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类型E英语教程(第二版)教师用书 4_U4


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E英语教程第二版教师用书 4_U4 英语 教程 第二 教师 _U4
Unit 4 Listening and speaking Pronunciation and listening skills Scripts The weather in Britain can change very quickly./One day last week,/I went for a walk in the country./When I started out early in the morning,/the weather was beautiful./The sun was shining;/the sky was blue;/and there was no cloud at all./In the middle of the morning,/a sudden change came./A strong wind started to blow;/black clouds covered the sun./And in a very short time,/it started to rain heavily./There were no houses in sight,/and I had no coat with me./So I got very wet and felt very cold./About an hour later,/I managed to catch a coach/which took me home./But when I arrived,/it was clear again!/We sometimes say that/Britain is a country/where you can have four seasons in one day.News report Scripts A European Union program is letting blind people experience famous paintings for the first time.The program is called Access to Museums for Blind and Visually Impaired People.It uses 3-D printing to re-create famous paintings so they can be touched.One painting printed with the new technology is Gustav Klimts The Kiss.It is a popular attraction at a museum in Vienna.The painting shows a man and a woman standing in a field filled with flowers.They are wearing gold robes and have their arms around each other.The man leans down to kiss the woman.Klimt finished the painting in 1908.Until now,people who had trouble seeing could not appreciate the artwork with eyes.But,thanks to the reproduction with technology,they can touch the piece and feel it.Keys 1 B 2 D 3 D Conversation Scripts Brenda:Can you spare me a few minutes,Professor Smith?Professor Smith:Of course,Brenda.Come in and take a seat,please.Brenda:I need your advice,professor.Professor Smith:OK.Whats the problem?Brenda:Could you tell me whether I can take a photo of a school athlete and use it for the coming schools logo contest?Professor Smith:Well,I dont think its appropriate to use a persons image to represent the whole school.Whats more,you may infringe on that persons image rights if you use it without his or her permission.Brenda:OK.What about using a particular sporting event such as swimming?Professor Smith:You cant,Im afraid.I think youd better design an image reflecting the spirit of all the events instead of one.Brenda:Oh,I see.Ill try to figure out a more suitable image.Thanks a lot,Professor Smith.Professor Smith:Youre welcome.Good luck!Keys 1 1 C 2 C 3 D 2 1 3 4 3 Sample conversations Situation 1 Robert:Hi,bro.My computer broke down.I wonder if I could use yours this evening.Jack:Sorry,Im afraid that you cant.Robert:Come on!Dont be so mean.I have a paper due by the end of tomorrow.I really need to work on it.Why cant you do me a favor?Jack:Sorry,I have to finish a quiz online and submit it by 8:00 p.m.today.Robert:Is it OK with you if I use your computer after 8:00 p.m.since you will have already submitted your quiz by then?Jack:All right!Robert:Thanks a lot.Situation 2 Lisa:Hi,Mary.Im about to call you.Im wondering whether it would be all right if we use the meeting room for our rehearsal of a play tomorrow afternoon.Mary:Im sorry,but you cant.Lisa:Why cant we use it?Please do me a favor.I cant find any better place to do our rehearsal.Mary:The English Club has already reserved the meeting room.They are going to have a meeting there tomorrow.Lisa:Is the room available tomorrow evening?Is it all right if we use it from 6:00 p.m.to 8:00 p.m.?Mary:Sure.Lisa:Thank you very much.I really appreciate that.Passage Scripts Born on October 25,1881,in M laga,Spain,Pablo Picasso is one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century.He once said,“When I was a child,my mother said to me,If you become a soldier,youll be a general.If you become a monk,youll end up as the Pope.Instead I became a painter and wound up as Picasso.”From an early age Picasso showed an interest in drawing.At the age of seven,he began receiving art instruction from his father,who was an art teacher.By the time he was 13,his paintings were already better than his fathers.Soon,he lost all desire to do any schoolwork and instead spent his school days doodling on his notebooks.Finally Pablo Picasso became one of the most recognized figures in 20th-century art.Best known for his contributions to modern art,Picasso worked in a number of different styles and across a variety of art forms.His artistic achievements brought him worldwide fame and immense fortune.Keys 1 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 T 2 1 1881 2 an early age 3 seven/7 4 thirteen/13 3(略)Reading Passage A Language points 1.Around and around we go,laughing and nodding to the other dancers.(Para.1)Note Around and around we go 是倒装句,方位状语放在句首。Note nod at/to sb.意为“向某人点头”。e.g.The princess nodded to us as she walked by.Note laughing and nodding to the other dancers 为现在分词短语作伴随状语。2.As we continue to dip and sway,I remember a time when I was almost four,and my father came home from work,swooped me into his arms and began to dance me around the table.(Para.2)sw
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