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    • 1、2022年广东一模英语试题第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ASEA Summer High School Programs 2022Science at SEAScience at SEA is a four-week program for rising high school juniors and seniors, as well as recent high school graduates,which focuses on the coastal and offshore marine environment around Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The program includes a shore component on the SEA campus in Woods Hole and a sea component aboard the Sailing School Vessel (SSV)Corwith Cramer.J

      2、uly 21-August 13 Expense:$4,000 SEA QuestSEA Quest is a two-week program that welcomes high school students and recent graduates. Participants will gain hands-on experience conducting field research, sailing a tall ship, and understanding of the complexities of creating and managing marine reserves. They return home with a broader sense of the oceans importance to our planet and the need to preserve this precious resource for future generations. Life here is fast-paced. No prior sailing experien

      3、ce is necessary. Strong desire to learn is required!July 11-July 22 Expense:$3,200SEA CapeThis three-week summer program at SEA offers current high school students the opportunity to study the marine environment from a variety of perspectives: scientific, historical,and literary. Participants live and study at our campus in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.June 27-July 14Expense:$3, 800SEA ExpeditionThis two-week summer program for high school students,including graduating seniors, is centered on learn

      4、ing by doing. SEA Expedition is a multidisciplinary experience that welcomes students to participate in every aspect of a challenging offshore sailing and oceanographic expedition,and occurs entirely aboard the SSV Corwith Cramer. Life at sea is fast-paced and tough.July 5-July 17Expense:$3,500 21. Which program lasts the longest?A. Science at SEA. B. SEA Quest.C. SEA Cape.D. SEA Expedition. 22. What is necessary for participants in SEA Quest?A. Previous experience in sailing. B. Great eagerness

      5、 to study the sea. C. Ability to conduct scientific experiments. D. Knowledge of sea resources preservation. 23. What is special about SEA Expedition?A. It offers opportunities of sailing.B. It entirely takes place on a ship. C. It features many relaxing activities. D. It allows graduates to participate in.BDesperate to help his 96-year-old mother to speak her mother tongue again, Keith McDermtt made an appeal on social media and was met with a flood of kind responses. The old lady, Ray, was mov

      6、ed to tears after talking on the phone with one of the enthusiastic respondents in Welsh.Ray moved to America after meeting her husband when she was only 18, hence waving goodbye to her life in Wales. She continued to speak Welsh with her mum -keeping a little bit of home. But she lost her beloved mum four decades ago and hadnt spoken Welsh since.Despite suffering from short-term memory loss and sometimes not remembering what she has done recently,Rays childhood memories in Wales remain crystal

      7、clear.She wants to return but I know, given her age, such long-distance travel is out of the question. said Keith, Once she mentioned I wish I could speak Welsh again but I suppose I never will. It was then that I thought I should make her wish happen.So Keith,70, posted on social media in the New York Welsh area asking for any Welsh speakers that could speak Welsh with his mum. And he was touched, as well as a little shocked,to receive over 30 responses within half an hour. Keith thanked everyo

      8、ne and eventually asked Melisa to give his mum a phone call.Speaking with Melisa, her (Rays)Welsh was a little rusty. A few more Welsh conversations and I think shed be fluent again,added Keith.When you have a parent in their nineties, you will find you two have something in common: youre both old, so I am very sympathetic to my mothers feelings of loneliness and isolation(孤立). Im feeling it myself.Keith hopes to set up more Welsh phone conversations for his mum and Melisa has promised to send R

      9、ay some short stories in Welsh to remind her of her life in Wales.24. Why did Keith post a message on social media?A. To gather American Welsh speakers. B. To help his mum speak Welsh again. C. To slow down his mums memory loss. D. To track down his familys Welsh origin. 25. How did Keith feel after seeing the responses?A. Surprised and moved.B. Concerned and thankful.C. Sympathetic and excited. D. Astonished and isolated.26. What is conveyed in the story?A. Social media contribute to closer family ties. B. Mother tongue means more than a language. C.Childhood experiences shape ones later life. D. One will be more sensitive when getting older. 27. Where is the text probably taken from?A. A community noticeboard.B.A health magazine.C. A language-learning website.D. A local newspaper.CThroughout history, many species of animals have been thr


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