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    • 1、www.ocscf.org Assignment写作范文参考-特色地域文化这篇Assignment写作范文主要讨论了特色地域文化。特色地域文化是在一定的地域范围内长期发展形成的地方特色,物质财富与精神财富的总和,对每个地区的人文生活、社会发展产生巨大影响。每个城市历史不同,自然环境不同,形成了自己特有的历史文化,至今仍然作用于人类,具有一定的稳定性。正是因为这些地区的文化差异,才赋予文化的多样性。Regional culture is a local characteristic formed by long-term development within a certain geographical scope. The sum of material wealth and spiritual wealth exerts a great influence on the cultural life and social development of each region. Each city has different history and natural environment

      2、, forming its own unique history and culture, which still works on human beings and has a certain stability. It is precisely because of the cultural differences in these regions that the cultural diversity of the Chinese nation is endowed.The city image includes three parts, namely the city basic idea system, the city behavior system and the city vision system. The visual image of a city can directly and clearly show the unique image of a city, and the unique elements of a city can be used in th

      3、e design of the image of a city to clearly convey the culture of a city. Generally, it can be displayed through the design of city Logo, posters, mascots, public facilities, and city guide system, etc. These visual elements have regional characteristics and are suitable for urban development, bringing people basic impression of the city and deepening their memory of the city.The design of urban visual image is a summary of the orientation of urban cultural connotation. City is the core of region

      4、al development. It is necessary to properly combine regional cultural elements with urban image design, refine the essence, innovate, and update and improve in a certain period of time. The visual image of a city is expressed through graphics, texts and colors. The application of distinctive regional cultural elements can clarify the cultural orientation and style of a city. It is precisely because of these unique cultural colors that the city has a soul. Every city has cultural, historical and

      5、geographical differences. We should respect cultural differences, actively explore cultural connotations and shape urban character.Xi an is a famous historical city and an important central city in western China. Since the qin dynasty, many dynasties have built their capitals here, and through the prosperity and decline of thirteen dynasties, this city has been famous at home and abroad for thousands of years.Architectural graphic elements: xi ans representative buildings are numerous, such as b

      6、ell tower, drum tower, wild goose tower, city wall, terra-cotta warriors and horses, etc. These world-famous historical sites are undoubtedly our national treasure, but also the treasure of the whole world. Architectural graphics are generally the best symbols in visual creation, refining the basic shape of the building itself and applying it in urban visual image design. The unique artistic image represents the brilliance of xi an.Folk art elements: qinqiang opera, one of the oldest operas of h

      7、an nationality in China, with generous and beautiful facial makeup, mainly in three primary colors, and bright coloring. Shaanxi paper-cut is one of the traditional folk arts with a long history in China.Food culture elements: mention of xi an, can not help but associate with the characteristics of xi an food culture, cold skin, rou jia mo, lamb bubble, dumplings banquet. Become the representative cuisine of xi an. In addition, hui snacks are a must in xi an snacks. Xi an cuisine flavor bias, co

      8、lor to red.Xi an, as an international metropolis and famous tourist city, is also one of the four ancient capitals of civilization, with numerous regional cultures that can be used. Xi an city emblem is to the famous ancient pagoda big wild goose pagoda and the appearance of the city wall of xi an as the creation elements, the big wild goose pagoda figure is surrounded by the tooth shape of the city wall, using red and gold collocation, symbolizing the brilliant meaning. Road infrastructure also

      9、 adopted the Terra Cotta Warriors armor elements, use elements of the terracotta warriors armor and the big dipper decoration rubbish bins, public seating, guardrail, etc., show the culture of the ancient city of, to beautify the city image, and accord with human body engineering, improve urban landscape at the same time, also has a strong functional, cleverly combines regional culture and modern culture.The use of representative architecture or folk art graphics is not purely from the graphics, but from the living habits, cultural concepts and special customs and other aspects, combined with modern decorative elements. The use of color can be based on the paper-cut or the color system adopted in the main buildings of xi an city. Innovation can be carried out on the basis of retaining the urban tradition to show the new appearance of the city and let people feel the unique culture of the city. Under the background of One Belt And


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