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CRM 支持全球国际关系

  • 卖家[上传人]:meiw****njun
  • 文档编号:475725123
  • 上传时间:2024-05-03
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    • 1、SHS Web of Conferences 92, 06014 (2021)Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2020https:/doi.org/10.1051/shsconf/20219206014CRMtoSupportInternationalRelationships in a Global SocietyMilena Janakova1,*1Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karvina, Department of Informatics and Mathematics, Univerzitni nam. 1934/3, 733 40 Karvina, Czech RepublicAbstract.Research background: Competitive pressure and high customer expectations lead to the use of new innovatio

      2、ns for communication with customers. In many cases, this communication is based on CRM systems. CRM systems have great capabilities, but the current problem is evident in the difficulty of choosing the optimal CRM for small businesses due to doubts about unexpected needs (such as human sources, necessary hardware and software, finances and time).Purpose of the article: The aim of this paper is to support optimal customer contact through better CRM (Customer Relationship Management) implementatio

      3、n in a global society. The purpose of this article is to determine the necessary metrics (not just tough financial issues) to know the preferences for CRM with their weights. This information shows the possibilities of choosing the optimal CRM systems for business support to be improved in terms of automation and social media integration.Methods: The method solution is based on a review of the literature, specification of suitable metrics such as automation, cloud, free access, mobile access, se

      4、gmentation, social media integration, and templates. The following data collection is the basis for a discussion on the possibilities of CRM implementation.Findings & Value added: The findings are based on the results of multidimensional decision making, which uses a comparison of selected criteria (such as the Fullers triangle). The value added is visible in the recommendation on how to choose a CRM system for small business to share the necessary information between marketers and customers thr

      5、ough social networks to build a brand.Keywords: CRM; globalization; information technology; international relationships; knowledgeJEL Classification: D8; C8; M3* Corresponding author: mijaopf.slu.cz The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CreativeCommons Attribution License 4.0 (http:/creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).SHS Web of Conferences 92, 06014 (2021)Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2020https:/doi.org/10

      6、.1051/shsconf/202192060141 IntroductionPeople and the relationships between them have been formed naturally for each other since the beginning of humanity. Information technology (IT) now has amazing capabilities to connect people on a global scale. Modern society is very dynamic and information is shared in many forms though websites, blogs, discussing groups or specialized educational portals. Perhaps all fields use information technology to support the implemented activities. The same situati

      7、on is in the area of contacts with customers. It is CRM (Customer Relationship Management). For enterprises, CRM creates a basis for communication with the customer, offers marketing presentations, stores the necessary data for further processing, and, of course, big data analytics 1, 2.Customers preferences and understanding their needed with trend estimates are interesting. The reasons are pragmatic, as the aim is to prevent unexpected crises and to have time to prepare the necessary measures.

      8、 Sustainable development is also coming to the fore. To analyze the optimal contact with the customer with the support of CRM in a global society, appropriate CRM systems must match specified metrics according to the preferences of business to support international relationships in a global society. For optimal solution, the article is divided into several chapters. There is a literature review search on the topic of international relationships and CRM (Chapter 1 and 2). The literature review fo

      9、cuses on articles in scientific journals indexed in the Web of Science (special interest is in journals with Q1 and Q2), conference proceedings, and book series. These chapters provide a good overview of current topics and issues that need to address. The following chapter is devoted to the specification of the existing problem, the solution of the selected method, and the achieved results (Chapter 3). There are also room for discussion, conclusions and references. These references come are from 1996, but many of them from 2020.1.1 International RelationshipsUnderstanding life in the local place where people live is a difficult matter. There are many aspects that affect the implemented activities. Understanding international relationships is more difficult because it involves the world and different preferences, cultures, possibilities, and traditions. In modern society, people are co

      《CRM 支持全球国际关系》由会员meiw****njun分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《CRM 支持全球国际关系》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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