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    • 1、目 录1 绪论31.1 课题背景及其意义31.2 室内装修空气污染现状31.2.1 全球室内装修导致空气污染现状31.2.2 国内室内装修导致空气污染现状41.3 国内外对室内空气污染的研究现状51.3.1 国外对室内空气污染的研究现状51.3.2 国内对室内空气污染的研究现状62 室内空气中挥发性有机污染物概况72.1 挥发性有机化合物的分类和理化性质72.1.1 室内有机污染物的分类72.1.2 VOCs的分类和理化性质72.2 VOCs的来源82.2.1室内空气中VOCs的重要来源82.2.2 室内空气中甲醛的重要来源92.2.3 室内空气中苯系物的重要来源102.3 挥发性有机化合物对人类健康的影响和危害112.3.1 VOCs的毒性112.3.2 不良健康综合症(SBS)122.3.3对人类各系统、各器官的影响123 挥发性有机化合物的释放规律133.1 VOCs 的散发及扩散机理133.2 典型污染物甲醛的释放规律133.2.1 温度对甲醛释放的影响143.2.2 湿度对甲醛释放的影响143.2.3 装载度对甲醛释放的影响143.2.4通风量对甲醛释放的影响153.2.5时

      2、间对甲醛释放的影响153.2.6 最佳环境条件的拟定164 挥发性有机化合物的评价措施及检测措施174.1 总挥发性有机化合物(TVOC)卫生原则174.2甲醛卫生原则174.3 常用检测措施184.3.1 分光光度法184.3.2 气相色谱法(GC)184.3.3 荧光及其传感器法194.4 VOC现场迅速测定仪195 挥发性有机化合物的防控措施205.1 挥发性有机物解决措施205.2 活性碳吸附法205.2.1 吸附技术简介205.2.2活性碳吸附法215.2.3活性炭的吸附可分为物理吸附和化学吸附215.3光催化氧化法225.3.1光催化氧化的简介225.3.2 TiO2与光催化225.4针对装修中常用的胶黏剂进行防控235.5平常对装修污染的防治246 结论与展望24参照文献26致 谢29Catalogue1 Introduction31.1 Topics background and significance31.2 Air pollution in indoor decoration31.2.1 Global interior design lead to air pol

      3、lution31.2.2 The domestic current situation of the indoor decoration cause air pollution41.3 The current research status of both at home and abroad on indoor air pollution51.3.1 The current research status of abroad on indoor air pollution51.3.2 The current research status of domestic indoor air pollution62 The general situation of volatile organic pollutants in indoor air72.1 The classification of volatile organic compounds and the physical and chemical properties72.1.1 Indoor the classificatio

      4、n of organic pollutants72.1.2 Classification of VOCs and the physical and chemical properties72.2 The sources of VOCs82.2.1 The main source of VOCs in indoor air82.2.2 The main source of formaldehyde in indoor air92.2.3 The main source of benzene series matter in indoor air102.3 The influence of volatile organic compounds on human health and harm112.3.1 Toxicity of VOCs112.3.2 Adverse health syndrome (SBS)122.3.3 The system, the influence of different organs in humans123 The release of volatile

      5、organic compounds133.1 Dissemination and diffusion mechanism of VOCs133.2 Typical pollutants - formaldehyde release were studied133.2.1 Temperature effects on formaldehyde emission143.2.2 Humidity effects on formaldehyde emission143.2.3 Degree of loading effects on formaldehyde emission143.2.4 Ventilation rate effects on formaldehyde emission153.2.5 Time effects on formaldehyde emission153.2.6 The determination of the best environment164 Volatile organic compounds of evaluation methods and testi

      6、ng methods174.1 Total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) health standard174.2 Health standard for formaldehyde174.3 Common detection methods184.3.1 Spectrophotometric method184.3.2 Gas chromatography (GC)184.3.3 Fluorescence method and the sensor194.4 VOC rapid field tester195 Volatile organic compounds in the prevention and control measures205.1 Volatile organic compounds treatment method205.2 Activated carbon adsorption205.2.1 Adsorption technology introduction205.2.2 Activated carbon adsorptio

      7、n215.2.3 Adsorption of active carbon can be divided into physical adsorption and chemical adsorption215.3 Photocatalytic oxidation process225.3.1 Photocatalytic oxidation of introduction225.3.2 TiO2 and photocatalytic225.4 In view of the commonly used in decorating adhesive for prevention and control235.5 Daily to decorate pollution prevention and control246 Conclusion and prospect24References26Thanks29家居环境中挥发性有机污染物的研究论述摘要:随着科技的日新月异,家居环境中挥发性有污染物已严重影响到人们的生命健康,如何更有效的进行控制和治理家居环境污染成了一种重要的社会课题。本文的研究思

      8、路为:分析国内外室内空气污染状况室内污染物的重要分类、来源及其危害室内典型污染物甲醛释放规律研究室内挥发性污染物的评价措施一室内挥发性污染物的检测措施挥发性污染物的防控措施对全文的总结展望。核心词: 污染物;甲醛;来源;防控措施;The research of volatile organic contaminants in the environment of home furnishingAbstract: with the progress of science and technology, volatile have pollution in household environment has seriously affected peoples life and health, how to more effective control and governance household environment pollution has become an important social issue.Research idea of this article is: th

      9、e analysis of indoor air pollution at home and abroad - indoor pollutants mainly classification, source and harm of typical pollutants - indoor formaldehyde release law study - the evaluation method of indoor volatile pollutants - indoor volatile pollutants detection method - prevention and control measures of volatile pollutants - summary of full text of the outlook.Key words: pollutants;formaldehyde;sources;prevention and control measures;1 绪论1.1 课题背景及其意义近年来,随着科技的日新月异和经济的蓬勃发展,在经历了18世纪工业革命带来的“煤烟型污染”和19世纪汽车石油革命带来的“光化学烟雾污染”之后,现代人正经历以“室内环境污染”为标志的第三污染时期。室内环境污染已经在国际上高居对公众健康危害的环境因素排名之首。对家居进行装修及装潢已经是不可避免的问题了,但是装修装饰材料、各类黏合剂、家具、电器等


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