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上海版牛津初中英语试题9BChapter One

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    • 1、9B Chapter One一译短语1. 绿色(环保)消费者;2. 做比较3. 比作(喻)4. 处于危险中5. 对于的威胁6. 首先7. 温室效应8. 阻止某人做某事9. 以气体的形态10. 生物11. 保留12. 二氧化碳13. 海平面14. 导致(引起)某人做某事15. 臭氧层的破坏16. 保护层17. 烧掉;烧毁18. 雨林的破坏19. 吸入;吸收20. 把森林当作自己的家园21. 处置;处理22. 保护远离的危害提供Text1 What are the threats to the environment?2 Say something about the ozone layer?3 What do you know about the damage to the rain forests?4 How to save the earth?三、根据课文内容选词填空While essential greenhouse without chemicals Like from lifeless burning petrolThe earth is inside a kind of 1

      2、with the atmosphere around it acting 2 the glass, letting sunlight in 3 keeping much of the warmth 4 getting out the atmosphere is 5 to all living things 6 it, the earth would be as cold and 7 as the surface of the moonBut we are polluting it with 8 in the form of gasesand it is keeping in too much heat these gases are produced by 9 fuels such as 10 语法 Why and because (1)Tell students that this period deals with the simplest use of why to ask for reasons, because to cause用来说明事物发生的缘由。如: I didnt g

      3、o because I was afraid. 针对because引导的从句部分提问时,应用疑问副词why。如: Why did you come? I came because I wanted to see you. Comparing things (1) as形容词/副词原级as: 表示双方情况“一模一样” . My parcel is as heavy as yours. Arthur calculates as accurately as a calculator. (2) not as形容词/副词原级as: 表示双方情况“不(那么)一样”. It is not as hot as yesterday. I cant speak English as fast as a native speaker. (3)as many/much+名词+as I have as many books as he. He drinks as much water as his father. (4).as + adj. + a/an + n.+ as She is as good a te

      4、acher as your father. 她和你的父亲一样是个好老师 (5) 倍数+ as+ adj.+ as (twice/(three) times)Asia is four times as large as Europe. 亚洲有欧洲的四倍大(亚洲比欧洲大三倍)。几个习惯用法: 1. as soon as 一 . 就. 2. as long as长达只要.就 3.as +as possible尽可能 4. as well as 同样,也 5.同级比较与比较级转换 Tom is not as tall as John. 汤姆不如约翰高。 Tom is shorter than John. 汤姆比约翰矮。 Tom is not as careful as Mary. 汤姆不如玛丽认真。 Tom is less careful than Mary. 汤姆没有玛丽认真。一、选择填空( )1、The ozone layer protects us_ the sun A、from B、on C、in D、at( )2、This boot says that our world is_A、

      5、dangerous B、in danger C、trouble D、in trouble( )3、The atmosphere is essential_ all living thingsA、for B、to C、at D、in( )4、The Greenhouse Effect may cause the level of the sea to_ and drown cities A、raise B、rise C、raised D、raisen ( ) 5、Trees can_CO2 A、release B、let out C、take in D、take out( ) 6、We dont know_ to deal with the massive mountains of rubbish A、what B、how C、when D、where( ) 7、The government provides us_ useful things A、to B、with C、in D、for( ) 8、Few people know the facts,_? A、arent they B、

      6、didnt the C、do they D、dont them( ) 9、Mr. Black is the same age _Mr. Brown A、as B、like C、to D、from( ) 10、He is born rich ,so he _need to worry about money A、dont B、do C、does D、doesnt( )11、He prefers to work hard rather than_A、to do nothing B、doing nothing C、do nothing D、does nothing( )12、They each _listening practice every dayA、do B、does C、did D、doing( )13、The parents _their children to have great achievementsA、hope B、wish C、hopes D、wishes( )14、Dirty air is more noticeable _the fumes from traffic

      7、A、because B、instead of C、because of D、instead( )15、The girl seems _in the red dressA、slim B、to slim C、that slim D、is slim二补全对话,每空一个词,使其意思完整正确A:Excuse meB: 1 ?A: Could you tell me the 2 to the bookshop?B: well, go 3 Zhongshan road, and 4 the second turning 5 the right then 6 left. And you can find the book shop next 7 the museumA: How far is it from here?B: I think it is about 3 minutes 8 ,you can get there on foot within a few minutesA: Thank youB: 9 10 .作文。(10分)假设你是王明,是“陕西中学”的学生。请你围绕“建设节约型社会,从我做起”的主题,根据下面所给出的要点提示,给全国的中学生写一封倡议书。要点提示:1 节约用水,特别在刷牙,洗手时;要避免不必要的浪费。2教室或家中无人时,一定要确保关上灯和其他电器,白天无须开灯时不要开灯。3节约纸张等学习用品。4. 主动向父母及周围亲朋宣传节约能源的思想。注意:1 .词数100左右。 2 .倡议书的开头和结尾已写好,不记入总数。3.内容可适当发挥,要注意行文连贯。Dear fellow students,Our government is aiming to build a “conservation oriented society”(节约型社会).I think it is every citizens duty to achieve this goal.As middle school students, what should we do? _

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