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2017-2018学年英语北师大版必修一优化练习:Unit 2 Section Ⅰ Warm-up & Lesson 1 Modern Heroes(含解析)

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  • 上传时间:2019-06-13
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    • 1、.单词拼写1It was very generous of you to lend them your new car for their holiday.2I find all the characters in his book amusing and interesting.3I have never seen such a violent(猛烈的) storm.4The hotel offers a friendly atmosphere(气氛)and personal service.5Some people lost their lives in order to explore outer space.6Neil Armstrong is the first astronaut(宇航员)to walk on the moon.7I waved(挥手示意) to my parents until the train disappeared in the distance.8We saw the play first and afterwards went to a coff

      2、ee shop.9We met on a flight from London to Paris.10The spaceship(太空船)made a safe landing on the moon.单句语法填空1Last Sunday,my cousin sent me an email inviting(invite)me to his birthday party.2When you drive home,you cant be too careful.3With the population increasing(increase)rapidly,there is a great need to find new resources.4Flying swords of Dragon Gate is the first 3D wuxia movie ever to be released,which came out in the Chinese mainland on December 15.5Millions(million)of pounds were lost in W

      3、estern aids.6He was sleeping when they broke in.7Do you know the person waving(wave)at you?8He has returned to the place where he was born.9This is a secret.Dont let it out.10He had separated(separate)the apples from the pears before I came.阅读理解Hurricane(飓风)Sandy tore across the East Coast on October 29,2012.In some places,the speed of wind reached 94 miles per hour.Ocean levels were 12.5 feet above normal.One of the hardesthit areas was Staten Island,New York.Thats where Amanda Casella,17,lives

      4、.Amandas house was not destroyed by the storm.But many neighbours were not so lucky.Floodwaters carried everything away from their homes.Furniture,clothing,and other things filled the streets.After the storm,Amanda found a few photos among the remains.“The first was a picture of a couple,” she remembers.Amanda knew the photos might be the only things some people had left.She decided to try to return them to their owners.With help from friends,Amanda searched the neighbourhood for more photos.The

      5、y climbed under thorny bushes(多刺的灌木)and up tall trees to catch pictures.Amanda soon had hundreds of them.Some photos were of people who had died in the storm.“It was heartbreaking,” Amanda says.Amanda cleaned the photos.She stuck them on boards that she set up outside her house during the day.Every day,people stopped by,trying to find their pictures.Amanda plans to continue for as long as it takes.Her mom says that Amanda wants to get “every photo back to every family”The pictures are important

      6、to people who lost everything.One woman found her photo from many years ago.“She was crying,and she was hugging(拥抱)us,” says Amanda.1Hurricane Sandy _.Abrought great disaster to Staten IslandBmade the water level rise by 94 feetCinjured 17yearold AmandaDdestroyed all the buildings解析:推理判断题。根据第一段的“One of the hardesthit areas was Staten Island.”和 “Foodwaters carried everything away from their homes.Furniture,clothing,and other things filled the streets.”可知,飓风桑迪对斯坦顿岛造成了灾难性的破坏。答案:A2According to the t

      7、ext,Amanda _.Acollected the photos aloneBhelped people build their housesCworked very hard to collect the photosDgave her clothing and furniture to others解析:推理判断题。根据第三段的“They climbed under thorny bushes and up tall trees to catch pictures.”可知,Amanda不辞辛劳地为邻里街坊找照片。答案:C3The underlined word“heartbreaking” in Paragraph 3 refers to a feeling of _.AfearBsadnessCworry Dsurprise解析:词义猜测题。根据前一句的“Some photos were of people who had died in the storm.”可知,当看到这些已故人士的照片时,Amanda感到心碎。答案:B4Whats the best title for

      8、the text?AHurricane SandyBHurricane heroCImportant photosDHelping hands解析:标题归纳题。本文主要讲述了Amanda在飓风过后为人们找回照片的故事,因此B项作标题合适。答案:B.完形填空Its hard being an astronauts son.I _1_,everybody expects you to be special or _2_,and Im just an average student,and Im average,too,when it _3_ basketball,football,soccer,and baseball.I often wonder _4_ my father ever had a son like me.I mean hes so _5_ and so good at everything.So I used to dream about doing something spectacular to _6_ my father and make him _7_ me.In

      9、 one class,my teacher _8_ a Fathers Day essay contest for us and the winners essays would be read in front of all the parents and students.After school I walked home,_9_ my father,who I would write about in my essay.He sat with me in the _10_ when I was a little kid and had a nightmare.He _11_ me with a new puppy at my eighth birthday party.He sat and tried to _12_ death to me when Grandpa Bob died.To me,he wasnt a worldfamous astronaut,just my dad.I wrote about all these _13_ in my essay.One of our neighbours said,“I _14_ youll win the contest,David.Youre the only one in town who could write about being the son of an astronaut.”I _15_.I hadnt shown anyone the essay,but now I almost hoped I wouldnt win.I didnt want to win just

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