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    • 1、考研英语一赣州市石城县2023年押题密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Lost & FoundThat night, when I arrived at the door of my building, I noticed a man walking behind me. I thought he was a neighbor I hadnt met. I did a 1 neighborly thing and held the door for him. But when I turned, he took away everything I had and ran away. I was 2 . From then on, I looked over my 3 , never fully a

      2、t ease. It cost me my sense of trust in my 4 .A year passed, I got home one night and found an envelope under my door. Inside was a 5 weather-beaten drivers license. I could 6 make it out because the address was nearly worn away. But the face on that 7 was mine. And the note in it said; Sarah Sweeney, if you still live here, call us at this 8 .Feeling 9 , I walked up and down in my living room trying to think of 10 someone would contact (联系) me like this. If theres a Mugger Playbook (抢劫犯剧本) this

      3、 was the final long game! Now hes checking my 11 to get more money?But I called the number.Then a(n) 12 voice of a little girl got on, “Hello! Are you Sarah Sweeney? My sister and I found your purse in the woods!”I could 13 she was jumping up and down as she spoke. She and her younger sister carefully 14 bits of paper, pieced together the clues to find me and 15 my wallet and everything inside. I was completely 16 . They were giving me a sense of relief.I asked her, “How can I 17 you?”“Hang on!”

      4、 She pulled the phone away and 18 with her sister; then I heard “ICE CREAM!Twenty minutes later, I was at their door. I 19 a box of ice cream. And these two little girls gave my wallet and a renewed sense of 20 .1、Ameaningful Bsmart Cpolite Dnecessary2、Arobbed Bcheated Csuspected Dcaught3、Ahead Bshoulder Cdoor Dneck4、Acolleagues Bfriends Cneighbors Dfamily5、Arotted Bnew Cuseful Dcheap6、Aeasily Bmerely Cprobably Dhardly7、Aenvelope Blicense Cwallet Dnote8、Apoint Btime Cnumber Dplace9、Aworried Bsad

      5、 Csatisfied Ddisappointed10、Awhy Bwhether Chow Dwhen11、Aroom Bwallet Caddress Daccount12、Aangry Bsweet Crough Dcold13、Asee Bnotice Cunderstand Dtell14、Areplaced Bunfolded Ccounted Dselected15、Areturn Bcheck Crepair Dclean16、Aconfused Blost Cdiscouraged Dmoved17、Atreat Bfind Creward Dinform18、Adiscussed Bagreed Cargued Dcompeted19、Acontributed to Bhanded over Cpaid for Dpacked up20、Aloss Bduty Ctrust DdirectionSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer

      6、the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Hawking was perhaps the most famous scientist in the world when he died in 2018 at age 76.His 1988 book,A Brief History of Time,sold ten million copies and made him an unlikely superstar even to people who sweated through high school science.Humor was always a big part of Hawkings effort to bring physics to the masses.In his 2010 book,The Grand Design,for instance,he recounts how,in 1

      7、277,the Catholic Church declared scientific laws such as gravity to be wrong,since they seemed against Gods idea.“Interestingly,”the text adds jokingly,“Pope John was killed by the effects of the law of gravity a few months later when the roof of his palace fell in on him.”Hawking was only 21 when he was diagnosed with the disease ALS.For most people,the condition would have been a disaster.But Hawking rolled over hardship as if it were just a pebble under his wheelchair.“Life would be tragic,”h

      8、e once said,“if it werent funny.”He kept smiling even though he spent more than 4 years in a wheelchair.“He loved adventure and fun,”says Mlodinow,who once took Hawking on a punt-boat trip down the fiver Cam in Cambridge,England,despite the obvious danger of the boat turning over.“You know about when he went on the Vomit Comet? Its a plane that flies in a parabolic(抛物线的)path so you are weightless,like you are in space.A lot of people vomit,but he loved that sort of thing.”And he was 65 at the ti

      9、me.Hawkings greatest hit,humor-wise,was probably the cocktail party he threw in 2009.It was a“welcome reception for future time travelers,”he said,so naturally,he sent out the invitations the day after the party.No one showed up yet.“Maybe one day someone living in the future will find the information and use a wormhole time machine to come back to my party,proving that time travel will one day be possible,”Hawking explained.And if that happens,dont be surprised if Hawking is there too.After all,he never missed a chan


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