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    • 1、 Essay写作范文-摄影与绘画的共性这篇Essay范文主要讨论了摄影与绘画的共性。与摄影最相关的艺术就是绘画了。当代艺术进程的事实说明,摄影艺术的诞生是由于绘画艺术的风格被人们长期欣赏而感到乏味时诞生的,摄影家不断进行创新或抛开固有的审美模式,从绘画艺术形式中吸取营养作为一种补充、更新,拓宽了摄影作品的视觉元素,从而建构起新的样式和新的审美视象,表达摄影作品独特的艺术内涵,以满足人们新的审美需要。有的摄影与绘画的作品意境深邃,由此可以看出摄影与绘画的互补因素和共性特征。Photography is produced with the formation and development of traditional photography technology and is the product of the rapid development of modern scientific and technological civilization. Photography and painting are often called art in daily life. The cre

      2、ation subjects of photography and painting come from life and are two kinds of art closely related to each other. Since the emergence of photography art, after years of development, savings, the traditional Chinese painting, oil painting, sketching painting art, especially the art of many basic skills, such as the understanding of the mastery of light, color and use, the choice of composition and so on, to learn painting, retained the form of reality, to capture the beauty of life and nature, an

      3、d then to modern high-tech digital production and get high quality pictures or images of chance is very high. It can be seen that although photography and painting adopt different material media, their works are presented in different forms with distinct artistic characteristics. Photography absorbs, draws lessons from and integrates the essence of painting art, and then through material media transformation, thus creating fresh and fresh works, which advance together with painting art.The siste

      4、r art of photography is painting. The fact that contemporary art process shows that the birth of photography art is due to the style of the art of painting was born people long-term appreciation and feel boring, photographer constantly innovate or throw the intrinsic aesthetic mode, draw nourishment from the painting art form as a supplement, update, and widened the visual elements of photography works, so as to construct a new style and new aesthetic vision, express the art connotation of photo

      5、graphy, aesthetic needs to meet new people. Some works of photography and painting have profound artistic conception, from which we can see the complementary factors and common characteristics of photography and painting.Both photography and painting works require the author to capture the phenomenon with typical meaning in life. Both of them adopt materialized means to settle down the seemingly simple daily life. Said to here, the need to talk about Chinas national treasure one of China top ten

      6、 famous paintings handed down from ancient times on the qing Ming, qing Ming scroll to see the surface of the prosperity of business during the northern song dynasty period, the essence which they rhyme, careful observation of characters is not hard to find the details of the building fire unattended, yugoslav capital institutions into the shop, the carriage of the rich on the rampage, can imagine in the hidden under the surface of the commercial prosperity, to express the image of ShengShiWei f

      7、igure unique artistic connotation. Later northern song dynasty painter in the whole process of creation, through the development of things with the passing of time, grasp the most typical significance of life change, seize the moment of opportunity, the most effective into the heart of the emulsion, the northern song dynasty capital city near Tokyo on both sides of the natural scenery and boom has a vivid personality, deep connotation of the lifes special details, a picture of coagulation on the

      8、 instant, through the moral strength and artistic appeal reflects the feudal bureaucratic class with some nature and depth of the toiling masses life. Award-winning photography fair is the original black and white wanbei are taken in the countryside, the characters in the picture and the trees are black and white film cut, the sky is a digital photography, images of migrant is some cycling, some carts, some pedal-driven vehicles, composition novel, the color contrast, give a person with strong v

      9、isual impact, struck by art comes from life, life taste is very strong, the author of the light, character, environment moments grasp very reach the designated position, showing the feeling of life is always good.Photography and painting are also art created on a two-dimensional plane, which can visually show multiple parallel scenes through the plane, so that people can accept the colorful life space at a glance. Here also mentioned one of Chinas national treasure level one of the ten most famous Chinese painting riverside scene on qingming festival, a painting on the multiple scenes: the outskirts of the camel team, bridge, sampan, high tree crow nest, wheat field, stone mill, sheep pen duck house, farm yard scattered in order; Tall towers, on both sides of the house row after row, all kinds of life, everything, street people, men, women, old and young, farmers and businessmen, people from all walks of life, hand in hand, everything. Tra


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