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    • 1、Lesson 7Shopping for food 教学设计北京市国子监中学张力本课说明:Lesson7是本单元的第一课,学生将复习并学习食物、饮料的词汇,通过听力活动学习人民币、美元及 英镑的表达,及食物单价、总价的表达。并在第二课时能够运用how much/ how many,并搭配恰当的动词询问多少及价格。第一课时:? 教学目标:在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1 .学习并运用人民币、美元、英镑以及公斤和磅表达单价和总价。2 .通过听对话,获取三段对话当中关于食物、单价、数量以及重量等信息。3 .依据所获取的信息,口头进行简单的购物对话。教学过程:教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图互动模式& 时间Warm-upStep11) T: What are the children doing? What are they buying for? Where are they? Are they in a market or a supermarket?2) Show Ss more pictures about food. Help the Ss review and learn the w

      2、ords.1) Answer the questions.2) Look at the PPT and say out the words as many as they can. Learn the words they don t调动学生有美 食物的语言与 经验。(重点处 理有关食物的 know. P29)IWCW1,Step21) T:Whatfruit/vegetables/meat/ drinks do you like?2) People buy food in a market, shop or a supermarket. I like to buy food in the supermarket because its fresh.3) Where do you buy your favourite food? And why?1) Talk about their favourite food.2) Listen to the teacher and try to understandthemeaning ofmarket,shop,supermarket,fres

      3、h”.3) Talk about the places they buy food and tell the reason.通过谈论喜爱 的食物,在语 境中巩固关于 食物的词汇。理解 market, shop,supermarket 和 fresh.IWCW2,Pre-listeningStep31) T: Do you know how much is your favourite food?2) T: Do people in other countries also use RMB? What other money do you know?3) Lets know more money and weights. Help the Ss put the words into 2 kinds according to the example of yuan and “kilo ” .4) Have the Ss fill in the blanks.5) Complete the table according to the expressions.6) Show more pri

      4、ces for Ss to practice.1) Talk about the prices of their favourite food.2) Say more kinds of money they know.3) Try to understand the “yuan and “ kilo Then put the words cent(), dollar( $ ), pound( ), pound in two kinds.4) Fill in the blanks and read the sentences.5) Read and observe the expressions, then complete the table.6) Practise more.铺垫人民币、 美元及英镑的 表达;公斤与 磅的重量表 达。(重点处理”关于钱、价格 和重量的词汇 并使学生关注 文化差异)IWCW 12 1)+2)1, 3) 1 4) 2 5) 2 6) 6Step 41) Yesterday I bought one and a half kilos of tomatoes.

      5、 I gave the salesman 20 yuan bill and he gave me back M3.40. Complete the receipt.2) Check the answers to make sure the Ss understand the words.1) Listen to the teacher and complete the receipt.2) Check the answers in class to get the meaning of the words on receipt.引入话题,确 保学生理解Part3 词汇 (market, unit price, number, total,bill,change).IWCWPW 2,While-listening1st listening1. Listen to the dialogueand1. 一听通过关IWStep 5T asks Ss to listen to the dialogue and match the pictures. (Check the answers in c

      6、lass) 2 nd listeningT lets Ss listen to the dialogues in part. Share the answers and help the Ss answer the questions by deducing.3 rd listeningHave the Ss listen to the dialogues again and fill in the blanks. Help Ss focus on the expressions of shopping.4 th listeningPlay the tape to have the Ss read after it. And then give them some time to read in pairsmatch and match the pictures. (Check the answers in class)2. Listen to the dialogues in part and get the information to complete the notes. De

      7、duce the answers according to the information they write down.3. Listen to the dialogues again and write down the missing phrases and words.4. Listen to the tape and read aloud after it. And then read in pairs. Imitate the pronunciation and intonation.键词关注大 息。2.分段听,状取 细节信息,并 通过推断回答 提问和填卡 片。CW181) 32) 4+3+23) 24)43.听取导取 询问价格和数 量的用语,并 关注回答时用 到的重量单位/ 购买数量。(关 注购物的用 语,同时加强 文化渗透)4.培养语感、 语音语调,内 化语百Post-listeningStep 61) T asks the Ss to role play the dialogues by the helping of the pictures and key wor

      8、ds the teacher gives out. Check several pairs.2) The program will be on in America. Try to translate the words into English! Have the Ss make up new dialogues like the one in Part 2 by changing some information. Share several pairs in class.1) Pair work: Role play dialogues in pairs by information on PPT.Act out.2) Look at the PPT and get new case and make dialogues.thethethenew1 .分角色复述 对话,使学生 进一步熟悉语 言。2 .切换细节信 息,在学生熟 悉的场景里进 一步内化听力 材料内容。IWPWCW5,1) 32) 2Homework1.1. Read the dialogue 1-3.2. Write a new dialogue like Part 2.3. Complete Ex1 of Lesson7 on workbook.板书设计market fresheachLesson 7 Shopping for Food (1)4.38/kg4 yuan 38 a kilo$ dollar pound1$ = 100。1kg = 2.2lbOne and a half kilos = 1.5kg


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