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安卓APP | ios版本


  • 卖家[上传人]:meiw****njun
  • 文档编号:475726050
  • 上传时间:2024-05-03
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    • 1、Gambo Audu, Julio Ribeiro, Oliver Scott, Hajime TaniguchiDEVELOPING THE MOATIZE COAL MINEThis project investigates the exploration of coal reserves in the Moatize region in Mozambique. A consortium led by a Brazilian company, Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD), won the concession to explore the coal reserves in 2004, a bid amounting to US$ 122.8 M. Surprisingly, although CVRD is one of the most successful companys in the world in exploring aluminum based minerals, CVRD has no experience in explor

      2、ing coal. The total coal reserves in Moatize are estimated to be 2.4 tons and total forecasted cost for the project is nearly US$ 1 Billion. We will approach this case from CVRDs perspective in valuing this opportunity to embark into the coal mining industry. We will also consider reasons why Mozambique granted the concession to CVRD rather than to the other bidders. Additionally, we will explore the involvement of multi-lateral agencies as well as the future interests of the private sector in t

      3、he region.Outline Intro/Storyline CVRD History of Mozambique to date Coal Industry Coal in the Moatize Region Moatize Project Funding of the Deal Pre-Feasibility Studies Environmental Impacts Involvement of Multilateral Agencies ConclusionSolutionThis case will be of value to students for a number of reasons. It will allow them to: Forecast project cash flows and determine NPV viability in an emerging market Assess the value of real options in evaluating emerging market projects. Evaluate the so

      4、cial and environmental impacts of project development in developing nations, and project Economic Rates of Return Consider the role of multilateral agencies, such as the World Bank in the developing world.The solution will consist of: Valuation from CVRDs perspective/cost of capital considerations Recommendation as to whether to from CVRDs perspective Consider and evaluate real options Exhibits CVRD financials Breakdown of products GDP per capita/growth Map of Moatize Major players in coal indus

      5、try and/or in Sub-Saharan Africa Growth projection for coal industry Market price for Coal of Moatize qualityTimelineWeek 1: Search for projectWeek 2: Begin networking, making contacts within the company.Week 3: Research Week 4: ResearchWeek 5: Begin building case, complete presentation and begin case write-up.Week 6: Presentation and final case write-up. ContactsEgideo Leite, CVRD Official in Maputo, MozambiqueBernard Amaning, Associate Investment Officer, The International Finance CorporationA. Neil Pereira, Investment Officer, The International Finance Corporation


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