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    • 1、2023年湖南省郴州市中考英语真题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1Id like to help kids with their schoolwork.You could volunteer in _ after-school study program to teach them.AtheBanCa2My parents took me to the amusement park on _ Day. There were so many exciting things to do there.AChildrensBChildrenCChilds3My best friend is more popular than me. I want to be like him.Its not necessary to be the same. You should just be _.AhimselfByourselfCmyself4Dongjiang Lake is a good place to have fun and _ tourists go camping there

      2、 in summer.AhundredBhundredsChundreds of5Its one of _ things in the world to stay with our family members.Athe happiestBhappierChappy6_ people wear helmets (头盔) when riding electric bicycles?Yes. Its a new traffic rule.ACanBMustCMay7Oh, Im nearly lost in this city.Yeah. The city _ a lot since you left.Ahas changedBchangedCchanges8Many trees and flowers _ every year to make our environment more beautiful.AplantBare plantedCwere planted9Are you going to read the book Journey to the West?Yes. Our t

      3、eacher expects us _ such traditional Chinese books.AreadBreadingCto read10Tea is the leaf of a plant _ grows widely in China, Japan and other countries.AwhatBwhoCthat二、完形填空通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。When I was young, I lived in a small village in Melaka, Malaysia with my parents and two brothers. 11 we were poor, we lived happily. The Lin family, living in the bicycle shop opposite our house, had an even 12 life.Mr. Lin, the bicycle repairman, had six children. He couldnt buy new c

      4、lothes and get enough food for them. His children were always dressed in old clothes and looked very 13 . My father was kind-hearted. He ran a grocery store (食品杂货店). He 14 took whatever food we could spare to Mr. Lin.To make more money, Mr. Lin started selling second-hand 15 in his shop. He worked very hard. As time 16 , the number of customers in his shop increased and a lot of bicycles were sold out. The business in his shop got better and better.It was at this time that my father fell ill for

      5、 no clear reason. My mother took him to see doctors many times, but he didnt get better. Even worse, the business in the grocery store was in danger of failing. And one of us children had to stop schooling because we could not 17 the fees (费用).Mr. Lin knew about our difficulties and came to help. He introduced my father to a famous doctor. And not long, the doctor healed (治愈) my father. Mr. Lin also raised money to support 18 education.Thanks to Mr. Lin, things got better. Whenever I met up with

      6、 Mr. Lin, I would thank him 19 his help. Mr. Lin said with a big smile, “Im just repaying (回报) the 20 that your father has shown me.”11ABecauseBAlthoughCUnless12AharderBeasierCquieter13AlonelyBheavyCthin14AoftenBseldomCnever15AbooksBbicyclesCclothes16Awent byBwent offCwent back17AacceptBachieveCafford18AyourBtheirCour19AforBwithCto20AsadnessBkindnessChappiness三、阅读单选阅读下面的图表,完成各小题。The Fashion Dress ShopFromMaterialColorSizePriceHangzhousilkwhite/blueL/M/S188Beijingcottonred/yellowM/S128Shanghaiwoo

      7、lwhite/blackL/M248Shenzhencottonblack/purpleXL/L16821Of all the dresses, _ are the most expensive.Athe blue silk dressesBthe white wool dressesCthe black cotton dresses22Where are the red cotton dresses made?AIn Beijing.BIn Shenzhen.CIn Hangzhou.阅读下面的图表,完成各小题。Firecrackers have a history of more than 2,000 years. It is said that people burnt bamboo joints (竹节) to make it blast (爆炸) to drive away the beast named Nian in ancient China. Firecrackers are still set off during the Spring Festival to st

      8、and for hope and luck.Kites have quite a long history. The earliest kites were made of wood. Now in China, the three most famous kites are Beijing kite, Tianjin kite and Weifang kite. Theres an international kite festival in Weifang every April.During ancient times, the closest thing to watching a movie or TV was watching a shadow play (皮影戏). People control puppets behind the screen while singing with music to tell a story. Shadow play was listed as national intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) in 2006.23Why do people still set off firecrackers during the Spring Festival?ATo burn bamboo joints.BTo drive away the beast.CTo stand for hope and luck.24What were the earliest kites made of?ABamboo.BWood.CPaper.25What can we learn from the chart?AVisitors can take part in the kite festival in Weifang every April.BFirecrackers have a history of more than 3,000 years.CThe three games were all listed as national intangible cultural heritage.You may receive l


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