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    • 1、 Essay写作范文-音乐教育的新思维本篇essay写作范文主要讨论了音乐教育的新思维。创新型的新思维是指某人,或者某个机构基于对原有基本知识理解的基础上,结合资源、技术等元素,重新将知识衍生化,并通过衍生的知识解决更多的问题,或者解决新时代出现的新问题。在的音乐教育层面,学生需要对各种音乐功能有全面的认识和了解,在超越对客观事物基本认知的基础上,使得学生能够将所学举一反三,然后在创新性思维的作用下应用新型知识,并以此来构建一套属于学生自身的对音乐操作知识和音乐感官认知的创新型知识体系。Innovation education is to cultivate peoples innovation spirit and innovation ability as the basic value orientation of education. Music education is one of the important components of Chinas education system. It is necessary to apply the educational sty

      2、le rich in art and art education spirit to the education system under the background of innovative education, which is an inevitable requirement advocated by the education reform and even the general trend. How to cultivate innovative thinking has been the research direction of scholars and experts in the field of education at home and abroad for many years. At the same time, for the new music education, how to use the new music education system to cultivate comprehensive talents who can progres

      3、s with The Times, develop with the same pulse, breathe with the same breath, or even music professional talents, is also where educational institutions are based in the industry.Innovative new thinking means that a person or an institution, based on the understanding of the original basic knowledge, combines resources, technologies and other elements to re-derive knowledge and solve more problems or new problems in the new era through the derived knowledge. At the educational level, this new thi

      4、nking can help students to learn knowledge and apply what they have learned flexibly in practice. To achieve this effect, educational institutions need to choose innovative new thinking as an educational program, which is also the main purpose of cultivating students innovative thinking. In specific music education level, the first thing you need to have a comprehensive understanding and the understanding of each music function, on the basis of beyond the basic cognition of objective things, the

      5、 students learned to be able to extrapolate, then under the action of innovative thinking, application of new knowledge, and to build a set of belong to the students own knowledge of music operation sensory cognition of innovative knowledge system and music.The change of educational concept requires all music teachers in educational institutions to give up the backward educational plan from the ideological and behavioral level. For example, the teacher of duet light music theory sings a sentence

      6、, and then the students follow the module with samples. Only pay attention to the classroom effect does not pay attention to long-term training directly let students memorize lyrics, tunes and other patterns. What teachers need to change is the cognition at the ideological level, including the ultimate music education goal is to impart knowledge, imitation, repetition is the main way to help students learn, etc. But in fact, what teachers need is to guide students, give real-time encouragement,

      7、encourage their independent thinking, cultivate students innovative thinking, and do a good job in the process of guidance, supervision and encouragement. While taking the shaping of students innovative thinking as an educational concept, it is also necessary to thoroughly implement this concept in the teaching process from thought to behavior.Education mainly consists of two contents, including the subject and the conductor, among which the conductor is the teacher and the subject is the studen

      8、t. In the education system, teachers exist in the form of conductors, shouldering responsibility, which requires their hard work and efforts to make achievements. At present, music education mode is mostly cramming, the relationship between teachers and students is very fixed, teachers should take the initiative to communicate with students, timely understand the psychological state of students through communication, especially for students with strong thirst for knowledge, to give timely guidan

      9、ce. In addition, teachers should level and behavior level recognition of thinking in students the characteristics of the differentiation, and both the differentiation, in the case of energy, teaching resources allow do self-construal, dont suppress differentiation disadvantaged students in the group, give them positive energy, as a good conductor in the education system.In fact, the construction process of the new music education system is the display of innovation, which is rooted in the music teaching context, which not only requires teachers to have excellent teaching skills, but also requires them to pay attention to teaching methods. The important purpose of music teaching is to enable students to learn independently, efficiently and apply what they have learned under the new educational concepts created with great satisfaction, and to cultivate students innovative thinking at the same time. Therefore, in order to stimulate the overall


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