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类型(阅读理解之应用文) 高考英语三模试题汇编+学霸经验技巧总结【含答案解析】


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含答案解析 阅读理解之应用文 高考英语三模试题汇编+学霸经验技巧总结【含答案解析】 阅读 理解 应用文 高考 英语 试题 汇编 经验 技巧 总结 答案 解析
2022届新高考英语三模试题汇编+学霸经验技巧总结 (阅读理解之应用文) 上岸985学姐:高考考场必备小贴士 选择题做完就填答题卡 @王妮丽 (高考以583分考入华中农业大学生物学基地班) 为避免失去一些不必要的分,去年高考时一做完选择题就填答题卡。这时填答题卡心态较平静,不会因为担心时间不够而出现涂写错位的情况。 【状元班主任解读】 利用一些小的技巧,如做完试题就填涂答题卡,这样可以避免在最后时间较紧的情况下因匆忙而涂错、涂串或是没有涂完而造成的遗憾。 尤其是英语选择题较多,涂完全部答案需要10—20分钟,所以我们做完就涂卡,分数就已经得到了,这时候的心情比较轻松,也利于对后面的试题进行解答。 江苏省南京市2022届高三下学期第三次模拟考试 If you have no difficulty in understanding what native English speakers say in daily life, there is a whole new world of brilliant podcast(播客) series to explore. If you aren't sure where to start, have a look at these: The Joe Rogan Experience★★★★★ The Joe Rogan Experience is a great learning device because of its interesting English conversations between Rogan and his guests. At the time of writing there have been over 1,660 episodes with subjects ranging from comedy and science to politics and sports. Rogan is also a famous stand­up comedian, so the show is full of cultural references and idioms. This American Life★★★★★ This American Life is a great choice for English learners who want an insight into the culture of the USA. It is a mixture of journalism and storytelling, focusing on real­life tales from citizens of all regions of the country. The stories are new and varied. One episode was taped for 24 hours in an all­night restaurant; another interviewed workers on strike. The Writer's Voice★★★★☆ TheNewYorker is a famous American magazine, and every week it prints a new short story. In this podcast, the week's story is read aloud by its writer. The published work covers a wide range of life experiences across the United States and beyond. It's a great way to enjoy some of the best new fiction in the country. Overheard at National Geographic★★★★★ NationalGeographic is a much­loved American magazine (and TV channel) famous for incredible stories and photography related to science and the environment. Overheard is about the discussions Nat Geo employees have had while taking breaks. Expect crazy stories from explorers, photographers, and scientists from around the world. 21. In order to fully enjoy these podcasts, you should ________. A. have interaction with hosts B. have good English competence C. be interested in being a podcaster D. be familiar with American social life 22. Which podcast gives you more stories behind the scene? A. The Writer's Voice. B. This American Life. C. The Joe Rogan Experience. D. Overheard at National Geographic. 23. What do these podcasts have in common? A. They enjoy great popularity. B. Their stories are set in America. C. They are attached to magazines. D. Their works are updated weekly. 21-23 BDA 福建省宁德市普通高中2022届高三5月份质量检测 Stories are loved by people of all ages. Stories for kids play a major role in shaping their personalities. Below is a list of some of the best short stories for kids that we’re sure that your child would enjoy reading: Panchatantra Stories in English Most children stories significantly focus on teaching morals to kids. Panchatantra stories for kids are designed with the same motive. These are the oldest short moral stories for kids. These amazing small stories for kids in English from Panchatantra have reached an audience worldwide. To attract your kids with exciting stories, we provide you with our versions of some of the most famous and loved Panchatantra Stories for kids. Fairy Tales Stories Fairy Tales stories are loved by kids. The world of fantasy attracts everyone. These children stories give them a chance to leap into a world full of possibilities and imagination as well as moral lessons. They build their own versions of the fairies. Thus, such short stories for kids in English can build better creativity in children. Moral Stories for Kids in English Moral stories for children are those stories that convey moral values, which are crucial during their upbringing. Usually, moral stories for kids convey principles such as love, respect, honesty, virtues, etc. to their readers. Short moral stories for kids fill kids with a better understanding of what is considered good and what is termed as bad. Akbar Birbal Stories For generations, Akbar Birbal Stories have been enjoyed thoroughly by every kid. Akbar and Birbal Stories are a great combination of fun, wit, humour and moral values. These English stories for kids entertain, bring smiles and teach life lessons in effortless ways. 21. Who is the text intended for? A. Kids. B. Teachers. C. Parents. D. Storywriters. 22. Which stories can encourage children’s innovative thinking? A. Fairy Tales Stories. B. Akbar Birbal Stories. C. Panchatantra Stories in English. D. Moral Stories for Kids in English. 23. What do these stories have in common? A. They convey moral values. B. They are humorous and amusing. C. Some versions are written by kids. D. They are stories for people of all ages. 本文主要为家长们介绍了四本较好的儿童故事书,对其书本内容设计和益处进行了相关叙述。主要考察细节理解和文本内容筛查。 21. C。见文章第一段最后一句中“your kids”,可知
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本文标题:(阅读理解之应用文) 高考英语三模试题汇编+学霸经验技巧总结【含答案解析】
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