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  • 上传时间:2022-08-24
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    • 1、1THE INTERNETAbstract What is the Internet? Where did it come from, and how did it support the growth of the World Wide Web? What are the Internets most important operating principles? The Internet is an interconnected network of thousands of networks and millions of computers (sometimes called host computers or just hosts) linking businesses, educational institutions, government agencies, and individuals together. The Internet provides around 400 million people around the world (and over 170 mi

      2、llion people in the United States) with services such as e-mail, newsgroups, shopping, research, instant messaging, music, videos, and news. No one organization controls the Internet or how it functions, nor is it owned by anybody, yet it has provided the infrastructure for a transformation in commerce, scientific research, and culture.Wordkey: Internet operating principlesTEXT The word Internet is derived from the word internetwork or the connecting together of two or more computer networks. Th

      3、e World Wide Web, or Web for short, is one of the Internets most popular services, providing access to over one billion Web pages, which are documents created in a programming language called HTML and which can contain text, graphics, audio, video, and other objects, as well as “hyperlinks” that permit a user to jump easily from one page to another. Internet Itodays Internethas evolved over the last forty years. In this sense, the Internet is not “new”; it did not happen yesterday. Although jour

      4、nalists and pundits talk glibly about “Internet” timesuggesting a fast-paced, nearly instant, worldwide global change mechanism, in fact, it has taken forty years of hard work to arrive at todays Internet. The history of the Internet can be segmented into three phases. In the first phase, the Innovation Phase, from 1961 to 1974, the fundamental building blocks of the Internet were conceptualized and then realized in actual hardware and software. The basic building blocks are: packet-switching ha

      5、rdware, client/server computing, and a communications protocol called TCP/IP (all described more fully below). The original purpose of the Internet, when it was conceived in the late 1960s, was to link together large mainframe computers on college campuses. This kind of one-to-one communication between campuses was previously only possible through the telephone system or postal mail. In the second phase, the Institutional Phase, from 1975 to 1995, large institutions such as the Department of Def

      6、ense and the National Science Foundation provided funding and legitimization for the fledging invention called the Internet. Once the concept of the Internet had been proven in several government-supported demonstration projects, the Department of Defense contributed a million dollars to develop the concepts and demonstration projects into a robust military communications system that could withstand nuclear war. This effort created what was then called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency

      7、Network). In 1986, the National Science Foundation assumed responsibility for the development of a civilian Internet (then called NSFNet) and began a ten-year-long $200 million expansion program. In the third phase, the Commercialization Phase, from 19952001, government agencies encouraged private corporations to take over and expand both the Internet backbone and local service to ordinary citizensfamilies and individuals across America and the world who were not students on campuses. By 2000, t

      8、he Internets use had expanded well beyond military installations and research universities. REFERENCESCook,G. The Discourse of Advertising (Second edition).Routledge,2001Coulthard, M. An Introduction to Discourse Analysis.Longman,1977Dyer,G. Advertising as Communication.Methuen,1982Simons,H.W. Persuasion. Understanding, Practice, and Analysis, Random House.1986Swales,M. Genre Analysis. English in Academic and Research Setting. Cambridge University Press.1990Vestergaard,T.、K. Schroder. The Language of Adertising. Blackwell.19881

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