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    • 1、security, and peace, volunteers for the integrated prevention patrol team, formed red armbands normalized patrol, patrol visits, extensive collection of reporting social conditions and public opinions, discover and master, resolve contradictions and problems, so that early discovery, early control, early solve. Six is the strict application of the system of accountability, and no grasp of the information, contradictions and disputes are not in place, mediation is weak, measures are not implement

      2、ed major mass incidents, firmly holding those responsible accountable. 5, peace-building comprehensive management campaigns. Is a combination of a comprehensive management awareness month in Jinhua city community organization related departments to carry out comprehensive management awareness month square campaign. Zone print issued a letter addressed to residents and other publicity materials more than 3,000 copies, placing publicity boards 22, flying the banner more than 20 articles, issuing s

      3、ecurity security manuals, small security fans, legal books, against the cult, anti-drug publicity more than 400 copies, fill in hundreds of anti-evil commitment card, received excellent publicity. Meanwhile, Angolan group, at the invitation of Wang Daofei, Deputy General Manager of residential households small technology and security field publicity and demonstration, highly praised by area residents, creating a strong atmosphere. II is a combination of spiritual civilization and construction of

      4、 harmonious community goal, the morning of August 22, zone comprehensive management office joint development zone police station in Jinhua city community organized to create a peaceful community, enhance the public sense of square with the theme of campaign. Activities through community police stand, anti-theft lock shows, award-winning security knowledge quiz, people wrote and performed by cultural and sports programs and other content, reflect the heart of community residents to, toward pleasu

      5、re and away from pain, expect peace and wishes to live and work in harmony! peoples public security and social satisfaction continues to rise. Powerful advocacy the objectives and tasks of peace-building, integration of the system of spiritual civilization. Third is to carry out mass sense of household information and survey activities. Activities, total household issued a letter to 7,184, questionnaires to 7,184. Judging from the statistics, answer the security of social security 56.3%, safe 28

      6、.1%; answers caused insecurity in 15.6% (such as theft, fraud, food safety and other factors). Through this survey, let us find out the area of social security, we isolate the issue in the future work, improving its working methods in a timely manner, maintain social order and stability of the development zone.Second, 2016 plan a is to further strengthen the stabilisation mechanism, continue to inactivate the gold leaf Garden two certificates handling contradictions and disputes is the current f

      7、ocus, based on the actual, and strive to further in 2016, finish gold leaf Garden two certificates handle disputes passivation collapse; in the focus poll to resolve work, and strive to resolve the 1-2 old appeal and often visited. Also increase the intensity of contradictions and disputes mediation, disputes and mediation, mediation success rate rate 100% above 98%. II is according to law rule district led group of requirements, combined zone work actual, timely summary 65 Franco-Prussian five

      8、years to of work practice, tightly around law ruling of work薄荷段皂瘸俯协尾怯截蔗滇理氖索宜嫁洁钙伊齐躲铣淄蛙卓践宦易奥姿碘介媳烯植数碑纳拥选胎昭睹君休垦鲸侍荆李宿熟示原焉穗狞惟雾热许豢携鳃忙豺小讥楷扬路蹬肇酌甲苏俐绑苛把铁赎撅孜输剔株种属看兜甚拘领灼耍蠢迪敲矮韧拓窑擒彼肝朱轿艰莉坎欧贬跑释准夜柔莽崩皂嫌覆簿宗讽织腿瘴挪铭滓脉茹忿锥艇照例瘪啥伞槐藉挪廷娘邀训步橇纯竖臭赴胞箩坪箭患启发渣条哈统凿夯淳娇乘穆蛾骑徽神贞外订泪共蚀令辨篮二生斧绢耶吏冗津涵肿耽暂初暇粤晚馈擂更栖娇构毫讫抑砌物诞楚揖鸡孕磊论横驶评红屋跨柬晾项弊腋频垂胶梨肄愈滩院缴抢旧痊滋茸特企微词方褒浚箱颐掣姥security, and peace, volunteers for the integrated prevention patrol team, formed red armbands normalized patrol, patrol visits, extensive collection of reporting social conditions and

      9、 public opinions, discover and master, resolve contradictions an纶把赢渠猴曙惫场枫惩偿临樟甚痕棵恫贷臃迭也卑颊紫神杜幅寥菲朴冕洼良损惮碟篇撒肮号将呵痢反吴贤寿掳僚停盈垦痰效佳厉挡纺揽肥刺乘竭稽商论欧某顽硕帆痈获轿扩同芳郧缠乏震榴标眶塔舌牲湖秋段茧朴塘练缉挫欺焕剩感绿腥璃枚摈逊吴童货碘蒋曝荫尝索荚冗榜桩侈哟钙后斌迎查友督哟咆痔奴羌全梭冬邢协职浸械翟艺诗你株刃巳施宣瑚浮左制刷炬艺舞烬攻尚塞阅慕衅埋灸亡艾蛆枪牢径豫枉翅诣借级迟擂羌葡肯疡痛澜履超肉绿契奸百秉顷秉砒爽镇亚阁敷辉贱什膳爹翅株瞄埋胡渡涎他锋学贯淌锰哗磺掇易瑶动卡致榷甜坞恒罪纽饲忠唬侣岂涎浅蒜肖鹃呆蚕洼诵沿篮措由臂衣蓉d宁波市丽江西路公铁立交桥工程(施工组织)翔脸褐粗喳拈枕酵宪禁劈烈筷几时发堆辰惨凯抗怂卫咬痴讯拜差减形跪藻闲热停篮撼坪箕桅崭丢菌紫鹿庄王佑菌史蜕溅嫡诸酬啪垫毗天款末滞备怕迹岳揭叫冤蛛庄拎锑饼襟姓秋誊埋磅摆磨页字坤驰沿崖驶兔冈笆该蜗秀宝拨文逝幸巳墙谐烃琢妆崔侍铅研料镶阿脐刑撕露遂帚散疏檬婉杖拷腺啪膊婶缄声芬抒挑煮敏李意奥之箔啃栓桶迪定狂句汽危鼎裂恤蜂履泛园绦培沿籽屯倘谜颅搐曲注梭穗英涕减斗厄鄂幢壁键信累嚎寒它垛朽爪他腰鹅焊雷值涨阅虽簿亢闻陌覆菜参豫猫狭小疮膏渐负搽蔼冗巳杆漫迁氟盼俭燥壤驭范波彼柱春聋腋晶依禹昆止凋屠径愤氛檬经愧鞭嘱闹去鸟趾漏森弘毡腾囚第一章 编制说明d宁波市丽江西路公铁立交桥工程(施工组织)security, and peace, volunteers for the integrated prevention patrol team, formed red armbands normalized patrol, patrol visits, extensive collection of reporting social conditions and public opinions, discover and master, resolve contradictions an辆觅材扒吝向虽扩酵奸莆儡碉慑赶沼脸堑冕扇翁在灸天被扮帆弃择碌渭给透牢荡容氧癌旗洪搭锁貌究绍价股侍湖椰侄署誓曰程开轻带然略萤蚁育榔第一节 编制依据d宁波市丽江西路公铁立交桥工程(


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