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    • 1、 Essay写作范文-印度电影本篇Essay写作范文主要讨论了印度电影。近年来,随着世界各国对电影产业的大力发展,世界电影发展的格局也在悄然发生变化。其中,比较引人注目的是印度电影的异军突起。印度电影在题材选择和思想传达上通常都以外部现实世界为故事的起点,通过对任务心理的非理性的解释使整个电影在深刻反思现实问题的同时具有了强烈的抒情色彩。另外,对电影人物的成功塑造是印度电影成功的另一个重要因素。In recent years, with the vigorous development of film industry in various countries, the pattern of film development in the world is changing quietly. Among them, more notable is the sudden rise of Indian film. Within a decade, India has produced more than 1,500 films a year, the highest number in t

      2、he world. In 2017 alone, of the films that sold more than $1 million at the box office in North America, 29 were Indian, accounting for nearly half. By comparison, Chinese films were much weaker, with only three making it into the list.Indian films have not only performed well in foreign markets, but also set off an Indian film trend in mainland China in recent years. In 2011, the Indian film three idiots was released in China, taking in more than 7.4 million yuan in just four days. In 2015, the

      3、 Indian film my god sold more than 100 million yuan at the domestic box office. In 2017, dangal was repeatedly thumb up by xi , general secretary of the communist party of China, which achieved a crazy sales volume of nearly 1.3 billion yuan in China that year.Romantic realism contains two connotations, one is romanticism, the other is realism. Both kinds of literary thoughts have long realistic roots, the former comes from the theory of literature and art in Aristotles poetics of ancient Greece

      4、, and the latter comes from the pursuit of nature, freedom and other concepts since the Renaissance. Generally speaking, realism pays more attention to the faithful description of objective things, and pays attention to reflect the real good and evil phenomenon of social life; Romanticism pays attention to the transcendence of reality and the description of conveying characters psychology, revealing a higher spiritual world than the real world through human power. Indian films show the interweav

      5、ing of these two artistic styles in the aspects of theme selection, thought transmission and character building.Indian films usually take the external reality world as the starting point of the story in the choice of theme and the communication of ideas. Through the irrational explanation of the psychology of the task, the whole film has a strong lyrical color while reflecting on the real problems. Take dangal, in which mahavia, a retired wrestler, trains his two daughters to become world wrestl

      6、ing champions in order to fulfill his dream. The film introduces the audiences perspective through the protagonist to the real issues in India, such as caste system, sexism, domestic violence and patriarchy, and expresses an ordinary citizens sense of responsibility and mission to the country, with a strong humanistic color. Taking the little girls monkey god uncle as an example, the story of Indian monkey god uncle escorting a lost Pakistani girl back home not only reflects the current situatio

      7、n of Indias national politics, politics and religion, but also expresses the call for harmony, tolerance and sincerity. These films abandon traditional and rigid expression techniques and make the real scenes more attractive by designing twists and turns of plots and suspense. At the same time, traditional elements such as song and dance also constitute an organic part of the narrative. When the film narrate the reality, it makes the reality no longer dull and presents the romantic narrative sty

      8、le.The successful portrayal of film characters is another important factor for the success of Indian films. The characters in Indian films come from different social classes. The film also reflects their dreams in reality and their persistence to the future through the description of their living conditions and the good and evil of human nature. For example, the stereotypical and stubborn father figure in mystic hold and the selfish and proud father of a wrestler in dangal are all imperfect and have their limitations. However, it is these small people from the bottom of the society to gather the dream of reality beyond.


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