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Assignment写作范文-The spread of Arabic

  • 卖家[上传人]:mee****论文网
  • 文档编号:93550052
  • 上传时间:2019-07-23
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    • 1、 Top论文网 专业留学生Assignment写作品牌Assignment写作范文-The spread of Arabic在早期的阿拉伯部落当中,阿拉伯民族就与诸多外界民族开展了多样化的交流,这也是现如今阿拉伯语传播的一部分原因。当然这些多样化的交流和接触很有可能是建立在互相之间的血缘关系的基础上,所以阿拉伯语在传播的过程中比较顺利,并没有出现抵触现象。或许是民族之间的血缘关系,所以传播的过程普遍都是欣然接受的,这也是为阿拉伯语在世界范围内广泛传播打下了一个坚实的基础,进而促进了伊斯兰教在世界范围内的普及。Arabic, as the mother tongue of the Arab nation, is now widely spread around the world. Arabic is the language of the arabs, and its related to flash with the Semitic languages, Arabic and islamic religious language, all over the world, countl

      2、ess people using Arabic, Arabic, realized widely spread all over the world, this paper analyzes the cause of the spread of Arabic and expounded.The rise of Islam is one of the important factors to promote Arab nation unified, also gives birth to a new culture, namely the Arab islamic culture, Arabic also gradually perfected and integration, but also help the Arabic language has been widely spread in the world. A language can be widely spread many reasons, such as political, religious reasons, ec

      3、onomic reasons, language, their own advantages and historical reasons, etc., these reasons though scattered, but is often interaction, under the influence of a number of reasons, to promote the spread language.Although the early Arab culture was in a very weak position, the arabs began to promote the idea of unity of politics and religion, and gradually established a regime based on this idea. The establishment of the Arab regime is to take the teachings of Islam as the core guiding ideology, an

      4、d to guide the construction of the army, and thus achieve the rapid development. During the Arab culture at that time is very strong, but because there have been varying degrees of disruption, dispersion, etc., cause in the face of the invasion of foreign culture such as the Greek culture, influenced by some. Pedagogy is a famous scholar in the west had the islamic term analysis, draw the conclusion that the islamic term used mainly in three aspects, first of all, in the early development of Isl

      5、am is a religion, then along with the advance of the relevant culture, islamic represents a countrys name, the last in the temper of the history, Islam has become a kind of culture. Along with the rise of Islam, Islam established a country of its own religion and completed the conquest of the entire northern region. Arabs are a particularly important part of the islamic regime, so the islamic state is controlled by arabs. Under the governance of Islam in Arab countries have developed quickly, an

      6、d at the same time it also accelerate the spread of Arabic in the very great degree range and speed, and the spread of Arabic also to the expansion of Islam has played a key role.Islam Muslim to the Koran has a very loyal attitude, and the source of the Arabic is the Koran, so for the islamist Muslim, is the true god we use Arabic language, its loyalty sacred significance, and Islam in the ritual is also used in the Arabic. Thus, Arabic is an important position in Islam, and in this context, the

      7、 Arabic language has started to spread widely around the world. Say so, because of religious culture, the Arabic language has very important significance for Islam, in the Arab region, the Arabic islamic believers because they use are proud and proud, this arises spontaneously pride has direct relationship with religious culture. With the continuous development of Islam, in many areas by islamic conquest, and many countries have been separated from the religious category, which to a great extent

      8、, the influence on residents life, so they need to learn Islam culture. When people through religious learning Arabic, you can ask the more national promotion Arabic islamic areas, as a result, more and more the use of Arabic Numbers, it also created favorable conditions for the spread of Arabic.The historical reason for the spread of Arabic is not only the spread of arabs, but also the cause of the development of religious history. In the 19th century, for example, there is a historian will wed

      9、ge Arabic words and Ethiopia text has carried on the contrast research, they found that the two languages are very similar, by studying the analysis judgment, these two kinds of language belongs to Semitic language, and the use of the two languages in size, appearance, religious belief and other aspects are all very similar. This means that many people in the history of language use are Semitic peoples. In addition, the arabs have had exchanges and contacts with multiple countries, before the rise of Islam, have established many arabs in sharm area small country, and these countries the use of language is Arabic. In addition, early Iraq and the Arab countries did a lot of contact, and also formed the good relations of cooperation between the two countries, it is also promoting Arabic to spread throughout the world is one of the important channels. Under the influence of many historical factors, the spread of Arabic has also laid a sol

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