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    • 1、 meeloun论文网Essay写作范文-自然科学与人文科学的统一自然科学与人文科学在对象、功能和本质三方面统一。自然界和人不仅互为对象,而且相互渗透,相互包含;自然界和人的相互包含决定了自然科学与人文科学的相互包含;实践的发展过程同时也是自然界与人日益融合、走向一体化的过程,必然使自然科学和人文科学日益融合走向统一。自然科学和人文科学的统一还表现在解释功能和批判功能的统一,改造自然与改造社会的统一,反映功能与预见功能的统一。Natural science and humanities are unified in object, function and essence. Nature and man are not only mutual objects, but also permeate and contain each other. The mutual inclusion of nature and human determines the mutual inclusion of natural science and human science. The developm

      2、ent process of practice is also the integration process of nature and human, which inevitably leads to the integration of natural science and human science. The unity of natural science and human science is also reflected in the unity of interpretive function and critical function, the unity of transforming nature and society, and the unity of reflecting function and foreseeing function. Both the natural sciences and the humanities should be understood in terms of the social nature of human bein

      3、gs.Social essence of natural science knowledge not only from the intrinsic relationships between natural science and social needs and other natural science system and society system, the two aspects to examine the relationship between, but also from the unity of natural science and the humanities to examine, the unity of natural science and humanities in the object, function, nature of many aspects.According to common understanding, the object of natural science is natural force, and the object

      4、of human science is human. But in the view of marxists, nature and man are unified, so to study nature is to study man, and to study man is to study nature. Marx thus put forward two propositions, one is man is the direct object of natural science, the other is nature is the direct object of science about man.The unity of natural science object and human science object is reflected in the unity of nature and human. Insist on the unity of the natural world and human beings, the natural world and

      5、human connection to investigate. Marxists insist on looking at problems from the perspective of practice, believing that nature and man are in an objective relationship, that nature is the object of man, and man is also the object of nature. An object relationship works both ways. If a is an object of b, then b is also an object of a. As long as I have an object, that object regards me as its object. In nature, the object of humans practical activities is the object of the expression of humans e

      6、ssential power. However, from the ultimate source, humans essential power still comes from the natures essential power. To say that mans physical and spiritual life is connected with nature is to say that nature is connected with itself, for man is a part of it. Nature expresses its own essential power by means of man, so man is also the object of nature, the object by which nature expresses its own essential power. Nature and man do not exist alone, but take each other as objects. Both nature a

      7、nd man are objective beings. Mechanical materialists cut off the objective relationship between human and nature and regard human and nature as non-objective existence, thus falling into the abstract understanding of nature and human. The non-objective existence is a kind of non-realistic, non-perceptual, ideologically imaginary existence, an abstract thing.From the point of view that nature and man are objects to each other, marxists have an integrated understanding of nature and man: nature an

      8、d man include each other, nature can be regarded as a part of man, and man can also be regarded as a part of nature.Nature is a part of human beings, which can be seen from two aspects: on the one hand, nature is the object of human knowledge and an indispensable link in cognitive activities; On the other hand, nature is the object of peoples material activities, is an indispensable link of complete activities. Marx pointed out: in the field of theory, plants, animals, stones, air, light and so

      9、on, on the one hand as objects of natural science, on the other hand as objects of art, are all part of mans consciousness, the inorganic world of his spirit, the spiritual food which man must process in advance to enjoy and digest. In the same way, in practical terms, they are part of human life and human activity. From this point of view, nature can be viewed as part of the human body. In practice, the universality of man is manifested in the transformation of the whole of nature - first as his immediate means of life, and secondly as his material, object, and instrument of life - into the inorganic body of man. Nature, as such, is the inorganic body of man. Man lives by nature. That is to say, nature is the body with which man must continually associate in order not to die. Therefore, abstract understanding of the natural world can only be avoided by the contact person looking at it.Man is also a part of nature. For


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