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    • 1、考研英语(一)第四部分分段翻译练习题(江南博哥)材料题根据下面资料,回答1-5题(46)A major Antarctic glacier is at risk of disintegrating irreversibly if it passes a key tipping point, which could trigger the collapse of the entire West Antarctic ice sheetand we cant say when it might happen. Pine Island glacier is one of two glaciers flowing into Pine Island Bay, part of the Amundsen Sea off West Antarctica. The other is Thwaites glacier. Both have retreated rapidly due to climate change, contributing to rising sea levels.Worse, the

      2、 two glaciers are the weak point of the West Antarctic ice sheet, which sits on bed rock below sea level. (47)A dramatic glacier retreat could let water get under the ice and thus collapse the entire ice sheet, leading to more than 3 meters of sea level rise,over centuries. The main reason the Pine Island glacier is retreating is a current of warmer water that now periodically flows under its floating tip, melting it from below. (48)Rosier and his colleagues simulated the glaciers behavior as th

      3、e oceanwater at its tip slowly warmed;they found that it passed through not one but three tipping points.The first two both led to rapid ice loss, even if the ocean was later cooled;the third caused the glacier to collapse entirely. This couldnt be stopped by cooling the ocean.Tipping point three is sort of game over, says Ted Scambos at the University of Colorado in Boulder. In the model, the third tipping point occurred when the ocean water had warmed by 1.2. A 2014 study found that the Amunds

      4、en Sea is warming by 0.1 to 0.3 per decade. However, Rosier says the 1.2 threshold is only a rough ball park. Its highly likely that things might happen over a quicker period of time, he says. (49)Rapid ocean warming could even trigger a cascade, in which the first tipping point caused enough melting to unleash the second, and then the third.The real challenge is that the Amundsen Sea isnt warming as if a thermostat were being turned up, says Scambos.(50)Instead, warmer water that used to be kep

      5、t out by currents and winds is entering in pulses, controlled by shifts in winds across the Pacific Ocean.Could we see the tipping point coming? In the model, the researchers were able to spot warning signs:Pine Island glacier became slow to respond to perturbations in ocean temperature. But they needed 300 years of data for this to work out how the glacier behaved earlier in its history by studying sediment cores from the ocean floor just off Antarctica, says Scambos. 1简答题第(46)题答案参考解析:如果南极的一个主要

      6、冰川超过了关键的临界点,那么它就有不可逆转地瓦解的危险,这可能会引发整个南极西部冰盖的崩塌。2简答题第(47)题答案参考解析:急剧的冰川消退可能会让水进入冰下,从而使整个冰盖崩塌,导致海平面在几个世纪内上升超过3米。3简答题第(48)题答案参考解析:罗齐尔和他的同事们模拟了当冰川末端的海水缓慢变暖时冰川的活动;他们发现不传经过了三个临界点,而不是一个临界点。4简答题第(49)题答案参考解析:快速的海洋变暖甚至可能引发一连串的后果,第一个临界点造成的融化足以触发第二个临界点,然后就是第三个临界点。5简答题第(50)题答案参考解析:相反,过去被洋流和风阻挡在外的温暖海水,现在正以脉冲的形式进入,而这种脉冲是由横跨太平洋的风向变化控制的。 材料题 根据下面资料,回答6-10题How should we tell the story of the digital century, now two decades old? We could focus, as journalists do, on the depredations of the connected life. As Facebo

      7、ok, Twitter, and YouTube have devoured the online world, they have undermined traditional media, empowered propagandists, and widened Americas political divides. The smart phone, for all its wonder and utility, has also proved to be an anaesthetic.(46)The internet age was praised as a third industrial revolutiona spur for individual ingenuity and an engine of employment, however, on these counts, it has not delivered.To the contrary, the digital age has coincided with a slump in Americas economi

      8、c dynamism. The tech sectors innovations have made a handful of people quite rich, (47)but it has failed to create enough middle-class jobs or to help solve the countrys most pressing problems:deteriorating infrastructure, climate change, low growth, rising economic inequality.Decades from now, historians will likely look back on the beginning of the 21st century as a period when the smartest minds in the worlds richest country sank their talent, time, and capital into a narrow band of human end

      9、eavordigital technology. Their efforts have given us frictionless access to media, information, consumer goods, and chauffeurs. (48)Software has hardly remade the physical world when we were promised an industrial revolution, whereas what we got was a revolution in consumer convenience.The original Industrial Revolution freed humanity from the centuries-long prison of slow economic growth. In the early 19th century, productivity and income were skyrocketing, first in England and soon throughout Europe. While the transition was brutal for many, (49)the gains were broadly shared:Real wages for the working class doubled in the first half of the century, and life expectancy at birth rose dramatically in the second half.In the computer age, the economy has trended in the opposite direction. Look up from your textbooks:Everything is getting better except our ability to measure how


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