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九年级英语《Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes》说课稿

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    • 1、人教版新目标九年级Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes?说课稿各位评委大家好:今天我说课的内容是新目标英语九年级第七单元Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes?。说课的内容包括以下几个部分,分别是:教材分析、教学方法与学法、教学过程。下面,就对这几方面进行全面的阐释。一、教材分析1)本课在教材中的地位及作用本单元所涉及的内容是含有情态动词的被动语态,被动语态是本书当中比较重要的一部分,它把学生由以前所能够进行的主动语态的表达延伸到被动语态的学习和运用。一方面使学生的语法更趋系统化和完整化,另一方面,它使学生的语言表达更为灵活,更能发展学生的综合语言运用能力。另外本课所涉及的情感教育,于现实十分的有用,它讲述了青少年学生的心理状态,教师可因势利导,更好的接近青少年,解决彼此之间的隔阂和代沟。激发的培养学生学习英语的兴趣,形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。2)教学目标:1. Master the key wo

      2、rds and phrases.2. Learn to talk about what you are allowed to do or not? .3.Learn to make use of “主语have/hasbeen过去分词?”3)教学重难点:1. Words and expressions in this unit .2. How to make conversations freely using the target language.3. Master the usage of key sentences structure.4) 情感目标:1. Encourage student to express their opinions. .2.To enable students to develop a good habit of respect for others, care for others.5) 教学准备:multi-media , a tape recorder二、教学方法用计算机辅助教学,以任务型教学法为主体,以小组活动,两人协作为依托。以游戏、听力、

      3、口头练习和笔头练习为载体开展教学。还可以借助多媒体辅助教学:形象、生动,使课堂容量相对增加,给学生提供更多的语言实践机会,有利于综合语言运用能力的提高。在本课教学过程中,在注重启发引导,培养学生分析、概括能力的同时,更注重教学方法的灵活性,通过任务型教学,情景交际,激发学生学习兴趣,让学生乐于接受,易于接受。三、教学过程ProceduresTeacher activityStudent activity设计意图Step1:Leading inWarm up(1a)T: Write some statements on the black board .Eg:go out at nightcollect stampsbe alone at homeask the teacher questionsdrink milkread English magazineseat eggswrite lettersSs: They can discuss together or add others statements(Free to answer )1.首先老师在黑板上写一些学生能否做的事导入本课

      4、主题。使学生在游戏的氛围中勇于表达自己观点2.让所有学生自由选择“A”or“B”的比赛,。Game: If you agree this statement then “stand up”, disagree then “sit down “ just like 1aStep2:Presentation1)New wordEg: licensevolunteer Read ExplainRead and use finger write words in air1.通过手指在空中写单词和变换队形单词接力赛,让学习单词变得有趣。Game: Relay race, which is meaning read the words one by one, and listen to teachers order2) ListenWrite(1b)T: Listen to the tape twice and complete 1bSs: They can discuss together , according to the 1above, comparing with 1b .2.首先让学生

      5、听录音完成1b的内容,再与1a部分学生自己给出的答案做比较。最后,老师解释句型,拓展对话中的语法点并带读。1. Check the answers and read together.2.Explain each phases ,especially the sentence structureSb should be allowed to doEg:We should be allowed to have part time jobSb should not be allowed to doEg: You are not be allowed to park here.3) Pair work(1c)T: According to the materials on the screen. Lets play a game ,Ill throw this ball to you with a question.Ss: Catch the ball and answer the questions, imitate the example.3.这部分Pair work重点是句型运用,故语

      6、法点简单带过,而通过游戏争取让每个学生都能用英语表达出课文的重点句型。Game: Run Ball. who get the ball should answer the questions about the statements if you agree with or not ,just like the example sentences4)Listen Check Match(2a+2b)T:Listen to the tape twice and finish the questions of 2a and 2c.Then well check the answers together“Questions Contest”Ss: Listen and write , they can ask help if there is some problems.4.通过抢答的形式让学生注意力集中,因为在一节课的后面部分学生注意力易分散,特别是听力环节5) Summing-upGrammar Focus5.根据前面内容的学习,老师可以系统的把关于如发used的各种用方法罗列出来,并加

      7、以比较,特别指出此处句型用反意疑问句提问的几种用法。1) allow doing sth 允许做某事Eg . My father allowed watching Tv on weekends .2) allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事Eg .My father allowed me to watch Tv on weekends .情态动词be过去分词(情态动词的被动语态)TeenagersshouldbeallowedtoweartheirownclotheCompared:主语have/hasbeen过去分词(现在完成时被动语态)Mykeyshavebeenstolen.主语is/am/are+being过去分词(现在进行时被动语态)Mycarisbeingrepairednow.主语am/is/are(not)过去分词(一般现在时的被动语态)Butterismadefrommilk.主语was/were过去分词(一般过去时的被动语态)Thishousewasbuilt100yearsago.6)Consolidation(2c)Practice:T:Have

      8、student write their opinions of below statement , then make a dialogue with partner.is allowed to:play soccer ballisnt allowed to:surf the InternetSs: Now work with a partner.Make conversations using the statements on the black board .ask Then show it in public,6. 先让学生在黑板上罗列出哪些是青少年允许做到哪些是不允许的,再根据这些观点组成对话,并展示给大家。7)Homeworka:Read the dialogue and write new words five times .b: Ask students to think of as many things as they can that havent been introduced in class. Write them down using be(not) allowed to do.Black boardDesignUnit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose clothesKey words Compared:License Sb should be allowed to doPresent Eg:We should be allowed to have part time jobvolunteer Sb should not be allowed to doEg:You are not be allowed to park hereExercises:a: Seem to do sth 好像做某事

      《九年级英语《Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes》说课稿》由会员hu****a8分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《九年级英语《Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes》说课稿》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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