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    • 1、赣州市会昌县2023年考研英语一模拟预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) My least favorite part was participating in sport meets, for I loved running by myself. When faced with running against fellow athletes, I was 1 . I had butterflies in my stomach and the sudden urge to go to the nearest 2 . This year, 3 , I was encouraged to join in a long distance running competition by my coach.

      2、The 800-meter event was approaching, meaning that I would 4 soon. I breathed deeply and tried to 5 my worries. I walked over to some of the 6 who would run with me and started to 7 with them. We were all loosening up and getting ready to run as 8 as possible.I stepped up to the line for the event. The starter raised his cap gun and 9 . About twenty-five runners 10 . With these runners around me, I 11 my coachs words, “You may be small, but you have 12 power.” So, I kept up with athletes twice my

      3、 13 . I picked up the runner in seventh place and based my steps on him, making it a little bit faster. One by one, I 14 to make it to the top four, bursting around the lap.It was the last lap before the final straightaway. I 15 I had the possibility to win. So I widened my steps, speeding up my 16 . I caught up with the runner in first place and we ran side-by-side down the last 20 meters - I 17 him by a hair at the finishing line.My coach gave me a 18 hug as I headed back to see him. He was 19

      4、 because I had shortened my original 20 by twelve seconds at least.1、AshockedBnervousCcomfortableDbrave2、AstadiumBhospitalCbathroomDstation3、AhoweverBinsteadCotherwiseDmoreover4、AdelayBfailCescapeDcompete5、AignoreBincreaseCformDimagine6、AreportersBjudgesCrunnersDcoaches7、Awatch outBturn backCget awayDwarm up8、AsmoothlyBrapidlyCcalmlyDpatiently9、AreturnedBwithdrewCscreamedDfired10、Atook offBset downClooked onDwent about11、AchallengedBrecalledCforgotDadapted12、AexactBgreatCpracticalDsuitable13、Apr

      5、essureBsalaryCsizeDage14、AofferedBpretendedCregrettedDmanaged15、AclaimedBheardCsupposedDremembered16、AspeechBmindCfightDpace17、AbeatBpushedCdraggedDfollowed18、AsoftBcautiousCfirmDslight19、AexcitedBdisappointedCrelaxedDdepressed20、AdistanceBtimeClapDstepSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1A womans home is her castle.She cleans,cooks,dec

      6、orates,repairs,works,plays and relaxes within the walls of her home.Sometimes women choose to stay at home to raise their children instead of working outside of the home. So you think she must be bored.I was one of those women.After finally getting pregnant,and giving birth,I found my home to be the best place.During the nine months I carried my daughter,my body had been broken and back.Being able to relax was just what my weak body needed. Besides,nursing was a rest because I was unhurried and

      7、very comfortable.Staying at home certainly cured my broken body.Watching other families grow one child after the next was a horrible dream,when I didnt think I would ever be able to have my own child.But after having Alyssa,my own cute little baby girl,I was able to let my heart recover from the wounds.I watched and I valued every small change of her body and personality.Nothing was more exciting than time spent with my child.I loved to stay at home.Mentally I remained challenged with new opport

      8、unities every day.I learned to be perfect and organized. Everything worked like a clock.By 9:00 in the morning,the house was cleanbeds made,bathrooms cleaned,house cleaned,and windows cleaned.I enjoyed finishing them quickly so that I could devote most of the day to my daughter. Between nursing,short breaks and staring at her,I thought of ways to improve my home and myself.Even with all the housework,every day was filled with so much fun!1、Why did the author say home is the best place in Paragra

      9、ph 2?AShe could carry her baby for nine months.BShe could know her baby better.CShe could have a good rest to cure her weak body.DShe could make friends with others.2、Why did the author enjoy staying at home?ABecause she had a beloved husband.BBecause she could heal the wounds physically and mentally.CBecause her daughter had some kind of rare disease.DBecause she liked to do so much housework with her little daughter.3、What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 4?AShe liked doing work connected with clocks.BShe was busy but happy when staying at home.CShe wanted someone to help her with the housework.DShe p


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