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    • 1、目 录2009年青岛大学外语学院848英汉互译 与汉语写作考研真题2011年青岛大学外语学院848英汉互译 与汉语写作考研真题2012年青岛大学外语学院848英汉互译 与汉语写作考研真题2017年青岛大学外语学院848英汉互译 与汉语写作考研真题2009年青岛大学外语学院848英汉互译与汉语写作考研真题Part I. Translate the following terms and passages into Chinese (60 points).A1 mythic archetype2 Byronic hero3 narratology4 conflict5 epiphany6 Gothic novel7 point of view8 stream of consciousness9 the three unities10modernismBThe position of the drama is different. The drama may look towards the pictorial arts, it may allow Aristotle to discipli

      2、ne it, for it is not so deeply committed to the claims of human beings. Human beings have their great chance in the novel. They say to the novelist: “Recreate us if you like, but we must come in,” and the novelists problem, as we have seen all along, is to give them a good run and to achieve something else at the same time. Whither shall he turn? Not indeed of help but for analogy. Music, though it does not employ human beings, though it is governed by intricate laws, nevertheless does offer in

      3、its final expression a type of beauty which fiction might achieve in its own way. Expansion. That is the idea the novelist mustcling to. Not completion. Not rounding off but opening out. When the symphony is over we feel that the notes and tunes composing it have been liberated, they have found in the rhythm of the whole their individual freedom. Cannot the novel be like that?CWe sleep, and at length awake to the still reality of a winter morning. The snow lies warm as cotton or down upon the wi

      4、ndow sill; the broadened sash and frosted panes admit a dim and private light, which enhances the snug cheer within. The stillness of the morning is impressive. The floor creaks under our feet as we move toward the window to look abroad through some clear space over the fields. We see the roofs stand under their snow burden. From the eaves and fences hang stalactites of snow, and in the yard stand stalagmites covering some concealed core. The trees and shrubs rear white arms to the sky on every

      5、side; and where were walls and fences, we see fantastic forms stretching in frolic gambols across the dusky landscape, as if nature had strewn her fresh designs over the fields by night as models for mans art.DRain was falling on the chapel, on the garden, on the college. It would rain forever, noiselessly. The water would rise inch by inch, covering the grass and shrubs, covering the trees and houses, covering the monuments and the mountain tops. All life would be choked off, noiselessly: birds

      6、, men, elephants, pigs, children; noiselessly floating corpses amid the litter of the wreckage of the world. Forty days and forty nights the rain would fall till the waters covered the face of the earth.Towards dawn he awoke. O what sweet music! His soul was all dewy wet. Over his limbs in sleep pale cool waves of light had passed. He lay still, as if his soul lay amid cool waters, conscious of faint sweet music. His mind was waking slowly to a tremulous morning knowledge, a morning inspiration.

      7、 A spirit filled him, pure as the purest water, sweet as dew, moving as music.Part II. Translate the following passage into English (40 points).更多考研资料 v/q:344647 公众号/小程序:顺通考试资料我以为世间最宝贵的就是“今” ,最易丧失的也是“今” 。因为他最容易丧 失,所以更觉得他可以宝贵。为甚么“今”最可宝贵呢?最好借哲人耶曼孙所说的话答这个疑问:“尔 若爱千古,尔当爱现在。昨日不能唤回来,明天还不确实,尔能确有把 握的就是今日。今日一天,当明日两天。”为什么“今”最易丧失呢?因为宇宙大化刻刻流转,决不停留。时间这个 东西,也不因为吾人贵他爱他稍稍在人间留恋。试问吾人说“今”说“现在” ,茫茫百千万劫,究竟哪一刹那是吾人的“今” ,是吾人的“现 在”呢?刚刚说他是“今”是“现在” ,他早已风驰电掣的一般,已成“过 去”了。吾人若要糊糊涂涂把他丢掉,岂不可惜?有的哲学家说,时间但有“过去”与“未来” ,并无“现在” 。有的又说“过

      8、 去”“未来”皆是“现在” 。我以为“过去未来皆是现在”的话倒有些道理。 我请以最简明的一句话写出这篇的意思来:吾人在世,不可厌“今”而徒回思“过去” ,梦想“将来” ,以耗误“现在”的 努力;又不可以“今”境自足,毫不拿出“现在”的努力,谋“将来”的发 展。宜善用“今” ,以努力为“将来”之创造。由“今”所造的功德罪孽,永 久不灭。故人生本务,在随实在之进行,为后人造大功德。Part III. Composition (50 points)Write an article entitled “I Write, Therefore I Am” (我写故我在) in Chinese.2011年青岛大学外语学院848英汉互译与汉语写作考研真题Part I. Translate the following terms and passages into Chinese (60 points).A1 setting2 plot3 point of view4 flat character5 dramatic monologue6 black humor7 tragicomedy8 expres

      9、sionism9 lost generation10stream of consciousnessBThe speciality of the novel is that the writer can talk about his characters as well as through them, or can arrange for us to listen when they talk to themselves. He has access to self-communings, and from that level he can descend even deeper and peer into the subconscious. A man does not talk to himself quite trulynot even to himself; the happiness or misery that he secretly feels proceeds from causes that he cannot quite explain, because as soon as he raises them to the level of the explicable they lose their native quality. The novelist has a real pull here. He can show the subconscious short-circuiting straight into ac


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