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    • 1、 浩天论文网 美国Essay写作范文-应用心理学本文是一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The applied psychology,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了应用心理学。应用心理学作为心理学科目中的一个分支,研究的方向主要是针对人们日常生活的方方面面,如何更好的把心理学应用到人们的日常生活中,把人们的生活质量和生存品质提高上去,把人们的幸福指数提上去。心理学的理论建设和实际应用的关系要处理好,对待理论和实践的矛盾冲突要进行辩证看待和处理,使社会发展和社会创新相融合,使产业化拓展和专业化提升相结合,在社会主义市场化运作的态势下,实现应用心理学与其他产业的良性互动,多科融合,构建新型的、积极的现代化发展模式。Psychology is widely used in Peoples Daily life, which relates to the improvement of peoples living standards. Due to the wide range of applied psychology, the natural public pays more attenti

      2、on to it. At the present stage, the application of psychology in China still has many deficiencies, the system is not standardized and perfect, and the development stage is not mature. In the theoretical research and application of psychology, due to immature technical means and bad academic research atmosphere, the application of psychology tends to be formalized and simplified, and the research team is unstable and weak, resulting in a weak link in the application of psychology. Due to the lac

      3、k of comprehensive understanding of applied psychology and the lack of support, there is a lack of funds and emphasis on theory rather than effect in research, which is also a major factor hindering the development of applied psychology in China. In view of the difficulties facing this kind of applied psychology, we need to really let the application of psychology to the society, the public service, should be more scientifically combined with social reality, seek can adapt to Chinas development

      4、needs a new path of development, to the understanding of the scientific and rational application of psychology to social harmony and social progress, to make applied psychology applied to real and positive and healthy development of social services.As a subject with the most close and extensive application to human work and life, it should take practical application as the main goal and be a science serving the society. Applied psychology has been in the leading position in many research fields

      5、of psychology, and is favored by the public more than other aspects of psychology. At present, the primary research direction of applied psychology is how to better apply applied psychology theory to real social life, such as education, agriculture, business, military, consumption and other fields. Psychology in recent years, the booming in China mainland, many colleges and universities have professional psychology education or departments, have a psychological counseling center, the teacher als

      6、o ongoing training and further education, through the development course in my heart, just to popularize education on students psychology, let the majority of teachers and students to have healthy psychological knowledge and in all walks of life services dedicated to the society and psychology knowledge dissemination. In this way, applied psychology has made great progress in social politics, economy, science and technology, culture and other fields.A harmonious society is not only about the har

      7、mony between people, between people and nature, but also about the harmony in peoples hearts. this is premier wen jiabaos interpretation of the concept of harmony. Psychological harmony is a necessary condition for building socialist harmonious society, the attention to the psychological harmony, will also affect the implementation of the scientific outlook on development, people and nature, people and other social moment in change, has this or that or resistance, only applied psychology can bet

      8、ter resolve contradictions and emotional entanglements, promote human, human and nature, people and society harmonious development; Only by using psychology to better correct the attitude of citizens and improve personal quality, can we form a high-quality social team and promote the harmonious development of society.It is difficult because psychology originally accepted by the public, even at first there will be a degree of exclusion, these development predicament is due to people some misconce

      9、ptions on the understanding of psychology, then increase the propaganda dynamics, psychology and at the same time of insisting on the scientific nature, also should pay attention to the promotion and development of humanity, from a scientific core will be applied psychology, in the exploration of development, in advancing towards life standard. It can be seen that the healthy development of applied psychology can not only effectively guide and promote the development of government and other public services, but also form a harmonious social atmosphere with rich humanistic atmosphere, and play a positive role in promoting the rapid and healthy development of society and business.The general establishment of psychological consultation and application institutions should be comprehensive psychological application institutions integrating psychological application development, research and practice for the general public, for different social


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