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春节的英语作文 春节英语作文翻译

  • 卖家[上传人]:Wo****A
  • 文档编号:189186567
  • 上传时间:2021-08-03
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    • 1、春节的英语作文 春节英语作文翻译春节英语作文翻译篇1New Years eve night, dad and mother gave me to do a big family reunion dinner table, I immersed in the joy.Finished, I went to watch TV, just at this moment, suddenly started “fireworks” outside, the sound of firecrackers makes me no peace, even dont want to watch TV.Set off firecrackers watch others hy, I will let my father took me to set off firecrackers outside.Dad looked at me with envy, had to go with me to buy firecrackers.After bought firecrackers, my father and

      2、I together downstairs to land, dad took out a large fireworks, pass me the lighter.Actually, this is the first time I have put this big fireworks, really a little nervous.Im a little shaking hands.I said to myself: “dont be afraid, dont, Ill never set off firecrackers!” I pull the lighters, fire come out from the lighters.I aim at fuse kindle it carefully, “bursts” With a fuse, I rushed into the distance, at the speed of sprint dad smiled and cried: “dont be afraid.” I no matter the fireworks, w

      3、hat all dont want to, to continue to run forward, ran to a safe place to s, I think.At that time a little fireball shot in the night sky, “bang” e_ploded in the air, then the little ball of fire in droves a one shot on the day, they are to open in the night sky! Sometimes like a chrysanthemum, sometimes like a peach blossom, and landed like color signal flare, the sky was dyed color.The fireworks out not only cool, but also make me bold enough to get up.I really hope to hurry up to ne_t years Sp

      4、ring Festival.除夕的夜晚,妈妈给我和爸爸做了一大桌团圆饭,我沉浸在欢乐之中。吃完了,我去看电视,正在这时,外面突然开始了“烟花大战”,鞭炮爆炸的声音让我不得安宁,连电视都不想看了。看着别人放鞭炮开心的样子,我就让爸爸带我去外面放鞭炮。爸爸看着我羡慕的样子,只好和我一起买鞭炮去了。买了鞭炮后,我和爸爸一起来到楼下的空地上,爸爸拿出一个大烟花,递给我打火机。其实,这是我第一次亲手放这种大烟花,真有点紧张。我的手有点发抖。我对自己说:“千万别害怕,要不,我就永远不敢放鞭炮了!”我抠动打火机,火苗从打火机里冒出来。我对准导火线小心翼翼地将它点燃,“哧”的一声导火线着了,我以百米冲刺的速度冲向远方,爸爸边笑边叫着:“别害怕。”我不管烟花放不放,什么都不想,继续向前跑去,一直跑到我认为安全的地方才停下来。这时一个小火球蹿上了夜空,“嘭”地在空中炸开了花,接着小火球成群结队地一个一个蹿上了天,它们在夜空中尽情开放!有的像一朵菊花,有的像一朵桃花,还有的像一颗颗彩色的信号弹,把那一片天空都染成彩色的了。烟花放出来不仅很酷,还让我胆子大了起来。我真希望明年的春节赶快到。春节英语作文翻译篇2

      5、“In the New Year.Alive ”in the New Yeart;, a child, dressed in new clothes.Take a string of firecrackers, hily running around in the street, like whats urgent matter, is in a hurry.Busy as a bee in the supermarket when the New Year came, the sacks bulging bags in one hand, in the supermarket in a hurry to run to run to, like the ant on the hot pot, the in the mind really afraid of firecrackers was gone, like the musical chair, hurried, a shoulder heel between individuals, who also no matter whic

      6、h kind of commodity prices are low, which kind of commodity prices high, you want to do with the kid to rob them.Go home to guests, pay the cashier and ark of the head, busy hurry-scurry, simply cant see how to pay, how to put the goods into the bag, one out, dont know how many people came, as great a number!The same time, the fireworks in the shop, people much more than in the supermarket.Fireworks pattern is also much more special, have a long and a short, square, and rectangular pattern, the

      7、number is countless.The New Year, New Year.“新年到了”。“新年到了”,一个个活蹦乱跳的小朋友,穿着新衣服.拿着一串串鞭炮,高兴得在大街上跑来跑去,好像有什么急事一样,正匆匆忙忙的跑去。新年到了,超市里忙得不可开交,一个个手上拿着一袋袋鼓鼓的包装袋,在超市里急急忙忙的跑到这跑到那,急得像火锅上的蚂蚁,心里真怕年货被抢光,好像在抢座位一样,急匆匆的,一个个人之间摩肩擦踵,谁也不管哪一种商品价格低,哪一种商品价格高,只顾着七手八脚的抢年货.回家去招待客人,收银台和付钱的柜头,忙得手忙脚乱,简直看不见是怎样付钱,怎样把货物装进袋子里的,一个出一个进,不知道有多少人来过,人数多得不得了!此同时,烟花店里,人多得比超市里还要多。烟花的花样也特别多,有长的,有短的,有正方形的,还有长方形的,花样应有尽有,数也数不清。新年,新的一年。春节英语作文翻译篇3The Spring Festival is one of my favorite holiday, because the Spring Festival is the festival.Today is

      8、Chinese New Year, New Years eve, the night before our family together, home to eat dinner, watch the Spring Festival evening party, while looking forward to the New Years bell sounded, quickly I also with the host as loudly as a matter of counting the countdown by firecrackers echoed throughout the neighborhood, adults and children smile on her face, with joy over the New Year.During the Spring Festival, relatives and friends mom and dad with me, I will said to the elders some

      9、 blessing their language, wishing them all the best, healthy body, the elders give money at the same time, also can say some auspicious words, looking forward to the children in the New Year study progress.Although the town is not big, but wherever you go, there you can see people beaming, _i Nang Nang square, a white-haired old man, also have innocent and lively children.The children set off firecrackers and fireworks, in the fete activity for the Spring Festival.Every people hy laughter echoed in every corner.New Years day is really hy ah, fun ah!春节是我最喜欢的节日之一,因为春节是那么的喜庆呀。今天是春节的前一个晚上-除夕夜,我们一家人做在一起,热热闹闹吃年夜饭,一边看春节晚会,一边盼望着新年的钟声快快敲响,我也和主持人一样大声地数着倒计时5。4。3。2。1。紧接着鞭炮声响彻了整个小区,大人和小孩脸上都喜笑颜开,欢欢喜喜过新年。春节期间,爸爸妈妈带着我走亲访友,我会向长辈们说一些祝福他们的语言,祝福他们万事如意,身体健康,长辈们给压岁钱的同时,也会说一些吉祥如意的话,期盼小孩子们在新的一年里学习进步。这个小城虽然不大,但是无论你走到那里,都可以看到人们喜气洋洋,熙熙攮攮的广场,有白发苍苍的老人,也有天真活泼的小朋友。小朋友们有的在放鞭炮和烟花,有的在参加春节游园活动。每一个人欢乐的笑声都在每一个角落回荡着。过年真快乐呀,好玩呀!第 4 页 共 4 页

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