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    • 1、考研英语一钦州市钦南区2023年预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Every time Shelly and her friends go out to dinner, they play something called the “phone pile” game. Upon entering the private room, everyone places their 1 On the tea table; whoever checks their device before the bill arrives 2 for dinner.This game was first played about one year ago, when Lily, the starter, found

      2、that she had trouble 3 her mobile phone after she got home from work. So she 4 putting her phone into a small container the moment she walked in. It would remain there until after dinner.The similar technique was carried out by Holly, who didnt 5 to sleep close to a beeping phone. So she 6 computers and phones in her bedroom-a rule she 7 in her WeChat friends circle.With the rapid development of science and technology, smart phones 8 to impact our lives, and wearable devices like Google Glass 9

      3、Our individual space even further. Thus overburdened users are creating their own device-free zones. These disconnecting - 10 are improving their lives.Disconnecting is something that we all 11 , said Shelly. The expectation that we must always be 12 to everyone creates a real problem in trying to 13 private time. But that private time is more important than ever.A useful method for 14 is to choose a milk tin for your cell phone, just like Lily does. 15 my phone is lighting up, its still a distr

      4、action(分心的事物), so it goes in the 16 , she said.Others choose new 17 . No screens after 11 p.m. said Ari Melber, a TV host. Now evenings are more 18 and I am sleeping better.Sleep is a big factor, which is why some 19 to leave their phones out of their bedrooms. To these people, it 20 is a head-clearer.1、Awallets Bhandbags Cphones Dwatches2、Awaits Bpays Cprepares Dlook3、Aignoring Bchecking Ccharging Dfinding4、Aadvised Bforgot Cstopped Dbegan5、Ahate Barrange Cwant Dpromise6、Alost Bbanned Ccollecte

      5、d Dadjusted7、Ashared Bagreed Ctalked Dprovided8、Aintend Bchoose Chappen Dcontinue9、Athreaten Bdefend Cimprove Duse10、Atricks Bbeliefs Cways Dguesses11、Aneed Bavoid Cdiscover Dlearn12、Adependable Battractive Cconvenient Davailable13、Aput out Bset aside Cturn down Dcut off14、Aconnecting Bdistributing Cdisconnecting Dentertaining15、AUnless BAlthough CUntil DWhen16、Aroom Bpocket Cbag Dbox17、Arules Borders Csteps Dgames18、Aflexible Brelaxing Curgent Dupsetting19、Aadmit Brefuse Cprefer Dtry20、Anearly

      6、Bdefinitely Cfinally DhardlySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Some people are so rude!Who sends an email or a text message that just says “Thank you”? Who leaves a voice mail message rather than texts you? Who asks for a fact easily found on Google? Dont these people realize that theyre wasting your time?Maybe Im the rude one for not

      7、 appreciating lifes little politeness. But many social agreed standards just dont make sense to people drowning in digital communication.In texts, you dont have to declare who you are or even say hello. Email, too, is slower than a text. Voice mail is a now impolite way of trying to connect.My father learned this lesson after leaving me a dozen voice mail messages, none of which I listened to. Exasperated, he called my sister to express his dissatisfaction that I never returned his phone calls.

      8、“Why are you leaving him voice mail?” my sister asked. “Just text him.”In the age of the smartphone, there is no reason to ask onceacceptable questions about: the weather forecast, a businesss phone number, or directions to a house, a restaurant, which can be easily found on Google Maps. But people still ask these things. And when you answer, they respond with a thankyou email.How to handle these differing standards? Easy. Consider your audience. Some people, especially older ones, appreciate a thankyou message. Others, like me, want no reply.The anthropologist (人类学家) Margaret Mead once said that in traditional societies, the young learn from the old. But in modern societies, the old can also learn from the young. Heres hoping that politeness never goes out of fashion but that timewasting forms of communication do.1、What does the underlined word “Exasperated” mean in the fifth paragraph?AWorried. BSurprised.CAnnoyed. DTired.2、Why didnt the w


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