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    • 1、 Top论文网 提供更多Essay代写范文阅读Essay写作范文推荐-素质教育这篇Essay写作范文题目为: Quality education,主要讨论了素质教育。素质教育作为一种新事物,克服了应试教育中的固有弊端,符合青少年身心健康发展的需要与教育规律,具有旺盛的生命力。应试教育的存在是人们思想观念和社会现实综合作用的结果,因而有其存在的社会基础,这种基础恰恰是阻碍素质教育发展的因素。实施素质教育,建立在认识这些阻碍因素的基础上,更需要社会多方面共同努力克服这些阻碍。The conflict between the educational concept of quality-oriented education and the reality of exam-oriented education has been enduring in the education circle, and it is also a common concern in the social scope. To some extent, it is not an educational problem

      2、, but a social problem, because it affects the vital interests and needs of countless social groups. Quality-oriented education has been put forward for a long time, but it plays little role in basic education. In the face of this situation, we should analyze the reasons from the social basis of exam-oriented education, see the bright development prospect after the unsatisfactory education status quo, and establish the awareness of problems while maintaining an optimistic development attitude.Qu

      3、ality-oriented education has been put forward for a long time in China. On June 13, 1999, the decision of the CPC central committee and the state council on deepening education reform and comprehensively promoting quality-oriented education was released, which gave new connotation to quality-oriented education in the new era. Quality-oriented education has become a hot issue for some educational scholars and experts, and its concept has been praised and expected by many principals, frontline tea

      4、chers and students parents. However, it is clear that the current educational situation does not respond warmly to this expectation. We can see that the education sector is still dominated by exam-oriented education, and the implementation of quality education is not satisfactory.Face the exam-oriented education to the student the negative impact of the physical and mental development, a lot of people are focused on the critical schools, schools and teachers as the main body of teaching workers

      5、come under criticism from various aspects of society, so many schools in the public opinion pressure in addition to the monthly exam, midterm exam, inter-school, exam arrangement, adding the practice courses, art courses and vocational education curriculum to develop students various aspects of quality. There are many experimental schools and progressive schools of this kind. However, looking at the study and life of primary and secondary school students, we come to the conclusion that the imple

      6、mentation of quality-oriented education is not optimistic. School education is only a reflection of the current educational concept and social situation.Awareness guides action. To reform exam-oriented education and develop quality-oriented education, we must first understand these two kinds of education comprehensively and correctly.In the criticism of exam-oriented education, there is a voice that points out that exam-oriented education, as an educational thought, does not conform to the educa

      7、tional science and law. According to this reasoning, to reform exam-oriented education requires people to realize that the purpose of education is not to be exam-oriented, but to make people develop, which changes the starting point and foothold of solving this problem. But is exam-oriented education an educational ideology? On reflection we can deny this view. There are numerous significant educational ideas in the history of Chinese and foreign education, but no educator has ever proposed that

      8、 the purpose of education is to improve students ability of scoring in examination. Even as ordinary people, we also know that the value of education lies in cultivating learners to become talents and achieve relatively comprehensive development. It is only because education is restricted by its social environment that it emphasizes too much on exerting its social functions through elimination and screening that the current educational status quo is formed. Therefore, exam-oriented education is

      9、not a kind of educational thought, but an educational phenomenon developed on the basis of certain social production mode and social reality, which is guided by certain ideas.There is a common misunderstanding that exam-oriented education is exam-oriented education, and quality-oriented education is the education that can promote the development of students quality, which is a one-sided interpretation from the literal sense. On the one hand, exam-oriented education is not the same as exam-oriented education. Examination as a neutral concept, as long as there is a will have a test, and the examination as an objective means of teaching evaluation has its rationality of existence, so the test itself is no praise or blame, only when the examination as the only purpose of education, all around the exam-oriented education work, education became the exam-oriented education. On the other hand, it is extremely one-sided to think that quality ed


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