

      7、understandCencourage25AsmarterBhappierCshyer三、阅读单选Farming Experience CampAre you looking for an exciting and meaningful summer camp? Come to our farming experience camp!ScheduleJuly 3rdJuly 4thJuly5thJuly 6th9:00-10:30Opening CeremonyAbout VegetablesAbout AnimalsAbout Fruits10:30-11:00Break and Snack11:00-12:00Team PreparationScienceRole Play: Lets be little farmers.Art and Creativity12:00-14:00Lunch and Break14:00-15:30Team Building ActivitiesPlanting VegetablesLooking after AnimalsPicking Frui

      8、tsCamp information:LanguageEnglishAge13-15 years oldFee400/ person (more than two persons: 300/person)Emailsummercamp26What can kids do in the summer camp?APick fruits.BMake cakes.CMilk cows.27How much will it cost if three kids go to the summer camp?A600.B900.C1,200.28What is the purpose of the text?ATo educate kids to protect the animals.BTo help farmers to sell vegetables and fruits.CTo call on more students to join in the summer camp.There was a rich man who had many banana trees in a village. After a good harvest (丰收), he decided to give some bananas to the nearest temple as an offering to God. He asked one servant to take the bananas to the temple.The servant got very hungry and ate two bananas on the way. When he reached the temple, he gave the remaining bananas to the templ


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