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    • 1、2018年全国医学博士英语统一考试试题年全国医学博士英语统一考试试题2018年全国医学博士英语统一考试试题12018 年全国医学博士英语统一考试试题试卷一年全国医学博士英语统一考试试题试卷一 (Paper One)PartIListening Comprehension (30%)Section ADirections: In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers. At theend of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said. The question will be read onlyonce, after you hear the question, read the four possible answers marked A,B,C and D. Choose thebest answers and mark the letter of your choice on the

      2、ANSWER SHEET.Listen to the following example.You will hear:Woman: I feel faint.Man: No wonder You havent had a bite all day.Question: Whats the matter with the woman?You will read:A. She is sick.B. She is bitten by an ant.C. She is hungry.D. She spilled her paint.Here C is the right answer.Sample AnswerAB DNow lets begin with question Number 1.1.A. On campusB.At he dentistsC. At the pharmacyD. In the laboratory2.A. PainB. WeaknessC. FatigueD. Headache3.A. Their weird behavior at school.B. Their

      3、superior cleverness over others.C. Their tendency to have learning difficulty.D. Their reluctance to switch to right handedness.4.A. John will be angry.B. John will be disappointed.C. John will be attracted.D. John will be frightened.5.A. Theyre quite normal.B. Theyre not available.C. They came unexpected.D. They need further explanation.6.A. He knows so little about Lady GagaB. He has met Lady Gaga before.C. He should have known Lady GagaD. He is a big fan of Lady Gaga.2018年全国医学博士英语统一考试试题27.A.

      4、In the ward.B. Over the phone.C. In the emergency room.D. On their way to the hospital8.A. Health careB. Health reformC. Health educationD. Health maintenance9.A. Learning to act intuitively.B. Learning to argue academically.C. Learning to be critical of oneself.D. Learning to think critically and reason10. A. She is a pharmacist.B. She is a medical doctor.C. She is a scientist in robotics.D. She is a pharmacologist.11. A. Shes pessimistic about the future.B. Shes pessimistic about the far futur

      5、e.C. Shes optimistic about the far future.D. Shes optimistic about the near future.12. A. Negligence may put a patient in danger.B. Patients must listen to doctors and nurses.C. Qualified doctors and nurses are in bad need.D. Patients should be careful about choosing the right hospital.13. A. The man works at eh ER.B. The man can do nothing but wait.C. The womans condition is critical.D. The woman is a capable paramedic.14. A.Agynecologist.B.ApsychologistC.Aneurologist.D.Anephrologist.15. A. She

      6、 has only one friend.B. She isolates herself from others.C. She suffers from a chronic disease.D. She is jobless and cant find a job.Section BDirections: In this section you will hear one conversation and two passages, after each of which,youwill hear five questions. After each question,read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D.Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.DialogueQuestions 16-20 are based on the following dialogue.16. A. Because she cou

      7、ldnt do other jobs well.B. Because it was her dream since childhood.C. Because she was fed up with all her previous jobs.D. Because two professors found talent in her and inspired her to do it.2018年全国医学博士英语统一考试试题317. A. The Self/Nonself ModelB. The Danger ModelC. The vaccination theoryD. The immunological theory18. A. Being overactiveB. Being mutantC. Being selectiveD. Being resistant19. A. It can help cure most cancers.B. It can help develop new drugs.C. It can help most genetic diseases.D. It

      8、can help change the nature of medicine.20. A. We should ignore the resistance.B. We should have the model improved.C. We should have the experiments on animals.D. We should move from animals to human.Passage One21. A. The profits form medical tourism.B. The trendy phenomenon of medical tourism.C. The soaring health care costs around the word.D. The steps to take in developing medical tourism22. A.Affordable costsB. Low pace of livingC. Five-star treatmentD. Enjoyable health vacation23. A. It is

      9、a$100 billion business already.B. It is growing along with medical tourism.C. Its costs are skyrocketing with medical tourism.D. It offers more medical options than western medicine.24. A.To set up a website for blogging about medical tourism.B. To modify our lifestyles and health behaviors.C. To buy and affordable medical insurance.D. To explore online to get well informed.25. A.Atravel brochure.B.Alecture on medical tourism.C.Achapter of a medical textbook.D.Awebpage promotional material.Passa

      10、ge TwoQuestions 26-30 are based on the following passage.26. A. Song sparrows take good care of their babies.B. Young song sparrows back the skills and experience of their parents.C. There are different kind of song sparrows in different seasons.D. Young and old song sparrows experience climate change different.27. A. In the warmer springB. In the hottest summer2018年全国医学博士英语统一考试试题4C. In the coolest autumnD. In the coldest winter28. A. Because they lack the skill and experience to find food.B. Be


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