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    • 1、北京小升初入学测试(英语)(考试时间:2016年6月16日. 本试卷满分100分. 考试时间:1小时)部门: 姓名: 分数:词汇检测(32)【 题 1 】Where are giraffes from? _ are from Africa.A、TheyB、ThemC、TheirD、Theirs【 题 2 】Kate is an English teacher and _ is very popular in our school.A、sheB、herC、itD、its【 题 3 】_ of the teachers _ women in our school.A、Two third; isB、Two threes; areC、Two thirds; are【 题 4 】Theres a lot of noise from next door. They _ a party.A、must haveB、must have hadC、must be having【 题 5 】-What _ it be? -It _ be a mail box, for it is moving. It _

      2、be a car.A、can, cant, mustB、can, can, mustC、can, mustnt, mustD、must, mustnt, cant【 题 6 】Excuse me, could you tell me _ a book about music? Sure. They are on the second floor.A、where can I buyB、where I can buyC、when can I buyD、when I can buy【 题 7 】一Did Mr. Wang tell you _? Yes. He said he went there by air.A、how he went to BeijingB、when he went to BeijingC、where he wentD、why he went to Beijing【 题 8 】 I dont really like James. Why did you invite him? Dont worry. He _ come. He will be on the plane

      3、then.A、mustntB、needntC、may notD、cant【 题 9 】_ helpful advice Qu Yuan gave to the king at that time!A、What aB、What anC、WhatD、How【 题 10 】- _it was yesterday because of the storm! -So it was!A、What bad weatherB、What a bad weatherC、How bad a weatherD、How bad weather【 题 11 】A lot of students in this university_ abroad as exchange students every year.A、are sentB、were sentC、will sendD、send【 题 12 】-How did the accident happen? -You know, it _difficult to see the road clearly because it_.A、was; was rainin

      4、gB、is; has rainedC、is; is rainingD、will be; will rain【 题 13 】-Hello, Betty! Where are you now? - I _ on the Great Wall of China and talking to you.A、standB、am standingC、stoodD、was standing【 题 14 】Take care of yourself, Linda. Dont worry, Ill give you a phone as soon as I _ in Beijing.A、arrivedB、will arriveC、arriveD、am arriving【 题 15 】We will go camping if it _ tomorrow.A、wont rainB、doesnt rainC、isnt rainingD、didnt rain【 题 16 】Franklin told them all _ to be in Britain again. A、how happy was heB、h

      5、ow happy he wasC、how was he happyD、how he happy was【 题 1 】【答案】A【解析】此题考查人称代词主格,they它们,主格;them它们,宾格,故选A。【 题 2 】【答案】A【解析】此题考查人称代词主格。she她,做主语;her她的;it它;its它的,由is very popular in our school可知本句缺主语且为人,故选A。【 题 3 】【答案】C【解析】考查基数词和主谓一致的用法,分数的表达是分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于一时,分母用复数形式。分数的单复数要看它所代表的词的单复数。这里teachers是复数,所以用are。故选C。【 题 4 】【答案】C【解析】此题考查情态动词和现在进行时,must表示必须,be doing 表示现在进行时,故选C。【 题 5 】【答案】A【解析】此题考查情态动词,must和can系列,第一个用can表示推测,第二个用cant表示否定判断,第三个用must表示肯定判断,故选A。【 题 6 】【答案】B【解析】此题考查宾语从句。宾语从句用陈述语序且由回答可知问的是地点,故选B

      6、。【 题 7 】【答案】A【解析】此题考查宾语从句。由by air推断询问的是交通方式,故疑问副词要用how。故选A。【 题 8 】【答案】D【解析】考查情态动词。句意:-我真的不喜欢James, 你为什么邀请他?-不要担心,他不能来。那时他将在飞机上了。cant不能,所以选D。【 题 9 】【答案】C【解析】此题考查what引导的感叹句。what a/an+形容词+名词,how+形容词+a/an+名词+谓语,advice为不可数名词,故不用不定冠词,故选C。【 题 10 】【答案】A【解析】此题考查what引导的感叹句。感叹句可用what与how引导,what a/an+形容词+主语,或者how +形容词+a/an+主语+谓语,weather为不可数名词,故选A。【 题 11 】【答案】A【解析】此题考查一般现在时的被动构成。students与send为动宾关系故用被动语态,且由every year可知为一般现在时,故选A。【 题 12 】【答案】A【解析】此题考查一般过去时和过去进行时。由did可知第一空用一般过去时,后一空指当时雨正在下,要用过去进行时,故选A。【 题 13 】【

      7、答案】B【解析】此题考查现在进行时。由and talking to you可知为并列关系同为进行时,且可知为现在正在进行,故选B。【 题 14 】【答案】C【解析】此题考查条件状语从句。主句是将来时,条件从句中用一般现在时,故选C。【 题 15 】【答案】B【解析】此题考查条件状语从句。由we will go camping可知应为一般将来时,则if从句用一般现在时表将来,故选B。完形填空(30)I had said goodbye to my husband, Joe, so often, but this time was 1 . We now had our first child. After nights of talks, we made the difficult 2 that Joe would go by himself to Alabama for the six-month training course, and I would stay behind with our new son. It was important that I 3 my teaching

      8、 position near our home at Fort Hood. Also we were part of a strong network of friends 4 I could turn to for help. On Joes 5 evening at home, I bathed little Joey, got him into his sleeper and was heading to the bedroom when Joe gently touched 6 on the shoulder. Lifting the baby from my arms, he said he wanted to put Joey to bed tonight. They headed down the hall, and I busied myself with meaningless tasks, 7 Joe to turn up from the bedroom within a few minutes. A half hour went by, and 8 he had not come back. Thinking he was having 9 getting our son to fall asleep, I walked quietly to the babys room and 10 into the dimly-lit(灯光暗淡的) room. Sitting in the rocking chair, moving slowly back and forth, was my husband with 11 in his eyes. He was holding our baby in his arms 12 he had fallen asleep long before. When


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