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  • 卖家[上传人]:meiw****njun
  • 文档编号:475722222
  • 上传时间:2024-05-03
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    • 1、Technological Customer Relationship Management (CRM): An Enterprises Business PartnershipAbstractCustomer Relationship Management (CRM) represents a technological application based on the philosophy of Relationship Marketing and it recommends the interaction with high value consumers. Relating CRM to new social technologies, CRM2.0 or social CRM deals with the relationship between companies and customers using online platforms. Through a comparative study based on qualitative indicators, this pa

      2、per draws a relationship between CRM theory and practice. In two high technology organizations it was identified that, although the indicators are appropriate to the business activities, their usage and understanding are oriented by the nature of businesses and by the company characteristics.Key-words: Customer Relationship Management; Databases; Data Mining Processes.1 Introduction: Definition of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the Management PerspectiveIn free translation, it is poss

      3、ible to conceptualize Customer Relationship Management (CRM) as the Management of the Relationships with Clients. It is a management approach aimed at identifying, attracting and retaining customers. The increase of transactions with high value customers is recommended (WILSON, DANIEL, McDONALD, 2002), that is, a marketing orientation focused on retaining value. It is also understood as the automation and improvement of business processes, associated to Customer Relationship Management. Dependin

      4、g on the orientation of the research, it can be both a marketing subject and a subject of the technology area. According to Dwyer, Schurr and Oh (1987), for instance, CRM represents the extension of exchange relationships that contribute to the differentiation of products and services, which can provide competitive advantage. The goal of this kind of application is to focus on relationship programs to offer the customer a high level of satisfaction, higher than the one provided by competitors (W

      5、INER, 2001). In this sense, “CRM is a business strategy; not only a software apparatus” (RAGINS, GRECO, 2003, p.29). Day (2002) mentions that it is of high importance to maintain a loyal customer base. These customers represent a source of profits to the company.Wilson, Daniel and McDonald (2002) present CRM as the set of processes and technologies to support planning, implementation and monitoring of consumers, distributors and interaction influences on marketing channels. By highlighting this

      6、strategic criterion at first, Ragins and Greco (2003) later warn about the need to create an intelligent technology application as a way to obtain the effectiveness of CRM practices. As a first step for a complete solution, Winer (2001) focuses on the construction of a customer database adjusted to the organization. CRM technological initiatives, according to Croteau and Li (2003), are based on support systems to decision and integrated sources of information. They must necessarily provide a com

      7、prehensive individual client view as well as the customer specific needs.Following the latest trends in CRM theory and the concept of web 2.0, social CRM (or CRM 2.0) stands as a new marketing tool to evaluate customer behavior and relationships. Social CRM incorporates a new set of social tools and strategies to its traditional operational functions, meeting the connectivity demand of generation Y and Z customers (GREENBERG, 2010). Social networks are developing an important role in providing c

      8、ritical data do improve relations with customers and partners (MOHAN, CHOI, MIN, 2008).Once the essence of CRM is defined, as its relations to new social tools, its technological aspect will be presented through central topics, which configure the qualitative indicators used in the empirical stage of the study. After that, the method used to conduct the research is presented. Finally, the discussion of the results found in the comparison between14organizations and the concluding remarks. The fol

      9、lowing discussion in this paper is the technological elaboration of a CRM application.The objective of this research is to provide an appropriate classification for comparative analyses that adopt CRM. To consolidate this goal, the technological indicators will be generated and, later, empirically investigated. These indicators are the Information Technology; the Information Tools (Database and Data Warehouse), Data Mining process, and the stage of Sales Force Automation.2 Main Technological Indicators related to CRMThe technological CRM indicators built are divided into four conceptual sets for a further empirical analysis. The first set shows the wide view of the use of Information Technology (IT). In the second characterization, entitled Information Tools, data collection and client data storage were incorporated, including Database (DB), Data Warehouse (DW) and their respective definitions.Specific to the processes of Data Mining and re


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