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    • 1、Chinas top 10 Internet buzzwords of 2009,Compiled by: Wang Yufeng(王玉峰) Time: May 17th, 2010 Place: No 1 High School, Huaiyuan(怀远一中),Every year has its crop of buzzwords (bzw:d 流行语) You would be an outsider in China if you dont know them. They are not just popular words and phrases, but cultural memes(弥姆 文化基因) with rich contexts and implied attitudes. They testify to (证实)linguistic expressiveness of the grassroots (base)and the vibrancy (vaibrnsi 活跃) of the Chinese language in the hands of ordina

      2、ry citizens. Some of them may eventually find their way into the mainstream, but the ability to use them while they are still hot is tantamount (equal) to staking your position on the bandwagon (fashion).,Here are the ten most popular buzzwords online selected by China Daily web editors,Moneys not a big deal. (不差钱),What Im eating is not noodles, but solitude. (哥吃的不是面,是寂寞),Dont be infatuated inftjueitid with me. Im only a legend. (不要迷恋哥, 哥只是一个传说),Jia Junpeng, mom wants you back home for dinner.,T

      3、ableware is to the table what tragedy is to life. (人生就像茶几,上面摆满了杯具),Ill pay the debt of gratitude by selling myself.(人情债,我肉偿了),Lazy the Sheep is what we want to be. Big Big Wolf is the perfect husband. (做人要做懒羊羊,嫁人就嫁灰太狼),Believe in Bro Chun, youll live a long life; believe in Big Zeng, youll pass every exam. (信春哥,得永生;信曾哥,不挂科),When a verb acts passive aggressive (被就业,被加薪,被自杀),This cannot be told in details. (这事儿不能说太细),1. Moneys not a big deal. (or Moneys not a problem. Moneys nothing.)(不差钱),The yea

      4、r 2009 is not about money? Many might not agree. But sometimes people say it, and wish it were true. A comedy skit on CCTV Spring Festival Gala spawned this famous line about the outwardly nonchalant attitude towards money. People embraced it to express generosity, friendliness or to justify their spendthrift way of life.,2. What Im eating is not noodles, but solitude.(哥吃的不是面,是寂寞),Solitude became a hot word on the Internet during 2009. A post in a forum with a photograph featuring a man eating n

      5、oodles was accompanied by the caption: “What Im eating is not noodles, but solitude.“ Later, web users imitated the sentence structure to spin off other phrases with the same key word. Solitude is also the punchline for the group of “Zhai“ people (who always stay at home in their spare time) and for those who use the Internet every day.,3. Dont be infatuated with me. Im only a legend.,An online post with a man saying the above sentence became a runaway hit. Unlike the one with “solitude“, this o

      6、ne reflects more narcissism. It might be a slogan promoting self-esteem, or you might just use it as self-mockery. Both this and the last phrase are uttered by men because the person addresses himself as “your brother“. This form of avoiding the first person can be either endearing or pompous. Women are advised to change it to “your sister“ for customizing.,4. Jia Junpeng, mom wants you back home for dinner.,This time, a friendly spirit wins on the Internet. Jia Junpeng, a virtual character firs

      7、t appearing in a post in a forum for the online game World of Warcraft, became famous even though nobody knew anything about him. “Mom wants you back home for dinner“ can be used to greet a childhood friend who had become lost, especially in the virtual world. Are you a Jia Junpeng, and did you miss dinner at home today?,5. Tableware is to the table what tragedy is to life.,Chinese Internet users banter about life using humorous metaphors. They compare life to the table, and liken tragedies that

      8、 occur to tableware on the table. The newly coined Chinese phrase “beiju“ (杯具) is a homonym of the word “tragedy“ (悲剧). When pressures mount in daily life, people use jokes to laugh off setbacks at workplace or in romantic relationships. The popular saying can be attributed to Chinese writer Eileen Chang, who described life as a beautiful gown covered with lice.,6. Ill pay the debt of gratitude by selling myself.,Its a line used by the heroine Guo Haizao in the popular TV drama “Dwelling Narrown

      9、ess,“ which was later removed from BTV due to its controversial content and provocative lines. The character Guo Haizao is the younger of two sisters who pursue their dreams in the city after graduating from a university. In order to earn a place of her own for her family, especially with property prices surging all the time, the elder Guo used her younger sister as collateral. The younger Guo became a mistress of a middle-aged official who has the power and money to help them realize their dream. In a sarcastic but tragic way, the heroin speaks of the difficulties, internal conflicts and pain in all relationships. As the year of 2009 drew to an end, it seemed there would be no end to the overheated property market. The line and the drama itself reminded audiences about the tragedy of life.,7. Lazy the Sheep is what we want to be. Big Big Wolf is the perfect husband.,The TV series “Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf“ airs on 50 channels nation


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