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    • 1、图示、标志、谚语等【2015甘肃武威】 39. The sign tells us not to .A. turn right B. swim C. take photos D. smoke39. B【解析】考查综合运用。句意:这个标志告诉我们不要游泳。故选B。【2015甘肃兰州】29. What does the sign mean?A. No parking. B. No photos. C. No eating. D. No smoking.【2015湖南邵阳】C) 阅读图表,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选择最佳答案回答问题或完成句子。(共5小题,每小题2分)51. What does she like doing? A. She likes drawing. B. She likes writing. C. She likes singing. 52. What time is it now? A. Its a quarter to seven. B. Its half past seven. C. Its a quarter past seven. 53. What d

      2、oes she look like? A. She has short curly hair. B. She has long straight hair. C. She has short straight hair. 54. Which animal is the biggest on land? A. B. C. 55. If you want to post a letter, which place do you need to go? A. B. C. 【主旨大意】这是图表题。【2015江苏扬州】15.I cant believe you have finished the work.My friends helped me out. Just as the saying goes, “ _.” A. Practice makes perfect B. Put all your eggs in one basketC. Burn the candle at both ends D. Many hands make light work15. D 【解析】考查谚语辨析。句意:

      3、我不相信,你已完成这项工作。我的朋友帮助我的。正如谚语,“从多力量大”。A项意为“熟能生巧”;B项意为“不要孤注一掷”;C项意为“精力不可过分耗”。由前句“我的朋友们帮助我的”可知,“人多力量大”。故选D。【2015江苏无锡】10. Is your sleeping problem getting better? No. And _They gave me the wrong medicine this time. Can you believe that?A. a good miss is as good as a mileB. it never rains but it poursC. the early bird catches the worm.D. every dog has its day【2015福建漳州】 41.When seeing Sign ,we shouldnt smoke.A. B. C.41.C【解析】本题考查常见标志。句意:当我们看见标牌 时,我们不应该吸烟,根据句意选择C。【2015江苏淮安】15. All the people of Huaian ne

      4、ed to work together to make our city more beautiful.Thats it. _.A. Practice makes perfect B. Many hands make light workC. When in Rome, do as the Romans doD. A friend in need is a friend indeed.15. B【解析】考查谚语的用法。A. 熟能生巧;B. 人多力量大;C. 入乡随俗;D. 患难见真情。根据句意“所有的江苏淮安人需要齐心协力使我们的城市更加的美丽。正是如此。_”可知是人多力量大。故选B。【2015黑龙江龙东】30. “No smoking” was mentioned as a local policy by Beijing government on June 1st, 2015. Which picture below can describe the theme? 30. A【解析】考查图示标志。句意:在2015年6月1日,“禁止吸烟”被作为一个当地政策被颁布。下列哪个图片可以描述

      5、这个主题?A项“禁止吸烟”;B项“禁止通行”;C项“禁止照相”。故选A。【2015山东济南】40. Many badminton fans watched the 2015 Sudirman Cup last month. Which of the following is a picture of this sports event?A. B. C. 40. A 【解析】考查图片。句意:许多羽毛球粉丝观看了上个月的苏迪曼杯。下面哪一个是这项运动的图片?图A羽毛球;图B篮球;图C足球;图D乒乓球。故选A。【2015江苏宿迁】15. Lets do more exercises for the coming Maths competition. Good idea. As an old saying goes, _A. many hands make light workB. the early bird catches the wormC. practice makes perfectD. its never too old to learn【2015江苏镇江】15. Never gi

      6、ve up. If you keep practising speaking English every day, youll make great progress. Thanks for encouraging me. I know _A. practice makes perfectB. it never rains but it poursC. many hands make light workD. the grass is always greener on the other side15. A【解析】考查谚语的辨析。不要放弃。如果你每天不断训练说英语,你将去得大的进步。谢谢你的鼓励。我知道_。A项:勤能生巧;B项:祸不单行;C项:人多办好事;D项:邻家芳草绿,隔岸风景好。选项A符合语境。故选A。【2015 贵州遵义】21. Which sign means “Dont eat in class” ?B 【解析】考查图标。题干意思:下列哪个标志是“不允许在课上吃东西?”A不允许照相,B不允许吃东西,C不允许唱歌。故选B。【2015黑龙江哈尔滨】16. Safety mus

      7、t come first. During the coming summer vacation, some of us may travel to other places. To keep safe during the journey, we should . avoid eating raw (生的) and cold food obey the local traffic rules swim in the dangerous area never stretch our hands out of the window when talking a bus tell strangers our personal information A. B. C. 【2015黑龙江哈尔滨】17. We have made a survey among 1000 students from a middles school about their favorite food. students like fruits according to the form. Kind of food C

      8、hocolate BananaCookie Apple Percentage (百分比) of the students 20%30% 15%?A. 350 B. 650 C. 800 17. B【解析】考查数字计算。句意为:我们对来自一所中学的1000名学生进行调查,询问他们最喜欢的食品。根据表格,_学生喜欢水果。Banana和apple都属于水果,故减去1000的其他两项35%可得答案。故选B。【2015吉林】40. Which picture means No Smoking? 40. C【解析】考查综合运用。句意:那幅画的意思是“不允许吸烟”?故选C。【2015 云南昆明】37.一 Tony, you promise you will see me off at the airport.一 Thats for sure. I am a man of my word.A. I am a strong man B. I cant say a wordC. I have no idea D. I will keep my promise【2015 云南昆明】38. I am pretty busy and annoyed this month.I know the important test gets in your hair. But relax. Everything will be fine.A. gives you a new haircutB. brings you a lot of problemsC. makes you relaxed D. offers you some hairB 【解析】考查同义词组词义。句意:这个月我确实很忙很烦闷的。我知道这个重要的考试给你带来了很多困难,但是放松,一切都是美好的。A. gives you a new haircut 给你一个新发型B. brings you a lot of problems 带给你很多问题C. makes you relaxed 让你放松D. offers you some hair 给你提供一些头发。故选B。【2015 云南昆明】39. Unluckily, I fell off my bicycle and saw stars on the way


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