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  • 卖家[上传人]:jiups****uk12
  • 文档编号:90766958
  • 上传时间:2019-06-16
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    • 1、stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round opening up, ensuring and improving peoples livelihood, strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, five priorities, play development mix. To with new development concept measure work, and command action, and training cadres, in implement imp

      2、lementation new development concept in the looking for opportunities, and build highlights, and expand advantage; to full deepening reform, break bound the aspects created vitality of system mechanism obstacles; to active advance full aspects opening, participation in the cast Russian Economic Corridor construction; to guarantees and improved livelihood, strongly won poverty battle; to strengthening ecological civilization construction, for sustainable development reserved space, for future gene

      3、rations left sky blue, and to green, and water clear of better homes. We must in-depth implement implementation new development concept, insisted to economic construction for Center, firmly caught development this first priority, absorbed make construction, heart no distractions caught development, speed up development six big industry, in-depth implementation three big engineering, active create two big environment, out of a article quality more high, and benefits better, and structure more exc

      4、ellent of transformation development of road. To strengthen ecological construction. On March 22, the deep restructuring examined and adopted the opinion on perfecting compensation mechanism of ecological protection, proposed to explore the establishment of diversified ecological compensation mechanism, progressive realization of forests, grasslands, wetlands and other areas of focus and key ecological function and other important regional ecological compensation coverage, the ecological advanta

      5、ges of the region will be further highlighted. We need to go green eco-building, as the essential policy, in strict accordance with the State of main function region construction requirements, careful implementation and Xiaoxing an mountains forest ecological protection and economic restructuring plan for the construction of sky blue, . Acts prohibited by picking up the remaining wells in standing timber. To focus on forest resource conservation, increase the acquisition and supervision of cold

      6、storage, no buy fruit, encourage support to leading enterprises, workers cooperatives as a unit, the contract management of forest resources, the rational protection and utilization of resources. To work actively towards policy aimed from the level of the State Forestry Administration formulated regulations to protect forest resources as soon as possible to achieve law and regulation to protect forest resources. Should focus on forest fire prevention. Fire safety is the first priority北京奥特莱斯基本情况调

      7、研报告一、基本情况和结论名 称建筑面积商品均价(元)人均消费额(元/人/次)商品档次所属商圈 发展潜力爱家奥特莱斯8,000150-500300-800中低档亚奥好燕莎奥特莱斯35,500400-10001000-2000中高档国贸泛CBD良好活力东方.奥特莱斯68,000-中高档朝青板块非常好赛特奥特莱斯-中央别墅区良好上海奥特莱斯110,000500-15001500-2500中高档郊区(道路干线汇集地)良好注:1、商品均价和人均消费额数据来源于实地调研和电话沟通;2、商品档次也代表入驻的品牌的档次。二、详细情况(1)北京奥特莱斯布局赛特outlets活力东方outlets燕莎outlets爱家outlets分析:从布局上看,大的奥特莱斯经营店集中在东边(国贸CBD)和北边(亚奥)商圈内,西边和南边除了小的奥特莱斯加盟小店外,还没有规模大有特色品牌折扣购物中心,而西北(西山板块、中关村等)开发了大量的高档别墅和社区,聚集了大量的高端消费人群,修建大的具有特色的奥特莱斯购物中心有好的机会。(2)周边环境名称地理位置商圈情况投资开发商开业时间爱家奥特莱斯北三、四环之间;朝阳区民族园;亚


      9、(青浦赵巷镇318国道以北;紧临A9高速公路,南北分别为沪杭、沪宁高速公路、东靠A5嘉金高速公路,西邻A30郊环高速公路,离人民广场26公里)周边有一定量的别墅,社区不多,主要是郊区休闲购物百联集团(经营) 香港九龙集团(建设开发)2005年运营(3)建筑概况名称建筑面积(平方米)营业面积(平方米)商铺隔断面积层数停车位等配套建筑风格爱家奥特莱斯80006000中间大开间货架摆设、四周有30-50平米小隔间4(含地下一层)100伊斯兰城堡建筑风格燕莎奥特莱斯3.55万平米(目前正在规划三期达8万平米以形成MALL)19832中间敞开间、内部隔断21000个中式活力东方.奥特莱斯一期在建:6.8万平米;二期将规划20万平米的终端服务、酒店公寓、写字楼、物流等配套项目-5(含地下一层)1000个现代赛特奥特莱斯-规划中上海奥特莱斯11万平米(23栋建筑;从南到北1-4层)-100-500平米-欧美(4)经营状况名称经营模式经营业态经营品牌出租率商品主要价格(元/件)人均消费额(元/次/人)爱家奥特莱斯按销售额提成租赁、物业等费用服装、体育用品、户外休闲、眼镜、童装、饰品等150(国内品牌直营较多):中低档100%150-500300-800燕莎奥特莱斯同上购物、休闲、娱乐(二期C座有完善的餐饮配套)200(中高档)100%400-1000500-1500活力东方.奥特莱斯同上服装、体育用品、户外休闲、时尚消费品、餐饮娱乐-赛特奥


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