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填空 甲乙卷区 高考 英语 试题 汇编 经验 技巧 总结
2022届新高考英语三模试题汇编+学霸经验技巧总结 (完形填空甲乙卷区) 上岸985学姐:高考考场必备小贴士 作文从试卷中找灵感 @陈维维(高考以648分考入武汉大学法学院) 考语文时,先看看作文题目和要求再做前面的试题。因为试卷里会出现一些好句子,也许会给写作文提示一点思路和灵感。 数学考了140分的高分,心得在于“不要寄希望于检查,尽可能做一题对一题”。有些小伙伴可能做题不太仔细,总想着后面还可以检查,这不好。 【状元班主任解读】 一定要注意能够一次做对的题目,不要指望第二次,更不能寄希望于最后的检查。因为我们第一次做不对,第二次会形成思维定势。 而且考试到最后时,你的大脑由于高速运转已经精疲力尽了,再分析问题就不如开始时清醒。在这种状态下是容易由于考虑不全而出错的。 2022届吉林省实验中学高三下学期第三次模拟 The sweetest memory of my childhood is about a round table. When I was still little, my ___21___ family would get together on different traditional festivals to ___22___ dinner. We kids would be sitting around or playing hide-and-seek under the table ___23___ the grown-ups were having a chat. When I got a bit ___24___ my aunt brought back her boyfriend and my grandma cheerfully ___25___ another seat to the round table. It seemed a little more ___26___ , but we all felt much closer to each other. When I was twelve, my grandpa ___27___ . That made us feel ___28___ . However, when the whole family got together once again, we totally ___29___ that his chair, his bowl and his chopsticks should _____30_____ the same. Even though his seat was _____31_____ , we felt like that he had never left us. We all have a table like this in our _____32_____ . It is a sign of reunion of our family _____33_____ our feelings. Although the _____34_____ why we come together may be different, the feelings behind it are the _____35_____ . Usually different cultures are _____36_____ by us around the table. What’s more, we _____37_____ the love not only for our family, but also for a company, our _____38_____ and even the whole world. The history of our nation has been the stories of looking for or running to the round table which we belong to. The round table has been a _____39_____ of the Chinese feelings. It was, it is and will _____40_____ be. 21. A. happy B. whole C. dear D. warm 22. A. cook B. make C. prepare D. have 23. A. while B. or C. but D. so 24. A. taller B. bigger C. older D. stronger 25. A. set B. lay C. fetched D. added 26. A. crowded B. friendly C. enjoyable D. different 27. A. was in debt B. fell ill C. lost his job D. passed away 28. A. mad B. sad C. worried D. nervous 29. A. agreed B. imagined C. guessed D. judged 30. A. leave B. place C. remain D. repeat 31. A. missing B. empty C. taken D. dirty 32. A. units B. societies C. home D. families 33. A. acting B. showing C. performing D. declaring 34. A. custom B. fact C. habit D. reason 35. A. common B. true C. same D. deep 36. A. received B. accepted C. refused D. changed 37. A. express B. want C. impress D. trust 38. A. school B. relatives C. nation D. parents 39. A. milestone B. mark C. tool D. symbol 40. A. always B. still C. even D. ever 2022届四川省泸州市第三次教学质量检测 We all know what it is like to want to win and most of us know what it is like to lose. More often than not,____21____has the victor walking on air, lost in the glory of the moment while the loser is left with a feeling of ____22____. Almost nobody likes to come second. Modern society ____23____ winners and successful sportspeople quickly ____24____celebrities (名人), admired by all. ____25____, there are ways to win and to lose. Whether you ____26____ first or last at any sporting event, you ____27____ two opponents (对手): your fellow competitors and yourself. At the finish, your ____28____ will walk away but you will have to live with your ____29____. A true sportsperson will make the right decision for the right reason and not ________30________ failure. There is an old and very wise ________31________, “Win with modesty, lose with grace, and do both with dignity.” In ________32________ of such acts of sportsmanship, the International Fair Play Committee decided to award the Pierre de Coubertin Fair Play Trophy, in 1964. The first ________33________ to receive the award was an Italian bobsleigh (雪橇) competitor named Eugenio Monti. During the two-man bobsleigh final at the 1964 Winter Olympic Games, he ________34________ an excellent time for his downhill run. However, one of the British competitors, Tony Nash, had ________35________a part of his bobsleigh and was unable to compete. Just then, Monti, without ________36________, removed the same part of his own bobsleigh and ________37________ it to Nash. Nash and his partner went on to ________38________ a record time and won the gold medal. Monti's remarkable, unselfish decision to help a ________39________ competitor, in the final stage of an Olympic event, is an example to us all. He did not come first but he walked away a true ________40________. 21. A. fighting B. challenging C. training D. winning 22. A. failure B. separation C. loneliness D. anxiety 23A. interests B. creates C. honors D. tests 24. A. attract B. become C. support D. replace 25. A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. Moreover D. However 26. A. come B. go C. start D. leave 27. A. control B. face C. protect D. remind 28. A. admirers B. celebrities C. competitors D. colleagues 29. A. goal B
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