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    • 1、 留学生Essay写作范文-国外林业的发展本篇essay写作范文主要讨论了国外林业的发展。在全球生态环境和绿色经济发展大背景下,国际林业正处于转型发展的重要时期。自从第11届世界林业大会以来,林业可持续发展成为各国林业发展的最基本的时代课题,是当前世界各国普遍接受的林业发展方向。林业可持续发展的内容包括林地生产力和森林再生产能力的可持续发展,持久地保持森林资源开发利用的价值,林业产业的可持续发展,物种和生物多样性的可持续发展,以及不断提高林产品的市场竞争力的可持续发展等。Under the background of global ecological environment and green economy development, international forestry is in an important period of transformation and development. The research and analysis of international forestry development trends are helpful to promote

      2、 the sustainable development of Chinese forestry. Since the Rio earth summit in 1992, especially the 11th world forestry conference in 1997, sustainable development of forestry has become the most basic subject of The Times for the development of forestry in various countries, and it is the generally accepted development direction of forestry in the world. The sustainable development of forestry includes the sustainable development of woodland productivity and forest reproduction capacity, the s

      3、ustainable development of sustainable utilization of forest resources, the sustainable development of forestry industry, the sustainable development of species and biodiversity, and the sustainable development of improving the market competitiveness of forest products.Germany is a pioneer in the development of forestry in the world. The protection of the forest has a complete and perfect the legal system of forest management system, from the federal government to the local forest region to estab

      4、lish a set of perfect management system, simple structure, the function is clear, simple and efficient, many forestry production and management services, shall be borne by the forestry professional associations, intermediary organizations, implements the government guide, market operation, the second has a high quality the forester system, attaches great importance to forestry education and training of concave.Like China, the federal and state governments of Germany conduct a forest resources in

      5、ventory every 10 years and strictly enforce the rules that the annual harvest is less than the annual growth. In 1898, and put forward the close to nature forestry theory, close to nature forestry is a kind of advanced forest management idea, is after the second world war the German people after decades of forest management activity practice continuously explore, summarize, perfect and form of forest management idea and method, refers to the business purpose type that local communities are the m

      6、ain native tree species are performance obviously. Germany is the birthplace of modern forestry science. Its forest benefits are mainly reflected in the ecological benefits that cannot be monetized. The forest has become a means to improve German culture and product brands and maintain industrial civilization. Perfect community forestry is a big window of German forestry. In the past, most private forest farm owners in Germany rely on their own power to manage the forest, in recent years, no int

      7、erest in forest management, lack of forestry knowledge, do not have their own management ability and do not live in the forest owners gradually increase.In the early 1980s, professor J.F. Farklin put forward the new forestry theory in order to protect the global ecological environment. After that, the forest ecosystem management was carried out on the state-owned forests, and the American forestry industry changed to sustainable development. The theory emphasizes that while highlighting the valu

      8、e of environmental protection, forest management should develop multi-functional and intensive forestry, attach importance to the comprehensive display of forest economic benefits, ecological benefits and social benefits, emphasize the multi-functional forestry, and establish a reasonable forest form and structure.Into the 90 s, according to a 1992 world conference on environment and development of forest resources and forest sustainable management requirements, the state-owned forests has compr

      9、ehensive logging ban, to environmental protection and ecology, forest tourism and entertainment leisure long-term studies with Lin, the ruling forestry in accordance with the law, combining study, government support and sustainable utilization of forest management mode. From the 2nd century to now, the development of forestry in the United States has entered the sustainable use stage. The United States government USES legal means to manage resources and strengthen the legislation on resources. So far, the United States has formulated a series of strict laws and regulations on resource protection, and the American forestry management system has achieved a legal basis and basis, fully respecting the cooperation and coordination of departments and disciplines when formulating policies, laws and regulations. Over the last 100 years, the United States has lost only about 13 percent of its forest area, and its forest coverage has remained at about 33 pe


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